Growth and Development Flashcards
What age is parallel play?
How long do we use the Denver II assessment tool?
Birth to six years of age
Head circ until what age?
2 years- fontanel’s close at 18 months but sutures don’t close until 2 years
Average height gain/ year of school-aged children?
2-3 in/yr
What age is associative cooperative dramatic or physical play?
What does the Denver II tool analyze?
Gross motor development, fine motor development, language, personal social development
permanent teeth age
6 years to 12 years (cuspid becomes bicuspid)
How do we measure bone age?
Freud’s stages of psychosexual development
Infancy oral stage birth to 6 months orally passive sucking on nipples 7 to 18 months orally aggressive teething, reaching to put things in mouth
Toddler 1.5 to 3 years anal stage toilet training
Preschool 3 to 6 years phallic stage I’ll show you mine if you mine if show me yours
School age 6 to 12 years latency not much going on
Adolescence 12 to 18 years the genital stage
How long do you correct for gestational age?
Adjustment of developmental expectations for premature infants through age of 2 years
How many growth parameter percentile lines are allowed to be crossed when assessing appropriate development?
Multiple percentile and lines
Theorist of Psychosocial domain?
Iron supplementation (dose, age, reasons)
1 mg/kg/day at 6 months if not receiving in diet or current formula
Caloric Requirements by age?
0m-6m= 120 6-1 yr= 100 2-10 yr= 100-70 adolescent= 45 adult= 30
What is the Piaget concept that occurs as a focus is on one thing at a time?
Tooth eruption order
mandibular then maxillary of central incisors, lateral incisors, cuspids, 1st molars, 2nd molars (come little children, munch, meat)
Psycho sexual theorist?
Sigmund Freud
AAP Breastfeeding recommendation time?
6 months, exclusively breastfed
weight gain in infancy?
30g/day for 3 months, then 15-20g/day for following 3 months
Car seat federal law?
under the age of one must face backwards. Under age of four and under 40 lb must be in separate restraint other than the seat belt
Theorist of cognitive domain of development?
what is the piajet concept that is the projecting the ability to think / feel like the child, inanimate objects are capable of feeling / thinking?
primary teeth age
6-9 months until 2 years
vit D supplementation
400 units/day at 2 months of age
Weight Gain over the life span
initial 10% loss regained within 10-14 days
weight doubles by 6 months
triples by a year
quadruples by 2 years of age
3 years through school age 4-6 lb/year
school age 5-7 lb/yr
Erikson stages
- Trust vs mistrust (infancy, birth-1 yr): cries= help - autonomy vs shame and doubt (toddler, 1-3 yrs): “I do it” - initiative vs guilt (preschool, 3-6 yrs): leaving parents side - industry vs inferiority (school age 6-12 yrs): accomplishments, reading levels - identity vs role confusion (adolescence 12-18 yrs): who are you, where do you identify)
When do we start using BMI?
2 years
What is the Piaget concept that is the tendency of children to cognize their environment only in terms of their own point of view?
Piaget Stages
- sensorimotor (birth-2 years, infancy): reflexes and senses, simple problem solving, trial-and error - preoperational/preconceptual (2-4 yrs, toddler): fantasy, egocentrism, magical thinking) - intuitive/preoperational (4-7 yrs, preschool): causation - concrete thinking (7-11 yrs, school aged): logic, facts, definitions, cause and effect - formal operational thought (11-15 yrs, adolescent): conclusions, reality, abstract thought