Health Conditions Flashcards
the most common skin cancer; seldom metastasizes; least dangerous; typically on the nose or face; small shiny bump that as it enlarges, often develops central depression & a beaded, “pearly” edge
basal cell carcinoma
skin cancer that some forms may metastasize; slow growing; occurs on the scalp, forehead, backs of the hands, & tops of the ears; raised, red, scaly appearance
squamous cell carcinoma
most deadly of all skin cancers; develops from melanocytes; metastasizes quickly
malignant melanoma
inflammation of the sebaceous gland
inflammation of the skin characterized by itching & redness
itchy, red rash caused by an allergy
contagious bacterial infection of the skin
a recurring skin disorder characterized by red papule & scaly silvery plaques with sharply defined borders
any fungal infection of the skin
allergic reaction resulting in multiple red patches (wheals) that are intensely itchy
burn only on the epidermis; causes redness, slight swelling, & pain
first degree
burn on the epidermis as well as part of the dermis; blisters; may result in scaring
second degree
burn from the epidermis & dermis, to the subQ layer; may appear white, black, & leathery; often requires a skin graft
third degree
“porous bones”; bones lose so much mass that they become extremely brittle; most common bone disease
a lateral curvature of the spine, most often in the thoracic region