Foreign words Flashcards
a priori
based a deduction, not fact
ad hoc
for a definite purpose
ad nauseum
continuing to a disgusting degree
alter ego
an alternate identity
bête noire
something disliked
bona fide
the real thing
carpe diem
seize the day
carte blanche
blank check, freedom; having discretion and authority
casus belli
justification for war
caveat emptor
buyer beware
comme il faut
like it should be
corpus delicti
evidence of a crime
coup de grace
a deathblow
de facto
actual reality
de jure
truth by technicality
déjà vu
a feeling that a new experience has happened before
deus ex machina
implausible answer to a problem
the ghostly or physical double of a person
enfant terrible
misbehaving child
ex cathedra
absolute authority
fait accompli
completed deed
faux pas
mistake made socially
a ludicrous failure
idée fixe
an idea one obsesses on
in extremis
near death
in loco parentis
acting in a parents stead
in vino veritas
truth is found in wine
ipso facto
in and of itself
joie de vivre
joy of living
mea culpa
my fault
modus operandi
way of working
noblesse oblige
the way nobility must behave
nolo contendere
no contest
nom de plume
a pen name; an alias
non sequitur
doesn’t follow logically
per se
by or in itself
persona non grata
someone disliked
prima facie
at first look
pro bono
work done without payment
pro forma
done as a formality
quid pro quo
an exchange
raison d’être
reason for being
rara avis
rare example
cool under pressure
satisfaction from anothers misery
sine qua non
very important
status quo
the existing condition
sui generis
a private conversation
veni, vidi, vici
i came, i saw, i conquered
in relation to
sadness because of the world’s evils
popular opinion of the time