Heart Channel Flashcards
What are the principal functions of the Heart?
Governing blood and the blood vessels Housing the spirit Opening into the tongue Governing sweating Manifesting in the complexion
What is HT1?
Jiquan / Summit Spring
What are the actions of HT1?
Unbinds the chest
Activates the channel and benefits the arm
What is a caution when needling HT1?
Medial insertion towards the chest may puncture the Lung
What are the indications of HT1?
o Pain in costal and cardiac regions
o Sadness, anxiety, palpitation, agitation, thirst, dry throat
o Inability to raise the shoulder, pain in axilla, bi syndrome in the arm, elbow pain
What is HT3?
Shaohai / Lesser Sea
He-Sea and water point of the Heart channel
What are the actions of Ht3?
Calms the spirit, transforms phlegm and clears heat
Activates the channel and benefits the arm
What are the indications of HT3?
o Cardiac pain, mania and laughter, epilepsy, poor memory, vomiting phlegm
o Red eyes, headache, dizziness, toothache
o Elbow pain, spasmodic pain and numbness of the hand and arm, trembling or tremor of the hand
What is HT4?
LingDao / Spirit Path
Jing-River and Metal point of the Heart
What are the actions of HT4?
Calms the spirit and benefits the voice
Relaxes muscles and sinews
What are the indications of HT4?
o Sudden loss of voice
o Cardiac pain, sadness and fear, restless orga disorder
o Pain in the arm and elbow, swelling and pain of fingers, cold sensation in the bones
What is HT5?
TongLi / Penetrating the Interior
Luo-connecting point of the Heart Channel
Ma Dan-Yang heavenly star point
What are the actions of HT5?
Calms the spirit
Regulates heart rhythm
Benefits the tongue
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
What are the indications of HT5?
o Vexation, anger, sadness, fright
o Palpitation, pounding of the heart, irregular heart rhythm, dizziness, blurry vision
o Sudden loss of voice, aphasia with stiff tongue, stuttering
o Red face, red eyes, eye pain
o Uterine bleeding
What is HT6?
YinXi / Yin Cleft
Xi-Cleft point of the heart channel
What are the actions of HT5?
Regulates heart blood
Calms the spirit
Moderates acute conditions
Clears deficiency fire and alleviates night sweating
What are the indications of HT5?
Cardiac pain, fullness in the chest, palpitation, sudden loss of voice
o Hemoptysis, epistaxis
o Night sweats, steaming bone disorder
What is HT7?
ShenMen / Spirit Gate
Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source and Earth point of the Heart Channel
What are the actions of HT7?
Calms the spirit
Regulates and tonifies the Heart
What is HT-8?
ShaoFu - Lesser Palace
Ying-Spring and fire point of the heart
What are the action of HT8?
Clears heat from the heart and small intestine
Calms the spirit
Regulates heart qi
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
What are the indications of HT7?
o Insomnia, poor memory
o Cardiac pain, palpitation, mad laughter, restless organ disorder, easily frightened, loss of voice
o Pain in the lateral costal region, red face, heat in the palms
What are the indications of HT8?
o Palpitation, chest pain, fear agitation, sighing, plum pit qi
o Enuresis, dysuria, itching of the external genitialia, uterine prolapse
o Heat in the palms
o Spasmodic pain of the little finger
What is HT9?
ShaoChong / Lesser rushing
Jing-Well and Wood point of the heart
What are the actions of HT9?
Revives consciousness
Clears heat and benefits the tongue, eyes and throat
Regulates Heart qi and calms the spirit
What are the indications of HT9?
o Loss of consciousness, cardiac pain, pain in the chest and lateral costal region
o Palpitation, mania, excessive sighing
o Pain in the root of thr tongue, swollen tongue, tongue thrusting, throat pain, eye pain, red eyes
o Contraction of the hand, pain in the arm, inability to extend the elbow
Where does the heart channel originate?
In the Heart organ