Health-illness Flashcards
Ways health can be conceptualized
2. Comprehensive
3. Attentive to the mental health dimension
4. Inclusive of quality of life and spirituality
What is the Lalonde report
- First health promotion document in canada
- Marked a shift from a medical to a behavioural approach to health
What is the Ottawa charter for health promotion
- Importance of a socioenvironmental approach to achieving equity in health
- Health : resources for everyday living
- Individuals/gov/non gov sectors work together to partnership for health
What is the EPP report?
Identified 3 health promotion challenges:
1. Reducing inequities
2. Increasing prevention
3. Enhancing coping
What are strategies for population health?
- Track and use evidence-based health outcomes through research to write public policy
- Set the determinants of health at the centre of the framework for population health to plan actions to improve health
Some determinants of health
- Income
- Education
- Food insecurity
- Early childhood development
- Environment
- Employment/work conditions
- Housing
- Social exclusion
- Disability
- Health services
- Social safety networks
- Indigenous status
- Gender/race
- Disability
Health promotion vs disease prevention
Hp : increasing level of well-being and self-actualization
Dp : action to avoid/forestall illness/disease
Primary prevention ex
Secondary prevention ex
Examining breast for breast cancer
Tertiary prevention ex
Look at your feet everyday when you have diabetes (looking for symptoms when you’re already sick)
Ottawa charter health promotion strategies
- Build healthy public policy
- Create supportive environment
- Strengthen community action
- Develop personal skills
- Reorient health services
Illness vs disease
Illness: subjective experience of loss of health
Disease: objective state of ill health that can be detected by medical science
Historical approaches to health in canada
- Lalonde report
- Ottawa charter
- Epp report
- Strategies for population health
- Jakarta declaration
- Bangkok charter
- Toronto charter
- Multidimensional conceptualization of health
- Psychosocial/socioenvironmental risk factors are major determinants of health
- Health, political, social, cultural forces affect health and well being
Health education
Any combination of planned learning experiences based on sound theories that provide individuals/groups/communities the opportunity to acquire info and skills needed to make good health decisions
Nurse role in health promotion
- Model healthy lifestyle
- Facilitate pt and family involvement
- Teach self care strategies
- Educate pt to be effective
- Advocate in the community for changes that promote healthy environment
Who should decide goal and interventions to meet needs