Groups Affected By Inequalities Essay Flashcards
What are the factors for this essay?
- Women: caring responsibilities
- Women: under-representation in high paid jobs
- Women: over-representation in low paid jobs
- Women: rising cost of living
What is your background information for groups affected by inequality?
- It is the difference between groups or individuals
- White men are privileged in society while women and BAME individuals are disadvantaged due to gender or race
- Some people can be part of two or more groups which face inequality and this is known as intersectionality
What is your knowledge for women: caring responsibilities?
- The motherhood penalty is where a father is paid more than a mother
- Women make up 90% of lone parents who struggle for full time employment due to caring
What are examples for women: caring responsibilities.
- Currently there are 1.5million women out of work compared to 230,000 men.
What is your analysis for women: caring responsibilities?
- Women are more likely to go part time or take a career break for caring responsibilities
- This relays onto the societal expectations placed onto women when it comes to having children and also the current childcare costs
- Part time wages also increase slower than full time so there is a loss of income for parents trying to balance employment and caring
What is your evaluation for women: caring responsibilities?
This is the most significant because it does stem into all of the other factors, if children and caring didn’t come into it the other factors would not have as big of an impact.
What is your knowledge for women: under representation in high paid jobs?
- Women are especially under-represented in politics media, legal professions and business
What are examples for women: under-representation in high paid jobs.
- Only 9 of the FTSE 100 are women
- In 2018 the BBC revealed their salaries which showed men were paid more than women, the highest paid woman was paid 9% less than men which equates to £40,000 a year
What is your analysis for women: under representation in high paid jobs?
- Individualists see women as less ambitious and dedicated due to become pregnant while collectivists notice that there is an existing patriarchy
- There is also unconscious bias/deliberate discrimination which can come along with prejudicial views on women and there abilities
What is your evaluation for women: under representation in high paid jobs?
There are restrictions for women trying to get into the high paying jobs which can be relayed a lot onto history and the ‘old boy networks’ used for hiring, but it also relates a lot to childcare and the absence this would lead to.
What is your knowledge for women: over representation in low paid jobs?
- 14% of women are paid below the Real Living Wage unlike 9% of men which can be relayed onto the fact women work more commonly in the 5 C’s (cleaning, catering, clerical, caring and cashiering)
What are examples for women: over-representation in low paid jobs.
- Distribution jobs are male dominant and are paid £2 more per hour than shop floor jobs which are more female dominant
What is your analysis for women: over representation in low paid jobs?
- Individualists argue that this is by choice but collectivists argue that society encourages this to be how it is
- Individualists also argue that these low paying jobs have lower salaries because they are low skilled but collectivists see this as a false rooted perception
What is your evaluation for women: over representation in low paid jobs?
More likely to be a 0 hour contract so deepens the inequality, but still 0 hour contracts work better for parents that restricting full time ones that require childcare.
What is your knowledge for women: rising cost of living?
- Women are more commonly in low paying jobs and so face a bigger struggle with the cost of living
- They also typically bear the burden of caring costs and period cost too
- May be perceived as less knowledgeable on certain things (e.g. cars) and so may be more suseptable to scams during services