C4 Development Flashcards
What is Developmental Psychology?
The study of how we grow across the phases in our life (infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood)
How does development happen in the womb?
Conception: a single sperm cell penetrates outer coating of egg
Prenatal Development
zygote is ferilized. 14 days is when it turns into an embyro.
- at 9 weeks, an embryo turns into a fetus
What are the three phases of Prenatal Development?
- Germinal Period: begins w/ conception. The zygote begins to divide rapidly into 2 cells, then 4, then 8, etc) Just after 7/8 days after fertilization implantation i walls occur + placenta begins to form.
- Embryonic Period: Week 3 - 8:
Embryo is formed. This is a crucial part of development; the spinal cord, and all internal organs; heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, sex organs. (If the mother doesn’t receive enough nutrients, birth defects can occur) - Fetal Period Week 9 - Birth : growing human is classified as a fetus. No new structures develop, but birth defects can still occur. (miscarriage is a threat until week 20)
Chemicals or viruses that can enter the placenta and harm the fetus
List of Teratogens
Legal Drugs: Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffeine
Recreational Drugs: Cocaine, Marijuana
Infections: German Measles, Syphillis, Zika
Environmental factors: Radiations + mercury which results in blindness
Sets the basic course of development while expierience adjusts it
EX: standing before walking, babbling before talking
6 months: sitting
8-9 months: crawling
12 months: walking
15 months: independently walking
What are the influences of experience?
- Critical Periods
- Brain plasticity: learning new abilities
- Rozenweig’s rats : rats put in an enriched or impoverished environment, will they behave differently? YES
What were Piaget’s beliefs?
believed that our intellectual development is our biological development as we interact w/ the world. our cognitive development is shaped by the errors we make.
mental mold where we shape our experiences
Process of Assimilation
involves incorporating new expiernece into our current understanding (schema)
Process of Accomodation
Adjusting a schema and modifying it.
Sensorimotor stage (birth -2 years)
Expierincing world through senses/actions (looking, touching mouthing) (object permenance (out of sight out of mind) , stranger anxiety)
Piaget believed that children in this stage could not think –> research shows they can count.
Preoperation stage ( 2-6/7 years)
Representing things w/ words + images. use intuitive rather than logical.
(Pretend play, egocentrism, language development)
Piaget concluced that preschool children are egocentric + they cannot perceive things from another’s perspective
Concrete Operational (7-11 years)
thinking logically about concrate events. Grasping concrete analogies
(conservation, mathematics, transformations)
- 6-7 year olds grasp conversation problems
Formal Operational (12- Adulthood)
expands from concrete to abstract reasoning. uses symbols + imagined realties to systematically reason.
(abstract logic, potential formative moral reasoning)
Social Development
Halow (1971) studied monkeys attachment to mothers w/ a wire and cotton mother.
- infants bond w/ surrogate mothers bc of body contact not because of nourishment.
Insecure Attachment
Harlow’s studies showed monkeys experience anxiety if cloth mother is removed.
Secure Attachment
relaxed + attentive caregiving
Deprivation of Attachment
prolonged deprivation leads to child being;
- withrawn
- frightened
- unable to develop speech
- physical, psychological and social problems
( Some studies suggest that extensive time in daycare may increase aggressiveness and defiance)
List the parenting styles
Authouritarian: “Because I said do”
Permissive: Kid does whatever they want. Almost limitless freedom.
Authoritative: rules, limits, but willing to tell child why things are important.
Preconventional Morality
before age 9, children show morality to avoid punishment or gain reward
Conventional Morality
by early adolesence, social rules and laws are upheld for their own sake
affirms peoples agreed upon rights or follows personally perceived ethical principles