Health Inequalities Essay Flashcards
What are the factors in this essay?
- Social environment in childhood
- Access to health services
- Smoking and alcohol
- Exercise and diet
What is background information health inequalities.
- This is unfair and unavoidable inequalities with health through a population
- Income has a great impact on health
- Male life expectancy 24 years longer in the least deprived areas of Scotland then the most
What is your knowledge for social environment in childhood.
- In deprived areas you are more likely to face ACEs, and the higher your score the worse your health
- Exposure to ACEs can effect a child’s development and impulse control
What is your analysis for social environment in childhood.
- More likely to take part in high risk activities and face stress which can be a danger to your health
- Anxiety can weaken your immune system and then effect you in later life
What is your evaluation for social environment in childhood.
It stunts your development which can affect you in both early life and later life and has a very significant impact.
What is your knowledge for access to health services.
- Poverty related health problems mean that there is a higher demand for doctors and longer waiting times
- Some doctors are deterred from working in deprived areas and so there is shortages for those who are deprived
What is your analysis for access to health services.
- May struggle to travel or access online appointments
- Low paying jobs may be on a 0 hour contract so they may need to miss out on money just to attend an appointment
- The middle class are typically more aware of their symptoms and on top of this they can afford private healthcare which is higher quality and shorter waiting times
What is your evaluation for access to health services.
This is limited as technology is common in this time and online appointments are designed to be highly accessible.
What is your knowledge for smoking & alcohol.
- 32% of deprived adults smoke compared to 6% of the least deprived
- Hazardous alcohol consumption can cause liver disease but is used as an escapism
- In the past decades alcohol use has become more of a problem in the least deprived areas than in the most
What is your analysis for smoking & alcohol.
- Individualists argue that smoking is a choice while collectivist see it as an escapism from hardships
- It is also a way to participate in working class norms while it is becoming decreasingly less accepted in middle class
- Despite alcohol being a larger issue is the least deprived areas, those in the most deprived areas are 5x more likely to die of alcohol specific deaths as brings drinking is more common there
What is your evaluation for smoking & alcohol.
It is a cumulative impact of other health factors on top of this, and both drinking and smoking are personal choices.
What is your knowledge for diet & exercise.
- Exercise benefits your immune system and reduces your chances of developing obesity, anxiety or depression
- Cardiovascular disease deaths are 5x more likely for the more deprived as they are more likely to be unable to afford a healthy diet
What are examples for exercise and diet.
45% of the deprived areas do not meet the physical activity guidelines compare to 26% of the least.
What is your analysis for diet & exercise.
- Individualists argue that this is choice while collectivists argue they struggle with cost
- The public facilities for exercise are run down, vandalised and misused and so are unusable for many
- They have an insufficient salary to uphold a healthy diet
What is your evaluation for diet & exercise.
Even with the cost barrier between the working and middle class, there are lots of free resources such as from the NHS from improving your health.