Head and Neck Week 2-mastication, nose, mouth, pharynx and larynx Flashcards
coughing is only possible when …
the larynx can close effectively
where does the pharynx start and end
base of the skull
hat vertebral level does trachea and oesophagus begin
what part of the ethmoid bone contributes to the nasal cavity
cribiform plate
what part of the ethmoid bone contributes to the nasal cavity
cribiform plate
what bones form the roof of the nose x4
nasal bones, frontal bone, ethmoid and sphenoid
what forms the floor of the nose x2
palatine processes of the maxillae and palatine bones- make hard palate
what bones form the septum x2
vomer below
perpendicular plate of ethmoid above
ethmoid bone: what passes through the cribriform plate
olfactory nerve fibres
ethmoid bone: what attaches to the crista galli
falx cerebri- sheet of dura mater that separates the brains hemispheres
what epithelium forms the respiratory mucosa lining the nasal cavity
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
what is the roof of the nasal cavity lined by
olfactory musocsa
what cranial nerve innervates olfactory mucosa
and what else does it do
olfactory nerve - CNI
sense of smell
what is the space behind nasal conchae called
name of space above superior concha
spehnoethmoidal recess
what bone are the sup and middle concha a part of
what artery branches supply the nose
what veins supplies the nose
ophthalmic- from ICA
venous plexus
what does the spheno-ethmoid recess open into
sphenoidal sinus
what does the superior meatus open into
posterior ethmoid cells
what does the middle meatus open into x4
maxillary sinus
frontal sinus
anterior ethmoid air cells
middle ethmoid air cells
what does he inferior meatus open into
nasolacrimal duct
what sinus does not drain well and is indented by tooth sockets
what nerve innervates sinuses overall
trigeminal CN V
what branch of CN V innervates: frontal sinus
supraorbital V1
what branch of CN V innervates: maxillary sinus
infraorbital and maxillary V2
what branch of CN V innervates: sphenoid air sinus
posterior ethmoidal nerve V1+2
what branch of CN V innervates: ethmoidal air cells
ethmoidal branches of nasocilliary nerve V1
which bones form the roof of the nasopharynx
body of sphenoid
basilar part of occipital
2 important structures in nasopharynx
orifice of auditory or eustachian tubes
posterior lip of eustachian tube is prominent due to what muscle
what type of joint is the TMJ
synovial hinge
2 articular processes that form the TMJ
mandibular fossa of temporal bone
condylar process of mandible
what movements occur at the TMJ x5
2. close
3. protusion
4. retrusion
5. side to side
4 muscles of mastication
lateral + medial pterygoid
2 bony attachments of temporalis
temporal fossa
coronoid process of mandible
anterior vs posterior temporalis fibre direction
and action
ant- vertical
post- horizontal
ant-elevate mandible
post- retract mandible
2 bony attachments of massater
maxillary process of zygomatic bone and arch
outer surface of ramus and angle of mandible
action of masseter
close mouth
what surface does the lateral and medial pterygoid muscles attatch
and on what plate
lateral-lateral surface
medial-medial surface
of the LATERAL pterygoid plate
how does the lateral/medial pterygoid muscle attach to the mandible
lateral- into TMJ to the neck of mandible and articulate disk of joint
medial- medial surface of ramus and angle of mandible
action of pterygoids:
1. 2 laterals
- lateral and medial of same side contract
- 2 medials contracts
- protraction of mandible and depress chin
- medially rotate mandible swings to other side
- elevate and protrude mandible
what depresses the mandible x2
suprahyoid muscles
mandible movement summary: what muscles elevate x3
- masseter
- temporalis
- medial pterygoid
mandible movement summary: what muscle protrudes
mandible movement summary: what muscle retract
mandible movement summary: what muscle moves side to side
lateral pterygoid
what division of trigeminal is the only one to carry both sensory and motor
mandibular V3
what innervates muscles of mastication
mandibular trigeminal CN5 V3
what foramen does CN 5 come out of
ovale foramen
where are the motor muscles of mastication found
infratemporal fossa
what nerve provides sensory stimulation for mandibular area
what is it a branch of
where does it enter
mandibular fossa
what innervates the buccinator
where does the buccinator lie
lateral walls of oral cavity
what muscle contracts to close lips
orbicularis oris
name for the poterior opening of the oral cavity
oropharyngeal isthmus
Which two bones form the hard palate?
