Head Injuries/ Anatomy Flashcards
1: Olfactory
Ask if they can smell ammonia, salts, tuft skin, perfume, etc.
2: Optic
Ask athlete to read scoreboard, look at cars in the distance
3: Occulomotor
4: Trachlear
Roll their eyes, follow your finger inward and downward
5: Trigeminal
Bite down, clench jaw; sensation in jaw
6: Abducens
Follow your finger outward
7: Facial
Raise eyebrows, smile, frown
8: Auditory
Close eyes, balance on both legs, balance on one leg, heel to toe walking, finger to nose
9: Glosopharyngeal
10: Vagus
Stick out tongue and say “aaaaaah”
11: Accessory
Resist the athlete doing shoulder shrug
12: Hypoglossal
Stick out tongue and wiggle around
What are the cranial nerves in order?
- Olfactory
- Optic
- Occulomotor
- Trachlear
- Trigeminal
- Abduces
- Facial
- Auditory
- Glosopharyngeal
- Vagus
- Accessory
- Hypoglossal
Cerebral Concussion
- brain injury caused by blow to head or violent shaking
Cerebral Confusion
- form of traumatic brain injury/ bruise of brain tissue