H&N 2: Skull & Intracranial Region #2 Flashcards
What is sig of skull sutures?
- allow bones to move during birth acting like expansion joint allowing bone to enlarge evenly as brain grows and skull expands resulting in symm shaped head
How do sutures differ between people?
- everyone has diff patterns of sutures
- some have wormian/extra bones
What are some of the theories about sutures?
- some scientists believe area around sutures are dynamic + move throughout whole life
- some believe there is complete ossification by 30/40
What are sutures?
fibrous joints (synarthroses) between bones of skull which become immobile and ossified with age
List features of foetal skull
- Future coronal suture
- Ant. fontanel
- Anterolat. fontanel
- Future Squamosal suture
- Posterolat. fontanel
- Future lambdoidal suture
- Ext. Acoustic meatus
- Future Sagittal suture
- Post. fontanel
What is metopic suture of of foetal skull?
- in between plates of frontal bone but closes up in most people
How does neonatal and older adult skull compare?
- older people lose teeth and resemble neonate structure
What does skull art with?
cervical spine via occipital condyle
What passes through foramen magnum?
spinal cord which becomes medulla oblongata
What is vert artery?
- goes through foramen transversarium
- carried blood to brain
What does vert prominens define?
cervical from thoracic vert
What is function of top 7 cervical vert?
provide support for neck structures
What does cervical spine allow?
allows us to move our head in flexion (forward), extension (back), lat. flexion (side to side) + rotation (turn head side to side)
What part of C1 art with occipital condyles?
sup. art facets
List 3 cranial fossae
- Ant.
- Middle
- Post.
What is middle cranial fossa made up of?
- greater wings, body, sinus of sphenoid bones
- petrous part of temporal bone
What makes up ant. cranial fossa?
- frontal bone with frontal air sinuses
- ethmoid
- lesser wing of sphenoid
What is sig about petrous part of temporal bone?
toughest part to protect inner ear
What is post. cranial fossa?
- temporal
- occipital
What is sella turcica?
- saddle-like prominence crossing midline on sup. surface of body of sphenoid
- contains pit. gland
List the foramina in intracranial region
- Cribiform plate
- Optic canal
- Sup. orbital fissure
- Foramen rotundum
- Foramen ovale
- Foramen lacerum
- Foramen spinosum
- Int. acoustic meatus
- Jugular foramen
- Hypglossal canal
Which nerves comes through cribiform plate?
Which nerve comes through optic canal?
Which nerves come through SOF?
Which nerve comes through foramen rotundum?
Which nerve comes through foramen ovale?
Which nerves come through IAM?
Which nerves come through jugular foramen?
Which nerve comes through hypoglossal canal?
Which nerves enable you to move your eyes?
List 3 branches of trigeminal
- Opthalmic
- Maxillary
- Mandibular
What is ass with foramen lacerum?
Int. carotid
What comes out ext. acoustic meatus?
Ear drum
List the 3 sutures
- Coronal
- Sagittal
- Lambdoid
What is bregma?
where coronal + sagittal suture meet
What is lamda?
where lambdoid + sagittal suture meet