Health & Stress Flashcards
At times it is the STIMULUS (missing an appointment) and at other times it is a RESPONSE (sweating while taking a test)
Stress & Stressors
Stress is not merely a stimulus or a response. It is a process by whbich we appraise and cope w/ enviornmental threats and challenges
*When short-lived or taken as a challenge, stressors have positive effects. However, if stress is threatening or prolonged, it can be harmful.
Stressful event –> appraisal(yikes)–> stressed to distraction or challenge(what do i do) —> raroused, focused
Stress & Illness
Stress can be ADAPTIVE.
In a fearful/stress-causing situation, we can run away & save our lives.
*Stress can be MALADAPTIVE. —>
If it is prolonged (chronic stress), it increased our risk of illness and health problems
The Stress Response System (fight or flight)
Canon proposed that the stress response (fast) was a flight-or-light response marked by the outpouring of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the inner adrenal glands —> increasing heart and respiration rates, mobilizing sugar and fat, and dulling pain.
*The hypothalamus and pituitary gland also respond to stress (slow) by triggering the outer adrenal glands to secret glucocorticoids (cortisol)
Stressful Life Events (Catastrophic Events)
Catastrophic Events: earthquakes, combat stress, and floods lead individuals to become depressed, sleepless, and anxious
Significant Life Changes
The death of a loved one, a divorce, a loss of job, or a promotion may leave individuals vulnerable to disease.
Daily Hassles
Rush hour traffic, long lines, job stress, and becoming burnt-out are the most significant sources of stress and can damage health
Stress & Causes of Death
Prolonged stress combined with unhealthy behaviors may increase our risk for some of today’s leading diseases
* Heart disease, cancer, strokes, chronic lung disease
Stress & The Heart
Stress that leads to elevated blood pressure may result in Coronary Heart Disease, a clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle
Personality Types
Type A: a term used for competeive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, and anger-prone people.
Type B: refers to easygoing relaxed people (Friedman and Rosenman 1974)
Type A personalities are more likely to develop coronary heart disease
Stress & Immune System
B Lymphocytes fight bacterial infections, T lyphocytes attack cancer cells and virsues, and microphages ingest forgein substances.
Stress & Colds
people w/ the highest life stress scores were also the most vulnerable when exposed to experimental cold virus
Stress & Cancer
Stress does not create cancer cells. Researchers disagree on whether stress influences the progression of cancer
Health-Related Consequences
Stress can have a variety of health-related consequences
Coping w/ Stress
*Problem-focused coping refrs to reducing stress bby changing events that cause the stress
*EX changing jobs
*Emotion-focused coping is when we cannot change a stressful situation, and we repsond by attending to our emotional needs.
*EX seeking social support