anthropolgy terms Flashcards
Anthropocentrism (AKA humanocentrism)
Belief that humans are the most important creatures in the world
balanced reciprocity
exchange of goods in which the value of each good is equal
a system of dividing society into rigid socio-economic classes
a group of people related by a real or imagined kinship
cultural materialism
view that social life is a reaction to the practical problems of mortal life
exchange of ideas from one culture to another
practice of judging another culture based on your own culture’s ideas
focal vocabulary
Set of words to describe something important to a particular group of people
study of families and their histories
generalized reciprocity
Exchange of goods in which the value of each good is not exactly calculated but a fair balance is expected over time
Belief that humans are of great value and that science is greater than faith
being native to a specific place
joint family
Two or more related families living together which are all part of the same extended family
interpretation of body language and nonverbal communication
levirate marriage
The brother of a deceased man marrying his widow by obligation
Linguistic relativity (AKA Sapir-Whorf hypothesis)
The idea that language affects the way its speakers think