Helminths of Small Animals III Flashcards
where and who do Dirofilaria immitis infect?
dogs, cats, ferrets, rarely humans
intermediate host: mosquito
what life cycle does Dirofilaria immitis have and what stage is infective?
summarize the life cycle of Dirofilaria immitis
mosquito feeds, ingesting larvae
larvae mature to L3
L3 deposited, mature to L4 in subcutaneous tissue then migrate and mature to sexually immature adults
worms migrate to heart/lungs, mature in pulmonary artery
what is the pathology of Dirofilaria immitis?
obstruction pulmonary arteries
progressive pulmonary endarteritis and fibrosis
right heart failure due to chronic pulmonary hypertension
vena cava syndrome
what are the clinical signs of Dirofilaria immitis?
exercise intolerance
weight loss
what animal(s) does Dipetalonema reconditum infect and are there intermediate hosts?
yes: Ctenocephalides felis flea and Heterodoxus spiniger lice
what are the hosts of Dracunculus insignis?
definitive: dogs, cats, raccoons, mink, foxes, skunks
intermediate: copepods
paretenic: frogs can harbor L3 larvae (infective)
what is the pathology of Dracunculus insignis?
migration GI to SQ to skin for female
exteriorizes her posterior
L1 larvae released into water
what are the clinical signs of Dracunculus insignis?
dermal ulceration
summarize the life cycle of Filaroides osleri
L1 larvae ingested
larvae travel via blood or lymphatics to lungs
adults reside in large airway nodules
larvae coughed up and swallowed
what is the host of Filaroides osleri?
what are the clinical signs and pathology of Filaroides osleri?
coughing, dyspnea, stridor, emaciation, anorexia
bronchitis, nodule formation in trachea/major bronchi
summarize the life cycle of Capillaria aerophila
adult females lay eggs in lungs, which are coughed up and swallowed
eggs passed in feces, then are infective eggs in 5-7 weeks (L1)
host eats infective eggs and they hatch in intestines and migrate to lungs
what are the hosts of Capillaria aerophila?
dog, cat, fox and other wild mammals
what is the prepatent period of Capillaria aerophila?
40 days
what is the pathology of Capillaria aerophila?
local tracheal and bronchial irritation
what are the clinical signs of Capillaria aerophila?
usually incidental
maybe chronic cough and nasal discharge
summarize the life cycle of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
eggs produced hatch in lungs, then out in feces
ingested larvae penetrate mucosa in intestine, migrate in blood to lungs
alveolar ducts and terminal bronchioles 8-9 days after infection
what is the life cycle of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus?
L3 infective, L1 passed in feces
what are the hosts of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus?
definitive: cat
intermediate: snails, slugs
paratenic: birds, rodents, amphibians, reptiles
what is the prepatent period of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus?
6 weeks
what are the pathology and clinical signs of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus?
eggs in lung parenchyma
usually none, but maybe chronic cough or dyspnea
how is Aelurostrongylus abstrusus diagnosed?
washes best
direct fecal
how is Aelurostrongylus abstrusus treated?
fenbendazole or ivermectin
who does Paragonimus kellicotti affect?
those that eat raw crayfish
summarize the life cycle of Paragonimus kellicotti
eggs in feces, hatch in water
miracidium penetrate snail: intermediate host
cercaria infect crayfish: second intermediate host
metacercarial form infective
what are the clinical signs of Paragonimus kellicotti?
pulmonary hemorrhage
what is the pathway for Paragonimus kellicotti inside the body?
penetrate intestinal tract
migrate to peritoneal cavity
penetrate lungs, pair up
who and where do Pearsonema plica infect?
cat, dog, many wild animals
summarize the life cycle of Pearsonema plica
eggs shed in urine
L1 in eggs ingested by earthworm and hatch
earthworm ingested: L2 burrow through intestinal wall and molt into L3
L3 migrate through circulation to kidneys to urinary bladder
reproduce sexually in urinary bladder
what are the pathology and clinical signs of Pearsonema plica?
bladder irritation and inflammation
usually asymptomatic, but maybe cystitis, stranguria, pollakiuria, incontinence
what are the life cycle and hosts of Dioctophyme renale?
definitive: dogs and other carnivores- mink- pass unembryonated eggs in urine
intermediate: earthworm- L3 infective
paretenic: fish, frogs
what is the path of Dioctophyme renale in the body?
L3 through gastric wall to liver
to kidney- usually right
what are the clinical signs and pathology of Dioctophyme renale?
usually none, if both kidney infected: uremia, peritonitis if renal capsule ruptures
necrosis destroys kidney parenchyma
is Thelazia californiensis zoonotic?
what are the hosts of Thelazia californiensis?
definitive: deer, dog, cat, sheep, human
intermediate: diptera
summarize the life cycle of Thelazia californiensis
female produces L1 in conjunctival sac
flies consume
L1 to L3 in fly
L3 escapes to orbit of definitive host when fly feeds
no migration
which parasites in this lecture have an L1 infective stage?
Filaroides osleri
Capillaria aerophila
how is Dirofilaria immitis diagnosed?
antigen detection
antibody detection