Hepatitis Viruses Flashcards
What are Hepatitis Viruses
Viruses that specifically target the liver
where do Hepatitis Viruses primarily infect and replicate
in hepatocytes
what’s the symptome theme for Hepatitis Viruses
Liver damage from virus and host response
severity of Hepatitis viruses
Some acute infection, some chronic infecions
Prevalence of Different Hepatitis VIruses
HDV and HEV very rare in US
we have a good amount of HAV, HBV, and HCV
is HAV usually acute or chronic
Is HBV usually acute or chronic
about 50:50
Is HBC usually acute or chronic
What type of VIrus is HBV
what is the Genome of HBV
dsDNA (smallest genome of the human virus)
what is the Virion of HBV
PRoteins of HBV
HBsAg-S: Virion assembly HBsAG-M: unknown function HBsAG-L: cell attachment HBcAg: capside Pol: reverse transcriptase
Growing HBV on a cell culture
Cannot be done
Replication of HBV requires
RNA intermediate and therefore reverse transcriptase
what is the template for transcpirtion of HBV
what is need for HBV transcption
Liver specific transcription facters
what does HBV produce that is found in infected people
Many empty particles/capsids (HBsAy)- “sloppy virus”
what does the dsDNA of HBV look like outside and inside the cell
outside: rcDNA: not fully double standed
inside: repaired by cellular machinery to make cccDNA
How to test if someone has HBV
test for empty particles in blood stream
how does one get HBV
Sex and Drugs
Incubation of Hepatitis B VIrus
30-180 days
Symptoms of HBV
General MAlaise, ANorexia, Vomiting, Fatigue, cough, serum-like sickness
Jaundice, elevated Alainine transaminase levels
Revovery from HBV (acute)
3-4 months after onset of jaundice
what results from a chronic HBV infection
high levels of antibodies in blood stream plus some sickness at times
how common is HBV chronic disease
5% of cases