H13 Flashcards
The dual taxonomy
States that there are multiple developmental theories that explain the patterns of criminal behaviour at a young age
Criminal career
The longitudinal sequence of crimes committed by an individual offender
Lenght if the criminal period
The interval between the first and the last offence
Low self-control
Crime is the result of the individual’s criminal tendency
Life crouse persistent offenders (LCP offenders)
There is a small group, around 5% of the male population, who behave antisocially from an early age and remain involved in. crime well into adulthood
Maturity gap
The discrepancy between biological and social age, and the tension this gap can create is seen as a reason for the emergence of AL behaviour
Adolescent-restricted offenders (AL)
Short-lived criminal career, usually in the teenage years
Two types of adults
- Prosocially unpopular
- Populist
Prosocially popular
Social helpful and academically interested
Youths are described as antisocial and as bullues
Reducing the severity and frequency of offences
Social control
Results from adopting adult social roles that prevent an individual from committing crime
Persistence in crime
The continuation of offending
Comulatief nadeel
Het dynamische proces waarbij jeugddelinquentie criminaliteit door volwassenen bevordert door conventionele kansen af te sluiten
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Labeling theory
Criminal behaviour is the result of the stigma created by society’s reaction to deviance
Secondary deviance
Het ontzeggen van conventionele kansen vergroot op zijn beurt het risico van latere criminaliteit
Self-fulfilling prophecy
As labelled individuals begin to see themselves as ‘failures’ or ‘delinquents’, they may start to behave like them, because they have come to believe that they are incapable of doing otherwise