hand AOIN Flashcards
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
A: abduct the thumb at CMC and MCP, assist in opposition of thumb
O: flexor retinaculum, trapezium and scaphoid tubercles
I: base of proximal phalanx of thumb
N: median C6,7,8,T1
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
A: flex the thumb at CMC and MCP, assist in opposition of thumbO: superficial head - flexor retinaculum
: deep head - trapezium, trapezoid, capitate
I: base of proximal phalanx of thumb
N: superficial head - median nerve C6,7,8,T1
: deep head - ulnar C8T1
Opponens Pollicis
A: opposition of thumb at CMC
O: flexor retinaculum and tubercle of trapezium
I: entire length of 1st MC bone, radial surface
N: median C6,7,8,T1
Adductor Pollicis
A: adduct the thumb at CMC and MCP
O: capitate, second and third MCs
I: base of the proximal phalanx of thumb
N: ulnar C8,T1
Lumbricals of the Hand
A: extend 2-5 finger at IPs, flex 2-5 at MCPs
O: surfaces of the flexor digitorum porfundus tendons
I: extensor aponeurosis on dorsal surface of phalanges
N: 2-3 - median nerve C6,7,8,T1
4-5 - ulnar nerve C7,8,T1
Palmar Interossei
A: adduct the thumb, second, fourth, and fifth fingers toward the third finger, assist to flex the thumb, 2, 4 and 5 at MCP, assist to extend to thumb, 2, 4 and 5 at IP
O: base of first, second, fourth, and fifth MCs
I: base of proximal phalanx of related finger and extensor aponeurosis
N: ulnar nerve C8,T1
Dorsal Interossei
A: abduct 2-4 at MCP, assist to flex 2-4 at MCP, assist to extend 2-4 at IPs
O: adjacent sides of all MCs
I: base of proximal phalanx of 2-4 and extensor aponeurosis
N: ulnar nerve C8,T1
Abductor Digiti Minini
A: abduct the 5th finger at MCP, assist in opposition of 5th finger at MCP
O: pisiform and tendon of FCU
I: base of proximal phalanx of fifth finger, ulnar surface
N: ulnar nerve C7,8,T1
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
A: flex the fifth finger at MCP, assist in opposition of fifth
O: hook of hamate and flexor retinaculum
I: base of proximal phalanx of 5th finger, palmar surface
N: ulnar nerve C7,8,T1
Opponens Digiti Minimi
A: opposes 5th at CMC
O: hook of hamate and flexor retinaculum
I: shaft of 5th MC, ulnar surface
N: ulnar nerve C7,8,T1