Hematology with Large Animal Flashcards
What are the cells of blood? (3)
- RBCs
- Carry O2 - Platelets
- Initiate blood clotting - WBCs - immune system
- Granulocytes & monocytes: direct attack
- Lymphocytes: create anitbodies
Name all three granulocytes and what they look like
Segmented nucleus & granules
1. Neutrophil
- Clear-grey granules
2. Eosinophils
- Pink/red granules
3. Basophil
- Blue to purple granules
Name the two agranulocytes and what they look like
No granules
1. Lymphocyte
- Round nucleus
- 7 to 9um
2. Monocyte
- Variable nucleus
- Large 12-14um
Equine WBCs have large ___. ___ is a normal occurrence. Horses do not release ___ from bone marrow.
- Granules
- Rouleaux
- Reticulocytes
Bovine lymphocytes will ___ ___ PMNs. Lymphocytes are variable in their ___. Their RBCs will not ___.
- Out number
- Morphology
- Rouleaux
Identify this blood parasite in a cow
Function of each:
Neutrophil (3)
Eosinophil (2)
Basophil (2)
- Neutrophil
- Phagocytize
- Destroy bacteria
- Contain H2O2 - Eosinophil
- Attack parasites
- Mediate allergies - Basophil
- Undetermined
- Possible precursor of mast cell
Functions of each:
Monocytes (3)
Lymphocytes (2)
- Monocytes
- Precursor of macrophage
- Present in chronic inflammation
- Present antigen to lymphocytes - Lymphocytes
- Produce antibodies
- Attack cells infected with virus
Description of each:
Red cells (3)
Platelets (4)
- Red cells
- No nucleus in mammals
- Disc shaped
- Carry O2 - Platelets
- No nucleus
- Clear to light blue
- Initiate clotting
What does the CBC look for in cells? (2)
What else does a CBC include? (5)
Looks for…
1. Counts exact numbers of RBCs, WBCs, & platelets
2. Morphology evaluation of these cells (normal vs abnormal appearance)
Also includes…
3. Plasma protein (TP)
4. Hemoglobin concentration
5. Erythrocyte indices
6. Reticulocyte count (if anemic)
What are two keys for blood collection that will lead to the best quality blood tests?
- Fast flowing blood
- Prevents platelet clumps
- Jug best, rapid cephalic is fine - Collected without clotting
- Tissue trauma causes clotting
- Prolonged draw time
- Clots in EDTA need to be redone
Why do blood smears need to have a feathered edge? Why is fresh blood best?
Feathered edge prevents clumping of RBCs and provides the slide with a monolayer.
Fresh blood is best as it likely has no additives that will affect the cell morphology.
In a CBC, RBC count is an evaluation for ___ or ___. With RBC morphology, the size of the cell indicates low ___ or increased ___. Appearance of RBCs may indicate specific disease processes, like ___.
- Anemia
- Polycythemia (excess RBCs)
- Iron
- Production
- Microcytosis ?
Determining a CBC - Total WBC count
High WBC (4)
Low WBC (3)
- High
- Certain infections
- Inflammation
- Certain neoplasia (cancer)
- Hyperadrenocorticism or corticosteroid use - Low
- Certain infections
- Bone marrow damage
- Hypoadrenocorticism