Growth & Development Flashcards
flexed, turns head from side to side
- Fixate face on light in line of vision
- “doll’s eye”, “moro”, “stepping & placing”, “grasp”
- Visual preference for human face
neonatal period
legs more extended, holds chin up, turns head
- Tonic neck posture, head lag in sitting
- Watches person, follows moving objects
- Smile
1st month
raises head slightly farther
- Tonic neck posture, head lags in sitting position
- Follows moving object 180o
- Smiles on social contact
- Listens to voice & coos
2nd month
lifts head & chest w/ arms extended, tonic neck posture
- Reaches towards & misses objects; waves @ toy
- Early head control w/ bobbing motion
- More reflex has not persisted
- Makes defensive movement
- Sustained social contact
- Listens to music, “ahh”, “ngah”
3rd month
– hands in midline, reaches & grasp objects
- Brings to mouth; no head lag when pulled to sit
- Pushes feet when held erect
- Sees pellet, makes no move to reach
- Excited @ sight of food; LOL
- Slows displeasure when social contact is broken
**BW doubles
4th month
– rolls over, pivot, crawls or creep-crawl (prone)
- Sits briefly w/ support, bounces actively
- Transfers object from hand to hand
- Rakes @ pellet
- Polysyllabic vowel sounds
- Prefers mother; babbles; enjoys mirror
7th month
sit up alone w/o support, creeps/crawl
- Pulls to standing position, cruises
- Pokes @ things
- Picks up pellet w/ assisted pincer movt
- Uncovers hidden toys
- Attempts to retrieve dropped objects
- Repetitive consonant sounds “mama” “dada”
- Responds to sound of name
- Plays “peek-a-boo” “pat a cake” “wave bye-bye”
10th month
walks with 1 hand held
- Picks up pellet with unassisted pincer movement
- Releases object to other person on request or gesture
- Says few words besides “mama” & “dada”
- Plays simple ball game, postural adjustment to dressing
**BW triples, 1 ½ BL
12th month
walks alone, crawls upstairs
- Makes tower of 3 cubes, makes a line
- Inserts raisin in bottle
- Jargon, follows simple commands
- May name familiar object
- Indicates some desires or needs by pointing
- Hugs parents
15th month
runs stiffly, walks up stairs w/ 1 hand held
- Explores drawers & wastebaskets, dumps raising from bottle
- 10 word (ave), names pictures
- Identify 1 or more body parts
- Feeds self
- Seek help
- Kisses w/ a pucker
- Complain when wet or soiled
18th month
runs well, walks up & down stairs 1 step @ a time
- Opens door, climbs on furniture
- Puts 3 words together (subject, verb, object)
- Handles spoon well
- Tells about immediate experiences
- Helps to undress
- Listens to stories when shown pictures
**½ adult ht
24th month
– goes upstairs alternating feet
- Refers to self by pronoun “I”
- Knows full name
- Helps put things away; pretends in play
**BW quadruples
30 months
rides tricycle; stands momentarily on 1 foot
- Knows age and sex, counts 3 objects correctly
- Repeats 3 numbers or a sentence of 6 syllables
- Plays simple games; helps in dressing; washes hands
**3 ft
3 yo
hops on 1 foot; throws ball overhand; uses scissors
- Climbs well
- Draws man w/ 2-4 parts besides head
- Counts 4 pennies accurately
- Tells story, plays w/ several children, with beginning of social interaction and role-playing
- Goes to toilet alone
**40lbs; 2BL, 40in
4 yo
- Names heavier of 2 weights
- Names 4 color
- Repeat sentence of 10 syllables
- Count 10 pennies correctly
- Dress & undresses
- Ask questions about meaning of words
- Engages in domestic role playing
5 yo
BL formula for 2-12 yo
Age x 6 + 77
Upper:lower body ratio
Birth 1.7
3yo 1.3
7yo 1
BL formula 2-12 yo
Age x 6 + 77
Ht of 13 yo
Upper:Lower body ratio (birth,3,7 yo)
birth: 1.7
3yo: 1.3
7yo: 1
length of ... 0-3 mo: 3-6 mo: 6-9 mo: 9-12 mo: 1-3 yo: 4-6 yo:
length 0-3 mo: 3.5cm/mo 3-6 mo: 2cm/mo 6-9 mo: 1.5cm/mo 9-12 mo: 1.2cm/mo 1-3 yo: 1cm/mo 4-6 yo: 3cm/yr
HC of ... 0-3 mo: 3-6 mo: 6-9 mo: 9-12 mo: 1-3 yo: 4-6 yo:
HC 0-3 mo: 2cm/mo 3-6 mo: 1cm/mo 6-9 mo: 0.5cm/mo 9-12 mo: 0.5cm/mo 1-3 yo: 0.25cm/mo 4-6 yo: 1cm/yr
waterlowe formula for stunting
(actual HT/ ideal Ht for age) x 100 Normal >95% Mild 90-95% Moderate 85-89% Severe <85%
waterlowe formula for wasting
(actual WT/ ideal WT for Ht) x 100 Normal >90% Mild 80-90% Moderate 70-80% Severe <70%
Crying peaks (3hr/day)
6 weeks
Sleep reqt 14-16hrs/day
4 months
Localizes sound & familiar names
6 months
Non verbal communication
7 months
Use picture books to hasten language
8-10 months
Stranger anxiety
