H2 Flashcards
Behaviour is not started because there is too little knowledge about the behaviour
Action research model
You start with reanalysing the situation, refining the intervention, implementing this refinement and finally reassessing the situation
An organised set of principles that describe, explain and predict observed events
Describe a specific process and are often integrated into theories
A testable prediction arising from a theory. They often describe several processes each linked to a certain type of causal sequence
A framework that integrates theories and principles. They often describe several processes, each linked to a certain type of causal sequence
Refers to the affective, cognitive or motivational aspects of behaviour
Social thinking
How people judge themselves and their social social world
Attribution theory
Based on the principles that people explain their own behaviour and that of others
Fundamental attribution error
Attributing bad behaviour of others to internal causes
Cognitive dissonance theory
It is psychologically uncomfortable if your attitudes, belief and behaviour about an object are not congruent.
Theory of planned behaviour
Tries to explain the often weak relationship between attitudes and behaviour
Wat is volgens de theory of planned behavior de beste voorspeller voor gedrag?
Waardoor ontstaat intentie?
Attitudes, subjective norms en percieved behavioural control
A conscious process that occurs when someone changes his behaviour to be consistent with real or imagined social expectations
Kelman’s social influence theory
Role orientated: wachten alleen als er externe consequenties aan het negeren van het stoplicht vastzitten (role of good citizen), anders rijden ze door
Value orientated: kiest mogelijk niet om door een rood licht te rijden, omdat hij een fundamentele waarde heeft dat je nooit door een rood licht mag rijden
People will comply wit the request if it leads to the fulfilment of their individual goals
Wanneer we gedrag veranderen als gevolg van een eis
Elaboration likelihood model (ELM)
An influential theoretical model of different routes to persuasion
- Central route: details > sterker en langer
- Peripheral route: oppervlakkig > zwak en kort
Self serving bias
The tendency to interpret social information in a way that reflects positively on oneself
An unjustified, negative attitude towards an individual based on his group membership
Unequal or unfair behaviour towards a person based on his group membership
Contact hypothesis
Contact between groups will results in less prejudice only if the following four characteristics:
1. Equal status
2. Common goal
3. Intergroup cooperation
4. Institutions that support positive interactions
Dual concern model
A person in a conflict situation has two types of concern, namely for himself and others
Social impact theory
A decision-making model for prosocial behaviour
- Diffusion of responsibility
- Pluralistic ignorance
Diffusion of responsibility
As group size increases, the individual’s sense of responsibility decreases
Pluralistic ignorance
The tendency of people to look to others as a source of information when interpreting the situation
Multiple determined
Complexe problemen
Motivation theory
States that people have three needs that can predict an individual’s level of motivation
Not just basic or applied research, but a combination