Histology Flashcards
Has ovulation occurred yet? Which day is this?

Secretory endometrium - day 17
Uniform sub-nuclear cacuoles, single row of nuclei, edema in the stroma (1st evidence of ovulation)
Has ovulation occured yet? Which day is this?

No –> normal, proliferative endometrium
Has ovulation occurred yet? Which day is this?

Secretory endometrium day 20-21
MArked stromal edema (“naked nuclei”) vaculoses have gone into lumen
Has ovulation occurred yet? Which day is this?

Secretory endometrium day 23-24
Promoinent spiral arteries, pre-decidual change around arteries
Has ovulation occurred yet? Which day is this?

Secretory endometrium day 26-27 confluent sheets of predecidea, lumphocytes
What is this?

Follicular atresia
What is this?

Vas deferens
Epithelium also pseudo stratified with stereocillia (like epididmis), contains 3 layers of smooth muscle the propel sperm

Secondary follicle
The zona granulosa (ZG) proliferates
& a fluid filled space (follicular
antrum, FA) appears
The theca folliculi differentiates
into two layers: theca interna (TI)
& theca externa (TE)
TI cells secrete androstenedione,
which is transferred to the follicular
cells for testosterone production,
testosterone is converted to estradiol
TE is connective tissue capsule-like
layer, continuous with ovarian stroma

Corpus Luteum

Breast tissue - pregnancy
The alveolar duct epithelium proliferates to form numerous secretory alveoli L, breast lobule; S, septa of interlobular tissue

Benign prostatic hyperplasia - stromal hyperplasia
Hyperplasia of the stroma happens first

BPH - Nodular glandular hyperplasia

Carcinoma of prostate
key features - increased number of acini, acini grow in haphazard pattern, violates normal architecture

Perineural invasion - CAP

Immature testis
No germ cell epithelium, no puberty

Seminoma - homogenous form, macroscopically heomogenous tumor, seminoma cells - prominnent nucleoli, cytoplasm clearing (glycogen)
tumor infiltrating lymphocytes

Teratoma - differentiated (looks like bronchois) organogenesis tumor

Choriocarcinoma staining for HCG

STGC = syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells

Yolk sack tumor
Key feature - stains for AFP (alpha fetal protein)

Glandular and stromal breakdown seen in DUB

Stromal blue balls – seen is dysfunctional uterine bleeding –> collapse of stroma

Cysti endometrial atrophy
Glands are cystically enlarged
Lining is flat and attenuated
without mitotic activity
Stroma is less cellular and

Biopsy of cystic atrophy of endometrium
Scant strips of bland epithelial
cells and blood

Endometrial polyp:
Larger tissue fragments with dense stroma and thick walled arteries
Glands ireegular, dilated, may be crowded focally
separate fragments of normal endometrium

Endometrial polyps

Intramural and submucosal leiomyoma

invasion of surrounding tissue, vascular invasion

Leiomyosarcoma histology
mitotic activity, marked nucclear atypia, bizarre giant cells


Endometriotic “chocolate cyst”

Endometrial hyperplasia

Simple endometrial hyperplasia

Complex endometrial hyperplasia

Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia

Endometrial carcinoma Desmoplastic response (part of malignancy criteria)

Endometrial carcinoma
Cribiform glands

Endometrial carcinoma - papillary pattern

Endometrial carcinoma Type 1
(estrogen responsive, indolent)
Glands and tumor cells are similar to those of atypical hyperplasia of endometrium •More complex proliferation •Confluent proliferation of cells

Endometrial carcinoma - type 2, clear cell type
- Clear, vacuolated cytoplasm
- Markedly atypical nuclei •May be admixed with serous carcinoma

Endometrial carcinoma - type 2 serous type
•Marked nuclear atypia
•Macronucleoli •Numerous abnormal mitoses •Calcifications (Psammoma bodies)

Condyloma - HPV infection

CIN 3/HSIL abnormal cells from basal to surface


Serous carcinoma
•Papillae, slit-like spaces, solid areas •Markedly atypical cells •Necrosis, hemorrhage •Many mitoses, including atypical forms

Mucinous carcinoma
•Glands and solid areas •Atypical, mucinous epithelial cells

Endometrioid carcinoma
•Resembles usual (type I) endometrial carcinomas

Clear cell carcinoma
•Glands, papillae, solid areas •Markedly atypical cells with clear cytoplasm

Mature cystic teratoma

more malignant than the thecomas which are usually benign

mostly benign can produce estrogens

Adenomyosis: functional endometrial nests in myometrium producing foci of hemorrhagic cysts in uterine wall
ovarian stroma and surface epithelia

Ovary epithelial inclusion cyst

Benign cystadenomas are lined by
a single layer of bland epithelial cells –> serous with cilia

Benign cystadenomas are lined by
a single layer of bland epithelial cells –> mucinous type
Krukenberg tumor
“Signet ring” tumor cells
(cytoplasm filled with mucin
pushing nucleus to side)


Lobular carcinoma in situ

invasive ductal carcinoma

Invasive Lobular Carcinoma


Phyllodes tumor is the other major fibroepithelial neoplasm in the breast. It also grows in a mixed or biphasic pattern; however,
the stroma dominates over the glandular component. Invasion at the periphery is seen in some PTs – a cancer-like growth
pattern that is never seen in fibroadenoma.