palatine bone
name for muscle of uvula
musculus uvulae
5 muscles of soft palate
1 palatoglossus
2 palatopharyngeus
3 tensor veli palatini
4 musculus uvulae
5 levator veli palatini muscles
general sesnosry supply to soft palate
maxillary and glossopharyngeal nerve
special sensory innervation of soft palate
motor/mucous innervation to soft palate
what do the muscles of the soft palate do
elevate it to close pharyngeal isthmus from food
what 2 muscles do the tonsils sit in
palatoglossus and
palatopharyngeus muscles
what devides the 2 parts of the toung
sulcus terminalis
where are papillae found
anterior 1/3 of the dorsal surface of the tongue
where are papillae found
anterior 1/3 of the dorsal surface of the tongue
3 types of papillae
- Filiform
- Fungiform
- vallate
where are taste buds not found
on filiform papillae
general sensory to ant and post tongue
ant 2/3- mandibular V3 of trigeminal
post 1/3- glossopharyngeal CN IX
intrinsic vs extrinsic tongue muscles
- Intrinsic muscles that originate and insert within the tongue
- Extrinsic muscles that attach from the tongue to surrounding bones or soft palate
where are intrinsic muscle of tongue found
what do intrinsic muscles of tongue do
elongating and retracting
elevating and lowering the apex of tongue broadening and narrowing the surface of the tongue
what do extrinsic muscles fibres of the tongue do
change position
palatoglossus action
narrow pharynx
styloglossus action
retract and elevate mandible
hyoglossus action
depress and retract tongue
genioglossus action
protude tongue to opposite side
4 extrinsic muscles of tongue and their attachments
genioglossus- inner surface of mandible
hyoglossus- greater horn of hyoid
styloglossus- styloid process
palatoglossus- soft palate
think of usual attachments for name
what innervates both ext and int muscles of tongue
and exception
hypoglossal CN XIII
glossal- tongue
palatoglossus- pharyngeal plexus from vagus
What are the two parts of the submandibular gland?
what muscle seperates it
superficial and deep lobe
what artery grooves the under surface of the submandibular salivary gland?
what muscles can the submandibular be found between
parasympathetic innervation of 3 salivary glands
parotid- Glossopharyngeal nerve
Submandibular salivary gland- chorda tympani branch of the facial nerve
sublingual- chorda tympani branch of the facial nerve
what makes the adams apple
thyroid cartilage
paired cartilage in larynx
complete ring cartilage
4 structures that form the laryngeal inlet
1 epiglottic cartilage
2 aryepiglottic fold
3 Arytenoid cartilage
4 corniculate`
What is the sensory nerve supply to the mucous membrane of the larynx?
inferior laryngeal
3 layers of the pharynx
1.outer muscular
2.middle fibrous
3.inner mucous
what is the outer muscular layer of pharynx made of
outer circular
inner longitudinal
what makes up the outer circular layer in pharynx
three constrictor: superior, middle and inferior muscles.
plant pots
what makes up the inner longitudinal layer of pharynx muscle x3
i. Stylophryngeas
ii. Salpingopharyngeus
iii. Palatopharyngeus
where does the pharynx get innervation from
and what makes it up x2
and what does each do
pharyngeal plexus
vagus + glossopharyngeal
vagus- motor
glossopharyngeal- sensory
what do the longitudinal muscles of larynx do during swallowing
shorten and widen pharynx and elevate oesophagus
what is waldeyers ring
a collection of lymphoid tissue that protects the entrance to the oropharynx.
