H.D - Chapter 4 Flashcards
Gross motor development
-combine upper and lower body skills
-EX: running, jumping, catching, throwing
-Balance improves
Fine motor development
-EX: drawing, writting, using utensils
-Show preference on hand
-tadpole drawings -> just focus on the obvious (face)
Growth in hemispheres
-3-6 yrs, left hemisphere grows dramatically (language skills)
-right hemisphere continues to grow (recognizing shapes)
Corpus Callosum
-Helps coordinate both sides of body
-Growth spurt between 3-6 yrs
-EX: difficulty to make X infront of them
Piaget: Pre-operational Stage
-2-7 yrs
-Children use symbols to represent words, images, and ideas (imagination, pretend play)
-Symbolic Thought
-Start to use language
-Cannot understand adult logic
Logical manipulation of information
-Children are “pre”operational -> Children’s logic is based on own personal knowledge
-Recognize that moving or rearranging matter does not change the quantity
-EX: which stick is longer, which tube has more liquid
-Children focus on the obvious rather than all aspects of the situation
-EX: focused on the five cut pieces, rather than the entire slice of pizza
-Attribute their own perspective to situations
-don’t think about other perspectives
-EX: you like barbies, your brother will also like barbies
-Attributing life-like qualities to objects
-think objects that move are alive
Criticism of Piaget
underestimated intellectual capabilities of pre-operational children
Zone of Proximal Development
-When children are almost able to perform a task successfully, but not quite w/o assistance of their own
-What children can achieve w someone vs by themselves
-“difference”-> zone
-EX; Children tie their shoes w vs w/o assistance
-Fist give a lot of help to child, and slowly reducing help
Private Speech
Believed they use it to talk to themselves and help w problem solving
Very important behavior for learning
Egocentric Speech
Speech that is focused on the child and does not include another’s point of view
Theory of Mind
Ability to think about other
EX: Sally and Ann false belief system
-> mature child knows where Ann is going to look for ball
-> Immature can be empathetic, but egocentric way (e.g someone’s hurt, they give them a band aid)
Diverse Desire
Theory of Mind
Two people might have different desires regarding the same object
Knowledge Access: People may or may not have access to information
Theory of Mind
Knowledge Access: People may or may not have access to information
False Belief
Theory of Mind
Someone may hold a belief based on false information
Fantasy Play
Involves symbolism and child’s imagination
Gender- Segregated Play
-Due to gender schema theory
-Later in childhood
Pretend play important for:
-social development
-problem solving
-critical thinking
-regulation attention/behavior
-ability to take other ppl’s perspectives
Gender Schema
-Associate specific sex with objects, activities, roles, traits in culturally stereotypical ways
-Early in childhood
-When gender identity is developed
-cultural and social factors
Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
All types of abuse, neglect and other potentially traumatic experiences that occur before the age of 18
-All demographics can be affected
-associated w higher exposure (black, multiracial, lesbian, gay, less education, low income)
-Does not determine your life
Self descri[tion according to various categories
EX: external and internal categories
3-5 yrs
Evaluative judgement of who we are
-development of cognitive skills, improved perceptions of who we are
-children have positive self image, lack of social comparisons