Hermeneutics I Vocabulary Flashcards
To expose all that the biblical text contains in its grammatical, historical, cultural, and literary context.
Sound hermeneutics
To capture what is described as pure biblical theology. Isolation and presentation of unchanging biblical teachings, which are valid for all times. Principles which guide and govern our systems of theology.
Art and science of interpreting the biblical text. The science that furnished the principles of interpretation.
Systematic theology
Studying the Bible in an orderly way. must begin with divine revelation in its entirety, engaged by a spirit illuminated mind, drawing out the teachings of scripture via sound grammatical historical exegesis, respecting provisionally developed doctrine while ordering the results in a coherent whole and applying them to the full scope of human behavior
Covenant theology
Interprets scripture by allegorizing and spiritualizing portions of biblical text. Understanding the whole scripture through three covenants
1. Covenant of works
2. Covenant of redemption
3. Covenant of grace
Systemized between 16th-17th century.
Dispensational theology (dispensationalism)
Theological system that divides biblical history into different dispensations, in which God interacts with mankind in a specific way.
Results from a natural, normal, reading of scripture, Consistently taken in context at face value.
Such a reading is the logical and obvious way to read scripture
Normal Reading of Scripture
. Every word written in scripture is given its normal meaning it would have in its normal usage. Recognizes figures if speech, and symbolism. Synonymous with a consistent literal, grammatico-historical hermeneutic
Literal Hermeneutic
Biblical text is to be interpreted according to the plain meaning conveyed by its grammatical construction and historical context
A period of time during which man is tested in respect with of obedience to some specific revelation of the will of God.
Managing or administering the affairs of a household, stewardship
2 Dispensations
Natural Reading of Scripture
Interpreting scripture from the foregoing context using the natural or literal sense.
Results in a premillennialism view of eschatology
Requires that a distinction be made between the ethnic nation of Israel and the church.
Biblical Exegesis
Actual interpretation of the Bible. The drawing out it’s meaning. What does the text mean.
Biblical Hermeneutics
Study/establishment of the different principles of interpreting the Word of God. It interprets the meaning.
Pure Biblical Theology
Theology that is Biblical and faithful to the teaching of the Bible. No changes. Stick to what Gods word says.
Study of God through the Bible
To teach and preach sound doctrine
To isolate and set apart the presentation of the unchanging biblical text
Natural Sense
Interpreting scripture from the foregoing context.
Interprets scripture in its plain meaning
Often ignores the context, historical, cultural setting, and grammatical structure, and takes each word as an isolated truth
Allegorical Interpretation
Believes that beneath the letter or the obvious is the real meaning of the passage. Determines whether the hidden meaning was an intended meaning of the original writer or something imported by the interpreter.
Allegory, Not Allegorized