Personal Evangelism Flashcards
Personal evangelism
Also known as “one-to-one” or “personal work”
When a Christian evangelizes with another (typically a non-Christian) in a private manner
Why is personal evangelism important
Christians must obey the great commission
When we share the gospel it proves our love for our Savior and Lord
- It is a Gateway of repentance/remission of sins
- Lost souls can be saved from eternal condemnation
- It is a method to help the home church grow 
Six types of approaches
- Direct approach
- Intellectual approach
- Testimonial approach
- Relational approach
- Invitational approach
- Service approach
The relational approach
-Evangelistic ability to relate to people
-Places a high value on building relationships
-Requires commitment of time and energy in order to build trust
-Establishing friendships are important for evangelism
Intellectual approach
Used by apologetics and logical thinkers
Evangelist must have an excellent knowledge and understanding of the Gospel
Use your intellect regarding the Word of God to avoid roadblocks and doubt about Christianity and the Gospel
Intellectual approach has become more important as our society becomes more secular
Direct approach
Boldly proclaiming the gospel, don’t be afraid
Get straight to the point
Preach Christ, and seek a response. Be prepared to give the response they are asking.
Direct conversation to a discussion on
We experienced it, so we know it
Testimonial approach
Story Teeling
Sharing your story
People respond to things that are personal that they could relate to
There is no better witness than one who experienced it
Invitational approach
Invite people to church events (services, Bible study retreats)
Helpful and useful for people who have difficulty expressing themselves
You do your part by inviting them to church, and someone else will plant the seed. (Example: God does the planting the Holy Spirit does the watering)
Service approach
One who prefers this approach enjoys sharing the love of God through deed over word
A person who naturally notices the needs of others, and does something about it
Service evangelism is the heart of Christian faith
It requires a special gift from God to be willing to be kind to others and assist those in need
Must have a servants heart
Different types of evangelism
-Personal evangelism: one to one
-Evangelistic preaching: standing in the streets
-Literature evangelism: passing out tracks
-Church crusades: outdoor revival
-Radio and TV
-Entertainment: music concerts, plays
-Sunday school: VBS youth kids
Bible study trivia
Door-to-door sent them out 2 x 2
Hospital ministry I will to do the will of God
Quick methods of evangelism
-Bracelet with colored beads
-Pray for their specific need
One minute gospel
Explain the good news in one minute
Five Finger Method
- Jesus’ birth
- Jesus’ life
- Jesus’ death
- Jesus’ resurrection and ascension
- Jesus’ return
Testimonial Gospel Method
(3 key elements)
Use your testimony to show you are not perfect
Tell of your life before you accepted Jesus
Describe how God spoke to your heart and showed you spiritual truth. You need a savior.
Share how your life transform since receiving Jesus as your Lord of your life
The different colors
Black=death and hell
Red=the blood and salvation
Blue=second coming, baptism
Green=growth, new life, eternal life
Purple=Jesus majesty, God’s kingdom
Characteristics in a person to be a personal evangelist
-Persons of prayer
-Persons who spend time in the word
-Compassionate persons
-Persons that love God
-Persons who are excited and fired-up to share the good news with people, so they have a chance to go to Heaven
How to prepare to do personal
-Pray, pray, pray
-Seek God’s unction from on high
-Get deep into God’s word
-Prepare your sword
The Great Commission
Mathew 28:16
The instruction of the resurrected Jesus Christ to His disciple to spread the Gospel to all nations of the world.