authors Flashcards
Greek dramatist and author of Prometheus Bound
Greek author of fables (stories with a moral)
louisa may allcot
American author of Little Women
horatio alger
american novelist
dante alighieri
Italian author of The Divine Comedy
hans christian andersen
Danish author of fairytales
maya angelou
Black American writer who wrote about growing up in the South
Greek playwright and author of The Clouds
jane austen
British author of Pride and Prejudice
honoré de balzac
French writer and author of La Comédie Humaine
charles baudelaire
French poet and author of Les Fleurs du Mal
samuel beckett
Irish existentialist and author of Waiting for Godot
saul bellow
American novelist and author of Herzog
william blake
British poet and author of Songs of Innocence
ray bradbury
American science fiction writer and author of The Martian Chronicles
charlotte bronte
British author of Jane Eyre
emily bronte
British author of Wuthering Heights
lord george byron
Romantic poet and author of Don Juan
albert camus
Existentialist French writer and author of The Stranger
lewis caroll
British author of Alice in Wonderland
willa cather
American author of Death Comes for the Archbishop
miguel de cervantes
Spanish author of Don Quixote
geoffrey chaucer
English poet and author of The Canterbury Tales
anton pavlovich chekov
Russian playwright and author of The Cherry Orchard
samuel taylor coleridge
British romantic poet and author of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
joseph conrad
British writer and author of Heart of Darkness
e.e. cummings
american poet
daniel defoe
American author of Robinson Crusoe
charles dickens
British author of David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, and A Tale of Two Cities
emily dickinson
american poet
john donne
English poet and author of “Death Be Not Proud”
fyodor dostoevsky
Russian novelist and author of Crime and Punishment
john dryden
English poet and author of Alexander’s Feast
george eliot
English novelist and author of Middlemarch
t.s. eliot
British poet and author of “The Waste Land”
ralph ellison
American author of The Invisible Man
ralph waldo emerson
American philosopher and writer, and author of “Concord Hymn”
Greek dramatist known for his tragedies
william faulkner
American author of The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, and Light in August
scott f fitzgerald
American novelist and author of The Great Gatsby
gustave flaubert
French writer and author of Madame Bovary
robert frost
American poet and author of “The Road Not Taken”
allen ginsberg
American poet and author of beat poetry, including Howl
johann wolfgang von goethe
German writer and author of Faust
william golding
English author of The Lord of the Flies
grimm brothers
German authors of fairytales
thomas hardy
English writer and author of Tess of the D’Urbervilles
nathaniel hawthorne
American author of The Scarlet Letter
ernest hemmingway
American author of For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea
hernest hesse
German writer and author of Siddhartha
Greek poet and author of The Iliad and The Odyssey
langston hughes
Black American poet who was part of the Harlem Renaissance
victor hugo
French writer and author of Les Misérables
zora neale hurston
Black American author of Their Eyes Were Watching God who was part of the Harlem Renaissance
aldous huxley
British author of Brave New World
henrick, ibsen
Norwegian playwright and author of A Doll’s House
henry james
American writer and author of The Turn of the Screw
james joyce
Irish author of Ulysses and A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man
franz kafka
German author of The Metamorphosis
john keats
English poet and author of “Ode on a Grecian Urn”
jack kerouac
American poet and author of On the Road
rudyard kipling
British author of The Jungle Book
d.h. lawrence
British author of Lady Chatterley’s Lover
sinclair lewis
American satirist and author of Main Street
jack london
American author of The Call of the Wild
henry wadsworth longfellow
American poet and author of Paul Revere’s Ride
thomas mann
German author of The Magic Mountain
christopher marlowe
English playwright and author of Dr. Faustus
herman melville
American author of Moby Dick
arthur miller
American playwright and author of The Crucible
john milton
British author of Paradise Lost
toni morrison
Black American author of Beloved
vladimir nabokov
Russian writer and author of Lolita
eugene o’neil
American playwright and author of A Long Day’s Journey into Night
george orwell
English author of 1984 and Animal Farm
Roman poet and author of Metamorphoses
thomas paine
American writer and author of Common Sense
Italian Renaissance poet
sylvia plath
American poet and author of The Bell Jar
Greek writer and author of The Parallel Lives
edgar allen poe
American author of “The Raven”
ezra pound
american poet
marcel proust
French novelist and author of Remembrance of Things Past
salman rushdie
British novelist and author of The Satanic Verses
sir walter scott
Scottish novelist and author of Ivanhoe
dr suess
American author of children’s books, including The Cat in the Hat and The Lorax
william shakespeare
British dramatist and author of MacBeth and The Tempest
george bernard shaw
Irish playwright and author of Pygmalion
Mary Shelly
English novelist and author of Frankenstein
percy bysshe shelley
English poet and author of Prometheus Unbound
shel silverstein
American author of children’s poems, including Where the Sidewalk Ends
upton sinclair
American writer and author of The Jungle
aleksander solzhenitsyn
Russian writer and author of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Greek playwright and author of Oedipus Rex
edmund spencer
English poet and author of The Faerie Queen
robert lewis stevenson
Scottish author of Treasure Island
harriet beecher stowe
American author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
jonathan swift
English author of Gulliver’s Travels
henry david thoreau
American author of Walden
j.r.r tolkien
British author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
leo tolstoy
Russian author of Anna Karenina
mark twain
American author of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
john updike
American author of Rabbit, Run
Roman poet and author of The Aeineid
kurt vonnegut
American novelist and author of Slaughterhouse-Five
edith wharton
British author of Ethan Frome
walt whitman
American poet and author of Leaves of Grass
oscar wilde
Irish author of The Picture of Dorian Gray
laura ingalls wilder
American author of Little House on the Prairie
thornton wilder
American playwright and author of Our Town
tennessee williams
American playwright and author of A Streetcar Named Desire
virgina woolf
British novelist and author of Mrs. Dalloway
willam woodsworth
British poet