Hinduism Flashcards
Final Test
Modern day Pakistan
Third largest religion
80-85% of Indian Population
Cycle of Rebirth
- Karma: your actions in life determine your rebirth. Good actions lead to positive outcomes bad actions lead to negative ones
- Atman: Soul is eternal and passes through different lives
- Moksha: ultimate goal of liberation from the cycle of rebirth (samsara) and unites with Brahman the supreme God
Supreme God: Brahman
Karma: The law of cause and effect, for every reaction there is a consequence
Reincarnation: The cycle of birth, death, then rebirth
Ultimate Goal
To reach Moxa: Its the same as Nirvana. Liberation of the soul from the cycle. Reincarnation ends because they are in union with the divine God.
Ahimsa: Reaching non-violence
Vegeterian: Don’t eat meat. Cows represent Mother Earth because they are a source of milk for life
Honors the goddess of wealth and god of fortune
Many hindus take the pilgrimage to the holy sites. The ghangi river is where Ghandi use to sit to get his enlightment. the Ghanji river is a holy place to India. You have to go one in their lifetime.
Transcendental mediation
The word Trans means going beyond. Go up through meditation. It deals with the mind. The goal is to purify your mind of evil doing, and get control of your mind so that you can be at one with Brahman. They can take you to a higher state of mind.
CASTE system
Deals with your social status. If you are poor, they look down on you. Hindus can not hate or have anger towards anyone, just means you are not in their class. They have different levels of class, similar to wealthy, middle, lower class.
worship many gods and goddesses.
Supreme god is Brahman
Popular gods of worship are Vishnu and Sheba
9 Sins
- Kama: Lust
- Kama: desire for sensual pleasure
- Kradha: Anger
4.. Lobha: Greed - Moha: Wanting in a coveting way
- Moha: Desiring in a coveting way
- Mada: Ego
8: Matsarya: envy - Matsarya: jealousy
If you committ these sins you do not have a good social position in life.
Good social position in life
- Vedas
- Upanishads
- Mahabharata
- Ramayama
Main Hindu texts. Contains the sanskrits, lots of knowledge. One of the oldest sacred texts., most authority.
Upanishads: Texts focused more on philosophical and theoretical approach. Philosophy and theory.
The longest epic, or long poems usually about legendary person that has to deal with the history of a nation. Most well-known porition of the Bhagavad-Git. Best widely cited book in all of Hinduism
other most important epic poem in Hinduism
Hinduism regarding God
Don’t believe in God: Only in Supreme God Brahman.
Don’t believe in Jesus: Believe that Jesus was a Guru or an Avatar. An avatar is incarnated from Vishnu.
Do not believe in Jesus’s death, that he died for the atonement of our sin. Don’t believe he was dead and raised from the dead. If there’s any truth to him dyeing on the cross, that’s it. He died. Don’t consider him as reincarnated.
Don’t believe in Holy Ghost: at all. No part of their belief.
Salvation: Since Jesus can not die for the atonement of our sins, they have no idea what salvation is. Their salvation is reaching MOXSA, you stop the wheel of reincarnation, you are in union with Brahman.
Moksa can only be achieved through yoga or meditation. The final salvation for Hinduism is absorption or taking in the union of Brahman.
“To be in union with Brahman is like a drop of water in the ocean” you become like a union, you become one with the ocean.
Words that mean knowledge, contain lots of knowledge
Guys who wear the orang gowns, shaved head, have the Tilak
Dot on the forehead
Spiritual third eye
Provides perception beyond ordinary site
They can see the mind