Object permanence
9 months
Rapproachement (clinginess)
18 months
Tantrums & breath holding spells peak
2 yo
Handedness, visual acuity 20/30, take BP
3 yo
Past tense, visual acuity 20/20
No bed wetting (girls)
4 yo
Future tense
No bed wetting (boys)
5 yo
5-6 yo
Girls: 1st sign of puberty (SMR2) breast budding
8 yo
Boys: (SMR 2) testicular enlargement
9.5 yo
Pineal gland calcifies
10 yo
Style of writing is set
12 yo
Preadolescent breast & pubic hair
PH: Sparse, lightly pigmented, straight, medial border of labia
BREAST; Breast & papillae elevated as small mound, diameter of areola ↑
PH: Darker, begin to curl, ↑amt
B: Breast & areola enlarged, no contour separation
PH: Coarse, curly, abundant < an adult
B: Areola & papilla form secondary mound
PH: Adult feminine triangle, spread to medial surface thigh
B: Mature, nipple projects, areola part of general breast contour
PH: Scanty, long, slightly pigmented
P: Minimal change/ enlargement
T: Enlarges scrotum, pink, texture altered
PH: Darker, start to curl, small amt
P: Lengthens
T: Larger
PH: Resembles adult type; less quantity, coarse, curly
P: Larger glans & breadth ↑size
T: Larger, scrotum darker
PH: Adult distribution, spread medial surface thighs
P/T: Adult size
age: 10-13yo
SMR: 1-2
early adol
2 sex characteristics, begin rapid growth, awkward appearance (somatic)
early adol
Concrete operations, unable to perceive long term outcome of current decision, conventional morality (mental)
early adol
Preoccupied w/ changing body, self conscious, fantasy, present oriented (self concept)
early adol
↑need for privacy & bid independence (family)
early adol
Seek same-sex peer affiliation to counter instability (peer)
early adol
↑interest in sexual anatomy, questions genital changes, limited dating (sexual)
early adol
Middle school adjustment (social)
early adol
age: 14-16 yo
SMR: 3-5
middle adol
Ht growth peaks, body shape/ composition, acne & odor, menarche/ spermarche (Somatic)
middle adol
Abstract thought (formal operation) perceive future implications but may not apply in decision making, questioning mores (mental)
middle adol
Concern w/ attractiveness,
↑ introspection, stereotypical ado
(self concept)
middle adol
Conflict – control & independence, struggle for greater autonomy (family)
middle adol
Intense peer grp involvement, preoccupied peer culture, peer provide behavioral example (peer)
middle adol
age: 17-20 yo
SMR: 5
late adol
Gauge skills & opportunities (society)
middle adol
age: 17-20 yo
SMR: 5
late adole
Physically mature, slower growth (Somatic)
late adol
Future oriented w/ sense of perspective, idealism, absolutism, able to think things through independently (mental)
late adol
More stable body image, attractiveness may still be of concern, emancipation complete, firmer identity (self concept)
late adol
Emotional & physical separation from family, ↑autonomy (family)
late adol
Peer grp value recede in importance, intimacy/ possible commitment (peer)
late adol
Consolidation of sexual identity, focus on intimacy & form stable relationship, plan future commitment (sexual)
late adol
Career decision (society)
late adol
Infancy (0-1) Freud psycho-sexual: Erickson Psycho-social: Piaget Cognitive: Kohlberg Moral:
Infancy (0-1)
Freud psycho-sexual: ORAL
Erickson Psycho-social: TRUST vs MISTRUST
Piaget Cognitive: sensorimotor
Toddler (2-3) Freud psycho-sexual: Erickson Psycho-social: Piaget Cognitive: Kohlberg Moral:
Toddler (2-3)
Freud psycho-sexual: ANAL
Erickson Psycho-social: Autonomy vs shame & doubt
Piaget Cognitive: Sensorimotor
Kohlberg Moral: Preconventional, avoid punishment
obtain reward (stage 1&2)
Preschool (3-6) Freud psycho-sexual: Erickson Psycho-social: Piaget Cognitive: Kohlberg Moral:
Preschool (3-6)
Freud psycho-sexual: Phallic/Oedipal
Erickson Psycho-social: initiative vs guilt
Piaget Cognitive: pre operational
Kohlberg Moral: Conventional conformity (stage 3)
school age (6-12) Freud psycho-sexual: Erickson Psycho-social: Piaget Cognitive: Kohlberg Moral:
school age (6-12)
Freud psycho-sexual: latency
Erickson Psycho-social: Industry vs inferiority
Piaget Cognitive: Concrete operation
Kohlberg Moral: Conventional law & order (stage 4)
adol (12-20) Freud psycho-sexual: Erickson Psycho-social: Piaget Cognitive: Kohlberg Moral:
adol (12-20)
Freud psycho-sexual: Genital
Erickson Psycho-social: Identity vs role diffusion
Piaget Cognitive: Formal operations
Kohlberg Moral: Postconventional moral principle