H.D - Chapter 3 Flashcards
Cerebral Cortex
The outer covering of the brain involved in voluntary activity and thinking
-divided into two hemispheres
-appears after birth
-Bigger head
-helps information to process more quickly
The formation of connection between neurons
-Blooming: Period of rapid neural growth
Where neural connections are reduced thereby making those that are used stronger
Sucking and rooting (turning head when cheek touched) reflexes
-good for eating
Advantages of breastfeeding
-Rich in nutrients and antibodies
-Easier to digest
-Lower rates of disorders including SIDS
-Breastmilk until 6 MONTHS
-Advantages for mother: lower risk of breast cancer; more likely to space pregnancies further apart
Visual Development
-Prefer more symmetrical faces
-Learn through the experience of crawling
-Vision is a poorly developed sense
-Blurry vision
-Can only perceive very basics form of color
-Eye movement is saccadic
Sequence of motor development
-Sitting w/o support
-Standing w/ assistance
-Hands and knees crawling
-Walking w/ assistance
-Standing alone
-Walking alone
Piaget’s sensorimotor stage
-First stage of cognitive development
-Learn the world through their sensor and motor abilities
-Accommodation (expanding the framework)
-Development of object permanence (8mo)
-Circular motions
Symbolic Understanding
Allow infants to represent absent people and objects in their minds
-Make-believe play
-beginnings of language
Responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated presentations
Deferred Imitation
The imitation of actions after a time delay
-Can remember only if infants can participate in behavior they are shown
Early signs of language
- Cooing and babbling
- Gesturing
- Understanding
- Holographic speech (one word expressions)
- Language Errors (overextension)
Attachment Development
- Preattatchment (birth - 3 mo) (don’t care what caregiver it is)
- Attachment in the making (4-7 mo) (show preference for caregiver; still care for others)
- “Clear out” attachment (6 mo- 24 mo) (separation anxiety)
- Formation of a reciprocal relationship
Insecure Attachment:
Ambivalent (resistent) Style
-Stays close or cling to caregiver
-Extremely distressed when caregiver leaves
-May still be angry when they return
-Parent doesn’t respond to child’s needs
Insecure Attachment:
Avoidant Attachment Style
-Avoid or ignore the mother
-Show little emotion when mother leaves
-Learns that caregiver can’t provide all needs
-Learns to be independent
Insecure Attachment:
Disorganized/Disoriented Style:
-Inconsisten way of coping with stress of strange situation
-Child is given mixed, or confused responses
-Child does not know how to interpret emotions
-EX: Abused children
Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
Believed toddlers should be able to explore the world freely
-Develop sense of independence
-Help w/ self-esteem, initiative and confidence
Goodness of fit
The interaction between infant and parent due to temperament
Erikson Trust and Mistrust
A parent that meets a child’s needs can develop the sense of trust, a safety net