H&N 4: Oral & Nasal Cavities #2 Flashcards
What is function of mandibular nerve?
- provides sensory supply to lower part of mouth, floor + ant. part of tongue + teeth
What is function of lingual nerve?
- provides general sensation to ant. 2/3 of tongue
- also supplies floor of mouth
What is the origin + function of chorda tympani?
- from facial nerve
- brings taste fibres to ant. 2/3 of tongue
What is function of inf. alveolar nerve?
supply lower teeth
What is mental branch?
supply skin of chin
What is the nerve to mylohyoid?
motor branch
What is the function of the maxillary nerve branches?
supplies mucous mem of roof of oral cavity
What is function of branches of mandibular div (lingual nerve)?
- supplies lat. walls + floor of mucous mem of oral cavity
- supplies ant. belly of digastric + mylohyoid?
What is function of facial nerve?
supplies muscle in lat. walls of oral cavity
What nerve supplies geniohyoid?
C1 fibres
What are teeth supplied by?
- alveolar branches of maxillary (upper)
- mandibular nerve (lower)
Where does the tongue lie?
- ant. 2/3 in oral cavity
- post. 1/3 in oropharynx
What is the tongue + its function?
- mobile, muscular organ (intrinsic + extrinsic) covered by mucous mem
- involved with mastication, taste, deglutiton (swallowing), articulation + oral cleansing
Where are taste fibres located?
- fungiform (keratinised) + vallate papillae
What is the function of the vallate papillae?
joins ant. + post. part of tongue
What is function of glossopharygeal?
post 1/3 taste + sensation
What is root of tongue supplied by?
vagus - for taste + sensation
What is the function of intrinsic + extrinsic muscles?
- intrinsic: change shape of tongue
- extrinsic: change its pos
List the extrinsic muscles + where they attach from?
- Palatoglossus - from soft palate
- Styloglossus - from styloid process
- Hyoglossus - from hyoid
- Genioglossus - from mandible genu (bend)
What is function of hypoglossal?
supplies styloglossus, genioglossus + hyoglossus
How does nerve supply for general sensation vary across the tongue?
- ant: lingual (mandibular div of V)
- post 1/3: glossopharyngeal
- root: vagus
How does nerve supply for taste vary across the tongue?
- ant: chorda tympani
- post 1/3: glossopharyngeal
- root: vagus
What is function of salivary glands?
- small ones keep mouth moist
- large ones secrete in response to food entering mouth
List 3 pairs of large salivary glands + its secretion
- parotid (serous)
- sublingual (mucus)
- submandibular (mixed)
Where does the parotid duct enter?
- enters mouth near upper 2nd molar tooth
- pierces buccinator
Where does the submandibular duct enter?
floor of mouth
Where does the sublingual gland enter?
- 16-20 short ducts which open into floor of mouth
What are the functions of the major glands?
- moisten food, dissolving chem which stim taste bud
- moisture in saliva helps turn food into bolus to aid swallowing + contains enz which begins process of digestion
What are the functions of the minor glands?
- maintaining oral hygiene
- flushes oral surfaces + helps to control level of bacteria
What is function of ext. carotid?
provides blood supply to mouth
What is function of lingual artery?
supplies tongue on both sides
Describe the 1st route of the veins of the tongue
- post. lingual veins drain dorsum + sides of tongue + join lingual vein which accompanies artery
- near greater cornu of hyoid, lingual vein joins int. jugular
Describe the 2nd route of the veins of the tongue
- deep lingual vein begins near tip of tongue + turns backwards on its ant. surface
- near border of hyglossus, it joins sublingual vein which runs along course of hypoglossal + joins facial vein
What is the tongue ant. + post. to vallate papillae drained into + route afterwards?
- ant 2/3: central + marginal lymph vessels
- post 1/3: drain into post. lymph vessels
- then enter series of nodes where efferent vessels drain into nodes surrounding SCM
What is sig about submental nodes in ant. tongue + nodes in post. tongue?
- easier to pick up cancers in ant. part
- harder to see + pick up cancers in post, part
List functions of nose + nasal cavity?
- provides airway for resp
- moistens + warms inspired air
- filters air to remove foreign particles
- houses olfactory receptors
- acts as resonating chamber for speech
What does the ext. part of nose consist of?
cartilages covered by skin
What does the int. part of nose consist of?
- skin
- hairs which filter air
What is the nasal cavity mucosa + its function?
- PS ciliated columnar with goblet cells
- lamina propria contain glands with serous + mucus acini
- produce mucus which forms sticky sheet covering surface of nasal cavity
- dust, bacteria, pollen + viruses stick to it + cilia waft material to nasopharynx where its swallowed + destroyed in acidic env of stomach
What is the function of the conchae?
- create turbulence in air which gets dust particles on walls for cilia to move them away
- moisten air from mucus gland secretions
- vascular mucous mem with capillary plexuses in lamina propria lots of blood for keeping air warm