Heartworm & Serology Flashcards
What is the lifecycle of Dirofilaria immitus? (4)
- An infected dog gets bit by a mosquito, then she becomes infected with the microfilariae.
- After 10-14 days, the now infected mosquito can infect other dogs with the microfilariae when they are bitten.
- Over the course of 6-7 months, the infective larvae will mature into heartworms.
- The adult heartworms will mate and release their offspring into the dog’s blood stream.
Name the six common tests used to test for heartworm
- Direct smear
- Modified knotts
- Filter technique
- Immunochromatography
Name the most accurate testing method for heartworm in dogs? Cats?
- Antigen testing
- Antibody testing
Prepatent period in dogs with heartworm
Heartworm clinical signs in a dog (7)
- Coughing
- Tired after little exercise
- Weight loss
- Respiratory issues, difficulty breathing
- Heart failure signs
- Visible changes in the lungs under radiographs
- Caval syndrome
Heartworm clinical signs in a cat (6)
- Respiratory signs (asthma)
- Coughing
- Vomiting
- Decreased activity
- Weight loss
- Asymptomatic sometimes
Dirofiliaria immitis
Adult description:
Male length & description
Female length & description
- Long, slender white worms
- Males: 5-7” with corkscrew tails
- Females: 10-12” larger due to uterus
Physical description
- 307-322um long
- Tapered anterior. Tail straight or hooked.
Which is male? Female?
Host of heartworm: (6)
Primary host: (1)
Intermediate host:
- Dog, cat, ferret, seal, sea lion, human
- Dog
- Mosquito
Diagnosing heartworm (
- Clinical signs
- Rads of heart & lungs
- Ultrasound of heart
- Blood tests
- Direct smear
- Modified Knotts test
- Filter technique
Microfilaria tests are now viewed as ___ assays, secondary to the more sensitive heartworm ___ tests.
What can its detection be used for? (3)
- Test:
- Supplemental
- Antigen - Use:
- Validate positive antigen test
- Determine if the dog is a potential reservoir for infection
- Identify dogs at risk for severe reaction to treatment with microfilaricides
What are some limitations for microfilaria tests?
- About 20% of heartworm-infected dogs are not microfilaremic, usually bc only 1 sex of worm is present of infection is prepatent.
- The use of macrolide preventives may result in clearance of microfilaria from the blood of treated dogs after several months of use.
How to do a direct smear test (3)
- Place a drop of blood, preferably from an EDTA tube, in the center of the slide.
- Drop cover slip over top & examine under microscope on 10x power.
- Dirofilaria will have a stationary, writhing movement. Dipetalonema will exhibit a more rapid, directional movement & will often shoot right off of the field.