C6 Learning Flashcards
a change of behavior, resulting in experience
What did Watson say about learning?
observable behavior was the only valid indicator of psychological activity
–> learning is determined by enviorment and its effects on animals/humans
a DECREASE in BEHAVIORAL response after lengthy or repeated exposure to a stimulus
an INCREASE in behavioral response after lengthy/repeated exposure to a stimulus
*EX a person becoming highly alert to loud noises after experiencing a traumatic event, a heightened startle response after witnessing a frightening situation, or developing a strong aversion to a particular food after experiencing food poisoning
classical conditioning (stimulus-stimulus learning)
when we learn a STIMULIS predicts another STIMULUS (NEUTRAL OBJECT ELICITS RESPONSE THAT ALR HAPPENED) leads to a certain outcome
operant conditioning (response consequence learning)
when we learn that a BEHAVIOR after watching a person engage in that behavior
displaying a behavior that imitates a previously observed behavior
vicarious conditioning (thinking about if you want to do it or not)
learning to engage in a behavior or not, after seeing others being rewarded or punished for performing that action
Unconditioned Reponse and Stimulus
Unconditioned stimulus: a stimulus that elicits a response that is innate (doesnt require prior learning)
Unconditioned Reponse: a reponse that does not have to be learned ( a reflex )
Conditioned Reponse and Stimulus
Conditioned Stimulus: something that prompts a reaction only after learning has occurred.
Conditioned response: a reaction that is elicited only after learning has occurred.
The intial stage in classical condi. in which an association between a neutrak stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus takes place.
neutral stimulus needs to come before the unconditioned stimulus
*EX If a dog is trained to shake hands and is rewarded with praise or a treat when it does, it will eventually stop if the reward is no longer given
Little Albert
loud sound (US) led to fear (UR)
The pairing w/ the rat (CS) w/ the loud noise (US) led to the rat alone producin a fear (CR)
Counter Conditioning
used to reduce phobias!
CS–> CR (fear) turns into CS –> CR2 (relaxation)
(Operant Conditioning technique)
Consists of reinforcing behaviors that are increasingly similar to the desired behavior. (can be used to train animals to do unusual behaviors)
Stimulus Generalization
tendency to respond to similar to the CS is called generalization
EX: boyfriend breaks up w u and u assume all men are bad
Stimulus Discrimination
learned ability to distinguish between a CONDITIONED STIMULUS and other stimuli that do not signal an UNCONDITIONED STIMULUS
*EX Employees may complete work tasks more often or for a longer duration when a manager is present
Cognitive processes
early behaviorists believed that learned behaviors of various animals could be reduced to mindless mechanisms —-> later shown that animals learn expectancy or awareness of a stimulus
Biological predispositions
Garcia showed that for some stimuli the duration between the CS and the US may be long (hours) but results in conditioning.
A biologically adaptive CS (taste) led to conditioning and not to others (light or sound)
Skinners Expieriments
extended Thorndikes thinking; law and effect
this law states that rewarded behavior is likely to occur again
*developed an operant chamber (skinner box) bar/key reinforcers
any event that strengthens the behavior it follows
Ex: heatlamp positively effets meerkat in the cold
Positive Reinforcement
ADD a desireable stimulus
—> getting a huge, recieving a paycheck
–> giving milo a treat for sitting
Negative Reinforcement
REMOVE an aversive stimulis
—> fastening seatbelt to turn off beeping
—> giving a kid candy to stop them from crying
—>Stopping nagging: A parent might stop nagging a child who completes their chores.
Primary Reinforcer
an innately reinforcing stimulus like food or drink
Secondary Reinforcer
A learned reinforcer that gets its power through association w/ the primary reinforcer
Immediate Reinforcer
occurs instanly after a behavior
Delayed Reinforcer
delayed in time for a certai behvaior
* a paycheck that comes @ end of week
Partial Reinforcement Schedule
reinforces a response only part of the time
Continous Reinforcement Schedule
reinforced the desired response each time it occurs
Fixed Ratio Schedule
Reinforces a response only agter a specified number of responses
Variable Ratio Schedule
reinforces a response at a unpredictable time intervals, produces slow, steady responses
Positive Punishment
Administer an aversive stimulus
(spanking, parking ticket)
Negative Punishment
withdrawn a desirable stimulus (time out from privledges