Governance of Scotland Guide Flashcards
When did the Scottish Parliament gain power?
In 1999 the Scottish Parliament became responsible for laws on devolved matters.
When was the Scottish independence Referendum?
In 2014 there was an independence referendum where 55% of Scotland voter ‘No’ and 45% voted ‘Yes’, and since then there has been desire for another.
What would self-determination mean for Scotland?
With self-determination Scotland would be able to determine their own future.
Why would self-determination be good for Scotland?
Scotland would no longer be at England’s mercy during elections.
How have Scotland been at England’s mercy during elections?
The Conservatives were in Government for 31 of the past 45 years despite never winning in Scotland.
How would self-determination benefit Scottish bills?
Bills would no longer be blocked by the UK Government and therefore Scotland would not be prevented from passing their own bills.
What would gaining power back from the UK allow Scotland to do?
Scotland would regain power from the UK and be able to rejoin the EU as majority of Scots voted to remain.
How would rejoining the EU restrict Scotland’s power?
Although Scotland would be regaining power and be able to determine things for itself instead of having England do it for them, wanting to rejoin the EU would be deciding similar things for them, for example, having an open border for immigration.
Why may people criticise rejoining the EU?
Some would argue that rejoining the EU would be handing back powers that we had just gained back from the EU.
What would control of defence policy mean for Scotland?
Scotland would be able to remove Trident from their waters and so this would likely force it overseas.
Why would people want to remove Trident from Scottish waters?
Nuclear weapons are argued to be immoral, dangerous and militarily unnecessary while others see not having them as a security threat.
What could the money used for Trident be used for instead?
The money used for Trident could be spent elsewhere to improve Scotland but consequently 11,000 jobs would be lost.
Why would removing Trident be an issue for Scotland joining NATO?
Upon reapplying to NATO, the USA may veto Scotland due to their refusal to have nuclear weapons.
Why would not being able to join NATO cause problems for Scotland?
Without NATO Scotland would be left unprotected and may be forced to make a deal of keeping Trident in exchange for less of the UK’s debt.
Why would becoming independent make Scotland insecure in defence?
Scotland may gain back power over defence policy, but the control they actually have over it remains very limited as nuclear weapons may be their only entry into NATO, otherwise they would be left vulnerable.
What would control of economic policy mean for Scotland?
Scotland could introduce more progressive policies to reduce poverty and inequality with control over economic policy.
How do we know control of economic policy would be good for Scotland?
Scotland have already used devolved powers to change tax bands so that lower incomes are paying less and higher incomes more.
What taxes would Scotland be able to control with control over economic policy?
Scotland would then be able to control tax and revenues such as corporation tax, inheritance tax, and VAT.
What would control of economic policy mean for Scotland budget?
Scotland would also have control of their budget instead of the block grant which is set by the UK and in recent years has been cut.
Why could control of economic policy be bad for Scotland’s budget?
Scotland have strength as part of the UK and would struggle without them as they would need to fund their own budget.
How would becoming independent effect Scotland’s currency?
Scotland may get control over economic policy but that doesn’t mean it will be secure, Scotland would maybe even need to rethink currency in the country.
What is devo-max?
Devo-max is the devolution for all policies but defence and foreign policy.
Why would devo-max be positive for Scotland?
Devo-max would provide Scotland with the best of both worlds - independence but security.
What would devo-max mean for Scottish drug policy?
Scotland would be able to control drug policy and so would be able to address the drug deaths in the country which are currently the highest in Europe.
What would devo-max mean for Scottish economy?
Scotland would be able to lift clamps on benefits and fill job shortages with immigration and so it would benefit the Scottish economy and society.
What would devo-max mean for Scottish welfare and immigration policy?
Scotland would also be able to control welfare and immigration policy which would allow them to abolish controversial welfare policies and adopt a more open immigration policy.
What negatives would Scotland face with devo-max?
Scotland would not be able to scrap Trident or rejoin the EU with devo-max which is a reason many Scot’s would prefer independence.
How would devo-max not satisfy many Scots?
Even though Scotland would be gaining most of the power they wish to have whilst remaining in the security of the UK, many Scots would remain unhappy as they would not be completely free and still be forced into some of the main things that Scots want rid of.