Buddhism Flashcards
Who is the God for Buddhism
Where did Buddhism originate from
India in the 6th century BC
What is the GOAL of Buddhism
To be enlightened and reach Nirvana
What are the 4 Core Beliefs of Buddhism
- Reincarnation: Reincarnation of the soul
- Nirvana: Belief that by following the dharma of Buddha you can reach an enlightened state and stop the cycle of death.
- Karma: Belief in the law of Moral Causation, meaning good actions lead to happiness, bad actions lead to suffering
- Four Noble Truths
What is Dharma
The guide to moral law of, or the right way of living. The teachings of Buddha.
What are the 4 Noble Truths
- Life is suffering; there’s nothing you can do about it
- Suffering is caused by craving
- Suffering can have an end
- There is a path to the end of suffering called the 8 fold path
What are the 4 Precepts (general rules to good behavior)
- Abstain from killing
- No Theft
- Sexual Misconduct
- Speaking Lies
What is Enlightement
Enlightment is only attained by eliminating ALL bad stuff such as greed, covetousness, etc.
Where is their place of Worship
Buddhist worship in temples or monastaries. They go there to meditate. Shrines are like altars to them. They regard them as holy places. The purpose of the shrine is to worship privately.
What is The Wheel
The Wheel is the cycle of life and death. What goes around come back around. When humans die they are reincarnated into a new form. Postive thoughts and actions causes good Karma. Good karma you are reborn into a higher form. Negative actions/deeds causes bad Karma. You are reborn into a lower creature.
What is the 8 Fold Path
Moral Conduct
1. The Right Speech: refrain from abusive language, malicious talk
2. The Right Action: refrain from stealing, killing
3. Right Livelihood: Live a good life to be a good person.
4. Right Effort: will to prevent evil and promote goodness
5. Right Mindfulness: Be diligiently aware of good and bad behavior
6. Right Concentration: Rid yourself of unholiness thoughts and have pure thoughts. Have peace amidst your problems
7. Right Thought: Universal thoughts of love and nonviolence
8. Right Understanding: Full understanding of the 4 noble truths
Who was the founder of Buddhism
Guatama Siddhartha
Founded in Bodha Gaya, known as Nepal and later as India
Writings of Buddhism
The Maha Vastu: great stories of the life of Buddha
The Jataka Tales: 550 stories of the former lives of Buddha
The Tripitaka: 3 baskets
The Tantras: Records in the Tibetan Buddhism
Buddhism in regards to God
Do not believe in God
Belive that Buddha as the unversal enlightment
Jesus is not even part of the Buddhist worldview, he was just a man that was enlightened by Buddha
Don’t believe in Holy Spirit
They believe in Spirits
Practice the deity Yoga
Buddhism in regards to Salvation
Buddhists do not accept there is a grace from God.
The goal of life is Nirvana, to eliminate all desires or cravings so there will be no more suffering
The 8 Fold Path is the system to free Buddhists desiring anytihng to eventually achieve Nirvana
Buddhism in regards to Death
They belive in Reincarnatoin.
People do not have their own sould and spirit.