what is in waldeyers ring
- 2x pharyngeal tonsils- adenoids
- 2x Palatine tonsils
- Tubal tonsil
- Linguinal tonsils
what are the 3 blue things
what bone are they a part of
dark blue = superior concha
midle = middle concha
light = inferior concha
sup and mid = ethmoid bone
inferior = an indapendent bone
what are the 3 orange/ yelow things
dark orange = nasal bone
middle orange = lacrimal bone
yellow = cribiform plate of ethmoid
whats the red thing
Medial pterygoid plate of
sphenoid bone
whats the brown bit
lat process pf septal cartilage
whats the purple bit
whats the grey bit
Perpendicular plate of
palentine bone
what are the 3 blue things
dark = sup concha
middle = middle concha
inf = inferior concah
what are the 3 things on the left
yellow = superior concha
blue = middle concha
pink = inferior concha
what are the 3 things on the right
blue = superior meatus
purple = middle meatus
red = inferior meatus
name the green thing
what passes trough it
mental foramen
mental nerve- branch of mandibular
what are the red and blue things
red = condyloid process
blue = coronoid process
condyloid as round
what are the grey and brown parts
grey = angle of mandible
brown = mental protuberance
name the 3 boxes
purple = palatoglossal arch
glossal as further forward- nearer tongue
grey = palatine tonsils
blue = palatopharyngeal arch
name the 4 boxes
purple = palatine tonsils
red = circumvallate papillae
blue = linguinal tonsil
brown = eppiglottis
whats the blue but
deep linguinal vein
whats the yellow bit
whats the purple bit
submandibular ducts
whats the pink muscle
palatoglossus- on soft palate
the blue muscle
whats the purple muscle
the orangemuscle
whats te yellow thing
whats the blue thing
arytenoid cartilage
whats the red thing
cricoid cartilage
what are the 2 membranes on the left
green = thyrohyoid membrane
red = cricothyroid membrane
what are the 2 cartilages on the right
orange = thyroid
blue = cricoid
whats in the 3 boxes
green = thyroid cartilage
red = cricoid cartilge
blue = vocal chords
identify the 3 boxes
pink = vestibular folds
light blue = laryngeal ventrical
dark blue = vocal folds
name the 3 red muscles
what layer are they a part of
outer circular
whats the blue muscle
whats the green muscle
whats the grey thing
thyroid membrane
whats the orange thing
name all the features in waldeyers ring
orange = adenoid
blue = tubal tonsil
pink = palatine tonsil
purple = linguinal tonsil
whats this
whats the orange muscle
what are all the blue boxes pointing to
true vocal chords
what are all the red boxes pointing to
false vocal chords
whats the only muscle that opens the mouth
lateral pterygoid
what drains into the different meatuses of the nose
superior = post ethmoid air cells
middle =
ant and middle ethmoid air cells
frontal air cells
inferior = nasolacrimal duct
what are the intrinsic muscles of the tongue
muscles that start and end in the actual tongue itself:
Superior longitudinal
Inferior longitudinal
Transverse muscles
Vertical muscles
NOTE: if an exam points to this area, the answer should be intrinsic muscles
name the 2 green and the purple muscles
dark green = tensor veli palitini
ligh green = levator veli palitini
purple = palatopharyngeus
name the 3 red muscles
red = superior constrictor
magenta = middle constrictor
pink = inferior constrictor
whats the pink muscle
At what vertebral level does the larynx continue as the trachea
Which of the following is an unpaired bone that forms part of the skeleton of the nose?
Select one:
a. nasal
b. Sphenoid
c. mandible
d. Ethmoid
d. Ethmoid
what does the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid forms part of
nasal septum
whats the green bone
whats the yellow bone
whats A
ethmoidal air cell
identify A and B
A = ethmoid air cell
B = sphenoid air cell
what type of cartilage is found in the TMJ
what tooth is this
premolar 1
Which muscle causes protraction of the jaw?
lateral pterygoid
what passes through the red foramen
Inferior alveolar nerve
Name the muscle that attaches to the inner surface of area A in the image below
medial pterygoid
identify A
what nerve is affected
right hypoglossal
identify A
lateral pterygoid
more on it’s side- more lateral
identify A, B and C
A = trigeminal nerve ganglion
B = lingual nerve
C = inf alveolar
whats A
what lies between A and B
palatoglossus- notice how it goes from tongue to soft palate
palatine tonsil