Assessment Across the Lifespan Flashcards
How many standard deviations above or below the normal constitutes of microcephaly or macrocephaly?
What are the guidelines for adolescent preventive services?
gaps provide physicians with preventive service recommendations and a flow sheet that is useful for implementing and documenting these services during office visits the system enables the busy physician to identify at risk adolescent patients and provide them with information about changing unhealthy behaviors
Developmental dysplasia of the hip maneuvers: feeling of a slip as ephemeral head slips away from the acetabulum causing dislocation. Done by adducting the knee cauaing the femur head to dislocate
Barlow’s maneuver
What birth trauma does not cross the midline of the skull as it is blood under the periosteum and requires closer examination?
Cephalo hematoma
When do children seek simple money making opportunities?
Low birth weight, very low birth weight, extremely low birth weight parameters in grams?
Less than 2500 g Less than 1500 g Less than 1000 g
When does lying start?
What are some causes of wide fontanels?
Prematurity, IUGR, hydrocephalus, down syndrome, hypothyroidism
What is the AAPs recommendation on screen time between the ages of 2 to 5 years?
No more than one hour per day with parent present
When do fears of the exam begin to appear?
Toddler aged
What are the 2 most common causes of bacterial infection in the second month of life?
S pneumoniae and h influenzae B
Eating disorders: what eating disorder is characterized by eating disturbances weight loss, and refusal to maintain body weight at 85% of expected weight for height causing amenorrhea to ensue?
What age does the AAP not recommend screen time?
Up until 18 months of age
What is the main pharmacologic treatment of ADHD?
CNS stimulants such as methylphenidate and amphetamines
What age should utensils be introduced?
15 to 17 months of age
List two tools or formats for interviewing the adolescent.
H e a d s s format, c r a f f t screening tool
What facial abnormality could point to a vitamin deficiency?
If a port wine stain does not cross the midline of the face and involves the eye what should you be concerned for?
Sturge Weber
When does birth height double?
4 years of age
How old are toddlers?
1 2 3 years of age
what is the most common newborn rash that appears between two to five days after birth characterized by blotchy red spots on the skin with overlying white or yellow papules or pustules?
Erythema toxicum
When do toddlers and preschoolers get well child checks?
12, 15, 18, 24, 30, and 36 months and then annually at 3, 4, and 5 years
What stage is characterized by the parent child conflict increased conformity to peer groups and more interest in the opposite sex?
What are some environmental influences on ADHD?
Lead and other dietary factors such as food dyes and sugar
Large and small for gestational age percentiles by weight?
Greater than 90th percentile Less than 10th percentile
What are risk factors indicating that a cholesterol test is needed?
Family history of dyslipidemia or premature cardiac disease
What eating disorder is characterized by episodic binge and purge episodes?
Bulimia nervosa
When does the tonic neck reflex disappear in newborns?
3 months
What birth trauma of the scalp crosses the midline as swelling under the skin and results in two to three days?
Caput succedaneum
When does visual acuity approach 20/20?
During the school aged.
When does hand dominance emerge?
During the school aged period
If there is no head lag when pulled to sitting at 6 months what is that a sign of?
What are the three diagnostic subtypes of ADHD?
Predominantly inattentive type, predominantly hyperactive impulsive type, and combined type Combined type is the most common
Is stuttering more common among males or females?
What age does stranger danger start?
6 months
As an infant is it normal to feel the edge of the liver?
At what age do we start checking blood pressures?
3 years of age
What are soft red, raised lumps on the skin that typically in volute as the child ages?
Causes of symmetrical IUGR SGA?
Genetics, infection, errors of metabolism, environment such as drugs
What are the benign, flat, congenital birthmarks that are often blue and last three to five years after birth?
Mongolian spots
What is Alli’s sign?
Unequal leg length
At what age can children complete pure tone audiometry for hearing evaluations?
Over 3 years of age
What are pinpoint white papules on the face, cheeks, nose commission, and forehead? When do they disappear?
Milia, three to four weeks of life
When do children develop modesty?
What causes macroglossia?
An enlarged tongue can be caused by hypothyroidism or mucopolysaccharidosis
What is the difference between pectus carinatum and pectus excavatum?
Pigeon chest versus a sunken chest (caved in)
When should you refer a child that is stuttering? (3 reasons)
Stuttering lasts greater than 6 months, the child is more than 6 years of age, or the child avoids speaking
When are children physiologically and psychologically ready for toilet training?
Typically between 1.5 and 2.5 years old
What is Russell’s sign?
Bruce knuckles from self-induced vomiting
What are causes of gynecomastia in males
Marijuana, anabolic steroids, alcohol, antidepressants
Who is the most common abuser of children?
What fontanelle is larger and closes by 18 months?
Anterior fontanelle
What age does separation anxiety start?
8 months
How old are preschoolers?
4 to 5 years of age
List the symptoms of inattention or symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity.
Inattention: careless mistakes, fails to pay attention to detail, easily distracted, difficulty concentrating long enough to complete task, difficulty following instructions, difficulties organizing task and activities Impulsivity: difficulties awaiting one’s turn, frequently blurts out answers, interrupts or intrudes on others Hyperactivity: fidgetness, difficulty remaining seated, difficulty playing quietly, subjected feelings of restlessness in adolescence, difficulties with social relationships, low frustration tolerance
What is choanal atresia?
Narrowing or blockage of the nasal airway by tissue that is present at birth
List three development warning signs in infancy.
