Health and Safety RIDDOR Flashcards
What is RIDDOR?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
What does RIDDOR require you to do?
If you are in control/manage a work area (salon) RIDDOR requires you to report some work-related accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences. This applies to all work activities.
It is a legal requirement to report accidents and ill health at work.
When do I need to report?
If there is an accident connected with work and:
you or a work colleague suffer a major injury or are even killed (including result of physical violence)
a member of the public is injured or killed
if there is an accident that results in you or a colleague taking three or more days off work, or unable to carry out normal work duties resulting from the accident after three days (including result of physical violence).
It must be reported to the enforcing authority without delay (phone if major). You must send in a completed accident report form (F2508).
Describe what is meant by Dangerous occurrences
If something happens which does not result in a reportable injury, but which clearly could have done, it may be a dangerous occurrence, which must be reported immediately to enforcing authority.
What can poor therapist posture lead to?
Musculoskeletal disorders
What must you do it you suffer from a work related disease?
If a doctor notifies you or colleague you are suffering from a reportable work-related disease you must send a completed form (F2508A) to the enforcing authority
You must report if : a work colleague suffer a major injury or are even killed (including result of physical violence) a member of the public is injured or killed
What does RIDDOR require you to report?
work-related accidents
dangerous occurrences.
True or False
You do not need to report if there is an accident that results in you or a colleague taking three or more days off work, or unable to carry out normal work duties resulting from the accident after three days (including result of physical violence).
How do you report?
It must be reported to the enforcing authority without delay (phone if major). You must send in a completed accident report form (F2508).
What can cause Musculoskeletal disorders?
Poor Posture
True or False
Poor Posture can cause Musculoskeletal disorders?