Henry VIII- Later Foreign policy and death Flashcards
How much money was spent on this later French war?
-2M/ 10 years regular income.
What happened with the relationship with Spain after Catherine of Aragon died?
- Charles V better relationship.
- Mutual French fear.
What are the factors arguing that Henry ‘engineered the mid Tudor crisis’
- debasement
- heavy taxation
- forced loans
- borrowing on the Antwerp money market.
- No allies, French and Spain peace.
Why did Henry go to war with France?
- Attempt to recapture his youth.
- Symbolic more than anything.
What happened in the final war with France?
- Drained financial resources.
- 2M spent.
What was the treaty of Camp in June 1546
- retained Boulogne for 7 years
- France agreed to pay all outstanding pension payments.
Why was there a war with Scotland?
- 1541- Henry arranged meet with James V at York but he did not show- personal insult.
- James had helped the pilgrimage of grace.
In what year did Henry arrange to meet James V but not show?
What happened in the war with Scotland?
- signing of Anglo-imperial alliance in 1542- border raids from Scots
- Prompted Henry to send a large army led by Norfolk to Scotland.
- victory at Solway Moss in Nov 1542.
- James died a few days later , baby MQOS in charge
When was the anglo-imperial alliance?
When was the victory at Solway Moss
What was the treaty of Greenwich?
- Edward and Mary married
- Scottish nobility bribed.
- Scots didn’t give Mary over- henry tried to force
- Hereford raids Scots towns,
- Mary was married to French dauphin.
- Hereford didn’t have enough troops as England had launched a French attack at the same time.
- Scots and French close (Auld alliance).
What did the 1534 succession act do?
- Recognised Mary and Elizabeth’s illegitimacy.
- Returns them to succession if Edward dies without heirs. (third succession act)
- Aware Edward would be a minor in 1546.
Why was the regency council set up?
- Edward was going to be a minor.
- Balance protestant and catholic factions.