Health, Ill Health & Stress Flashcards
Health definition
Illnesses and mental problems define if someone is healthy or not
Stress definition
State of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation
What are the two types of stress?
Acute and Chronic
What is the perceived ability to cope?
Negative effects of stress actually occur when a person encounters a stressor that exceeds their perceived ability to cope
Addiction definition
Mental problem which makes behaviour or taking of a substance into a compulsive act
What’s a behavioural addiction?
Anxiety, Depression, Withdrawal, Disturbances in social relationships
Griffith’s Six Components of Addiction are? (STWRCMa)
Salience, Tolerance, Withdrawal, Relapse, Conflict, Mood alteration
What is mood alteration?
Change in state of mind
What is salience?
Psychological and Physiological dependence
What is conflict?
Conflict within and with other people
What’s the strength for Stress + Ill Health?
Women with HIV had mor pre-cancerous cells if they were more stressed, suggesting stress made their immune system weaker.
What’s the weakness for Stress + Ill Health?
Mice had better immune systems when stressed, showing its less consistent than we thought.
What is immunosuppression and what does it split into?
Stress weakens our immune system. Splits into direct and indirect causes.
Direct- Cortisol from stress makes our chances of Heart Disease increase from fat.
Indirect - Stress eating makes our immune system weaker. Involves smoking, alcohol and junk food.
What is the biomedical model?
A model that focuses on biological factors defining health.
How does the biomedical model define health?
Absence of disease.