Apparent visual delay Does not raise head when lying on stomach by 3 months Does not try to pick up a toy by 6 months No reactions to noise at voice Does not laugh Does not seek interpersonal contact Does not sit up
How much does a toddler or preschooler sleep per night?
10 to 12 hours with daily naps
At what age do girls reach peak height velocity prior to menarche?
11 to 12 years
What age do nightmares begin?
3 years
When are night terrors normal?
2 to 6 years
How do you check for visual acuity in an infant?
Blink reflex and pupil constriction
What age should they have their first dental visit by?
One year of age
What does the AAP recommend for screen time in children ages 6 years and older?
Development of a family media use plan
How much sleep does an infant typically require during the night?
8 to 12 hours per night
What are typical abnormal facial features of fetal alcohol syndrome
Small eye openings, thin upper lip, smooth philtrum, upturn nose, small head size
Causes of LGA?
Maternal diabetes, beckwith wiederman syndrome, large mother
What causes microstomia?
Trisomy 13 and 18
Developmental display of hip maneuvers: a click is heard or felt as dislocation is reduced. Done by abducting the need to feel the femur pop in.
Ortolani’s click
Are boys or girls at higher risk of ADHD?
What is Galeazzi’s sign?
Unequal knee height, done at 6 months and is a sign of hip dysplasia
When does the policing / stepping reflex disappear in newborns?
One to two months
When do we check a lead level?
By two years of age
At what age should the testes be fully descended?
3 months
What age group do we need to consider referring for labial adhesions?
Toddler to preschool
What is the most common cause of bacterial infection in the first month of life?
Group b strep and other gram-negative and enteric organisms
If the red reflex is white what does that suggest?
Retinoblastoma or congenital cataracts
When should you repeat newborn screening?
If completed before 24 hours of life
what is the vascular birthmark consisting of superficial and deep dilated capillaries in the skin causing a reddish to purplish discoloration of the skin?
Port wine stains
What age can ibuprofen be used?
6 months
When do the rooting, sucking, and moro reflex disappear?
3 to 4 months
When assessing the newborn, there is a radio femoral pulse delay. What should be considered?
Coarctation of the aorta
What is the peak instance of eating disorders
Age 14 and 18 years
What are the two most common comorbidities with ADHD?
Learning disabilities and oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder
When does the Babinski reflex disappear in newborns?
12 months or when walking
What age do pap smears start?
21 years
How much sleep does a school aged child need?
8 to 10 hours per night
What do all 50 states require to be screened as a newborn?
PKU, galactosemia, hemoglobinopathies, congenital hypothyroidism
What is the progression of chest to head circumference comparison?
Chest and head are equal at one age by the end of preschool period chest is 5 cm greater than the head
What decibel constitutes hearing loss in infancy?
20 to 30 decibels
How much do females grow after initiation of menarche?
1 to 3 in
What does APGAR stand for? What minute of life is taken at
Appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respirations and is taken at one and five minutes
To qualify as ADHD symptoms must interfere with functioning in how many settings?
At least two
When does the grasp reflex disappear in newborns?
Palmer at 3 to 6 months and plantar at 4 months
Does high fever in the first two months of life suggest a bacterial or viral infection?
Causes of asymmetric IUGR SGA? Such as small weight but normal head circumference?
Hypertension, preeclampsia, renal disease, heart disease, hemoglobinopathies
At what age are well child checks completed in infancy?
2 weeks, 2 months, 4, 6, 9, and 12 months
what are the skin spots called that are typically a subtle shade discoloration located on the flank that increase in size with age?
Cafe au Lait spots
How long does stuttering typically last?
Several weeks to 6 months
At what age do we check a hematocrit?
At one and two years or unless otherwise indicated
What fontanelle may not be palpable at birth or closes by 2 to 3 months?
Posterior fontanelle
Which is achieved first in potty training, daytime or nighttime control?
When do symptoms of ADHD usually present?
Before 7 years of age
At what age is gynecomastia or galactorrhea normal in infancy?
Up to 3 months of age
What causes macrostomy?
Mucopolysaccharidosis and fetal alcohol syndrome
What perinatal event puts a child at higher risk for ADHD?
What is micrognathia?
Smaller lower jaw commonly seen in pure Robin syndrome, or treacher Collin syndrome
What are obstructed sweat ducks, sometimes referred to as prickly heat in newborn s?
What are the two symptom domains of the autism spectrum disorder?
Impaired social communication and social interaction or restricted, repetitive behaviors, interests, or activities
What is the typical visual acuity of 5-year-olds?
Nearsighted 20/30
What are some adolescent developmental warning signs?
A change in school performance, friendships, sleeping, or eating; apparent personality changes, difficulty accepting failure, talk of suicide, withdrawal
When do children show an interest in organized sports?
School age children
What are the common birth defects of fetal alcohol syndrome?
Defects of the heart come bone, kidney, joints, ears, eyes
What does fluoride do?
Helps with remineralization of teeth
When is enfacare used?
If the birth weight was greater than 2,000 g and less than 34 weeks gestational age until one year corrected gestational age
Portion sizes for children and infants of toddlers?
One tablespoon per year of age in infants and toddlers and then one quarter to one half of an adult serving
What are two supplements changes needed for vegans or vegetarians?
Vitamin B12 and 1.8 times the amount of iron
What are the growth parameter changes associated with malnourishment?
Weight loss, cessation of linear growth, and then the head circumference levels off