historical terms Flashcards
Movement to get rid of slavery
Nations that fought the Axis powers in World War II, including the United States, England, and Russia
Racial segregation in South Africa
Nations that fought the Allies during World War II, including Germany, Japan, and Italy
bill of rights
The first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution
The middle class in France before the revolution
A hereditary social class in Hinduism
cold war
Period of tension after WWII between the United States and the Soviet Union
Economic system in which the people control the means of production
confederate states of america
Government of the southern states that seceded from the United States during the Civil War; the northern states were known as the Union
cultural revolution
Led by Mao Zedong, a social-political movement in which the Chinese military worked to strengthen the ideals of the Chinese Communist Party
czar (tsar)
an emperor of russia
emancipation proclamation
An order given by Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, to free all slaves
fourteen points
Speech given by Woodrow Wilson outlining the post–World War I peace plan in Europe
geneva conventions
Developed humanitarian laws to be applied in wartime
Introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev, a period of increased openness and freedom in the Soviet Union during the 1980s; often paired with Perestroika
great depression
Decade-long worldwide economic recession preceding World War II
The domination of one country over another
laissez-faire capitalism
Economic system in which the government does not regulate
magna carta
Forced upon King John by his subjects to attain liberties, it is the origination of English law; written in 1215
manifest destiny
Belief that Americans were destined by heaven to expand westward to the Pacific Ocean
mayflower compact
Governing text of Plymouth Colony
NATO (north atlantic treaty organization)
Alliance of nations to defend against Soviet threat
new deal
Economic programs during the Great Depression proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt
Political movement for restructuring within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union; often paired with glasnost
The sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol was outlawed in the United States from 1920 to 1933
The lower, working social class
Type of government in which the people elect representatives to rule
the right to vote
Code name for the first atomic bomb