GU/GYN Flashcards
What stage of syphilis has flu-like symptoms and generalized maculopapular rash on the palms and soles?
What is seen under a microscope when looking at the vaginal fluid of a person with bacterial vaginosis?
Clue cells
How is the sexual maturity rating or SMR obtained?
Average of the genital/breast and pubic hair development tanner stage
In children what is the typical mode of transmission of HIV?
Maternal infant perinatal transmission or postnatal breastfeeding
What does an absent cremasteric reflex signify?
Testicular torsion
What is the most common organism causing UTIs in childhood?
E coli
What medications are available for the management of enuresis?
Imipramine, desmopressin, oxybutynin
Mucopurulant vaginal discharge is most likely going to be caused by what STD?
Symptoms of chlamydia in males?
Thick pineal discharge, testicular pain, dysuria
When is a child need to be referred for cryptorchidism?
Undecended testies at one year
What are two characteristics of the pain associated with testicular torsion?
Acute profound pain and pain there’s not relieved by elevating the scrotum
Is this the initial or recurrent infection of HSV? Painful or pruritic ulcers for 5 days?
When can females only expect to grow another one to 3 in?
After menarche
When should a renal ultrasound be done?
After the first UTI if the infant was febrile or any child 2 to 24 months of age
During what Tanner stage does menarche occur?
Stage 4 could be slightly earlier
What antibiotics are used for the treatment of UTIs?
Depends upon the organism, a culture should be checked. But they include bactrim, cephalosporins, amoxicillin, nitrofurantoin
Name two things that can cause gynecomastia in adolescent males.
Marijuana, anabolic steroids
What STDs are reportable to the health department?
Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV
Which is may require surgery: hydrocele that is non-communicating or communicating?
What is given prevent opportunistic infections in children with HIV?
What is a classic signer symptom of bacterial vaginosis?
Fishy smell
What stage of syphilis has CNS involvement such as meningitis as well as infiltrative tumors of the skin, bones, and liver?
Tertiary syphilis
What is the over-the-counter treatment for dysmenorrhea?
Ibuprofen around the clock beginning at the onset of the menstrual cycle and continuing for 24 to 72 hours
What is the name of the congenital abnormality in which the urethral opening is on the ventral surface of the penis?
What is The Tanner stage number 3 in male genitals?
Penis elongates
When is the surgical repair of hypospadias most often done?
6 to 12 months of age
What is tanner stage number three in female breast development?
Breast enlargement without separate nipple contour or a mound
How what lab diagnosis gonorrhea?
Cervical culture using Thayer Martin or transgrow media
What are some causes of secondary dysmenorrhea?
Pregnancy, PID, endometriosis
Symptoms of chlamydia in females?
Post-coital bleeding, lower abdominal/pelvic pain, dysuria
What type of enuresis is when the child has never established control?
Primary aneurysis
What kind of dysmenorrhea is typically seen in adolescence in the absence of any pelvic pathology?
Primary dysmenorrhea
What is the screening test for syphilis called?
Venereal disease research laboratory or VDRL
What tanner stage of breast development has breast buds?
stage 2
What pathogen is responsible for chlamydia?
Chlamydia trachomatis
What is the fancy word for undescended testes?
What is the preferred treatment for chlamydia?
Azithromycin 1 g
In what Tanner stage of the male genitalia do th scrotum and testes become larger and the scrotum roughens and redens?
Stage 2
What stage of syphilis is seropositice but asymptomatic?
Latent syphilis
What is the treatment of syphilis?
Penicillin g or in penicillin allergic patients doxycycline
When should you follow up after prescribing antibiotics for UTI?
Follow up in 2 days, change antibiotic if note improvement or culture result shows that you change the treatment
Besides change in urinary direction, what are some others signs and symptoms of hypospadias?
Dorsally hooded foreskin and chordee
What STD is the leading cause of infertility among females?
What is the treatment of bacterial vaginosis?
Metronidazole PO or clindamycin PO
How is herpes simplex virus transmitted?
Direct contact with the active lesion or by virus containing fluid such as saliva or cervical secretions
What age child with a UTI should be hospitalized for parental IV antibiotics?
Less than two months of age
What is the most common bacterial STD in the United States?
What is the third Tanner stage of pubic hair in both males and females?
Darker, increased amount, curlier
What is the management of HSV?
Acyclovir or valacyclovir. No curative treatment
What stage of syphilis occurs 6 to 8 weeks after the previous stage?
6 to 8 weeks later
What occurs when fluid collects in the thin sheath that surrounds the testicles?
Is gonorrhea more often asymptomatic and males or females?
How is HIV screened for an infants and older children?
An infants the HIV PCR testing is used, and an older children the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay or ELISA screening is used
What confirms HIV?
The western blot test
What laboratory tests are important when assessing enuresis?
Urine analysisand a urine culture
What is the treatment in HIV?
High dose antiretroviral therapy or HART
Is this the initial or recurrent infection of HSV? Fever, malaise, dysuria, painful periodic ulcers for 12 days?
What is the definitive diagnosis of HSV?
A viral culture
What is the confirmatory diagnostic test for syphilis?
Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption or FTA-ABS
When should a VCUG be done?
If the ultrasound was abnormal
Is chlamydia often asymptomatic in males or females?
What is the difference between HSV types one and two?
Typically type one is thought of to be on the lips, face, and mucosa while type 2 is thought to be found in the genitalia. They have however found both type 1 and type 2 in either location
When does spermarche occur?
After genital stage 3
What screening test is available for chlamydia?
Enzyme immunoassay or EIA
What stage of syphilis occurs 2 to 6 weeks after exposure?
What is the medical management of gonorrhea? Two things
Ceftriaxone IM in a single dose along with azithromycin to cover for chlamydia
In what Tanner stage of the male genitalia does the penis enlarge and develop glands?
Stage 4
What is the management of testicular torsion?
Emergency surgery
What clinical stage of syphilis has an inderated chancre that is painless and at the site of innocularion with regional lymphadenopathy?
What age is precocious puberty in girls or boys?
Eight girls and nine in boys
What bacteria causes gonorrhea?
Neisseria gonorrhea
What pathogen causes syphilis?
treponema pallidum
What type of enuresis is when the child has been dry for more than 6-12 months and then begin wetting the bed again?
Secondary enuresis
In what tanner stage of breast development in females does the areola and nipple project as a secondary mound?
stage 4
What infection precedes HUS?
E coli in the gastrointestinal system
What is the treatment for HUS?
Blood transfusions and sometimes dialysis if supportive care does not work
What should you be concerned for if you find an abdominal mass that does not cross the midline?
Wilms tumor
What age should the foresrin retract by?
4 to 6 years
What are urinary findings with glomerulonephritis?
Proteinuria and hematuria
What infection proceeds glomerulonephritis?
Strep infections
On clean catch, I and oh, and symptomatic patient what is the minimum bacterial growth in the urinary culture?
Greater than 100,000 and clean catch, greater than 50,000 in straight calf, and greater than 10,000 if symptomatic
P if red blood cells are found in the urine what needs to be determined?
If red blood cells are from hemoglobin area or myoglobin urea
What are signs of nephrotic syndrome?
Massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, hyperlipidemia
What is the treatment for nephrotic syndrome?
Steroids but if steroid resistant we use cytoxin