Development/Behavior Flashcards
Gold standard for autism diagnosis
ADOS and ADI-R scales
Good prognostic signs in autism
Performance IQ >70
Speech by age 5
Highly structured environment
What is Rhett’s?
A subtype of autism:
- Significant developmental regression
- Deceleration of head growth
- Loss of social engagement
- Deficiency of language/social skills
- MR
- Normal for first several years of life
- Regression in 2+ areas before 10 years
- Looks like autism
Sensory Disintegration Disorder
3 main features of autism
- Limited range of interests
- Deficits in reciprocal interactions
- Deficits in verbal/nonverbal skills
Hallmark of Asperger’s
Social skills not appropriate, academically better
A child can perform all of the following:
- stack 2 blocks
- name one body part
- walk
- follow a simple command without gestures
How old are they?
24 months
“Most children”
“Age is closest to”
“All children”
Answer one age group older
“Some children”
Answer one age group younger
Typical HC growth
- Birth = ~35cm
- 0-3 months = 2cm/month
- 3-6 months = 1cm/month
- 6-12 months = 0.5cm/month
- 1 inch between 2 and 12 years
Typical weight gain
- Birth 3-3.5kg
- Regain by 2 weeks
- Double by 4 months
- Triple by 1 year
How gross motor proceeds
Hed to toe
How fine motor development proceeds
Proximal to distal
When do primative reflexes disappear
3-9 months of age
When do postural reactions develop
Between 3-10 months of age, coinciding with motor skills
- Head hangs down in ventral suspension
- Head lag when pulled to sit
- Turn head to side
- Moro, stepping, grasp reflexes
- Head in line with body in ventral suspension
- Lifts head 45 degrees when prone, arms extended
- Follows object past midline
2 months
- Lifts head to 90 degrees when prone
- Chest up, supported on arms when prone
- No head lag when pulled to sit
- Rolls prone to supine
4 months
- Chest up, supported on hands, when prone
- Rolls supine to prone
- Sits with support (no support by 7 months)
6 months
- Gets into sitting position
- Crawls
- Pulls to stand
- May cruise (10-11mo)
9 months
- Takes a few steps with hand held
- May stand without help or walk independently
12 months
- Swipes at objects
- Hands open
3 months
- Hands in midline
- Grasps objects and brings to mouth
4 months
- Transfers objects hand-hand
- Reaches unilaterally, raking grasp
6 months
- Early pincer grasp
- Eats with fingers
9 months
- Mature pincer grasp
- Releases object voluntarily
12 months
- Coos
2 months
- Orients to voice
- “Ah-goo”
4 months
- Babbles
6 months
- Mama, dada non-specifically
- Responds to name, no
9 months
- Mama, dada specifically
- Immature jargoning (no real words)
- One or more words with meaning
- Understands commands with gestures
12 months
- Social smile
- Regards face
2 months
- Laughs
4 months
- Start of object permanence
- Prefers mother, stranger anxiety
6 months
- Object permanence: looks over edge
- Plays peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake
- Wave bye-bye
- Uncovers hidden object (10mo)
9 months
- Plays simple games
- Takes pride in accomplishments
12 months
- Walks well
- Walks backwards
15 months
- Walks backwards
- Runs clumsily, falls often
- Walks pushing or pulling toys
18 months
- Runs well, wide-based gait
24 months
- Walks on tiptoes
- Tandem walks forward
4 years
- Tandem walks backwards
- Skips, alternating feet
5 years
- Crawls up stairs
- Walks up stairs with hand held
- Two feet per step
- Climbs up and down stairs alone
- Two feet per step
- Climbs up stairs alternating feet
3 years
- Climbs down stairs alternating feet
4 years
- Sits self in chair
- Kicks ball forwards
- Jumps in place, jumps off step
- Stands on one foot momentarily
- Stands on 1 foot 1-2seconds
- Hops 2-3 times
- Broad jump
3 years
- Stands on 1 foot 3-5 seconds
- Hops 5 times
4 years
- 2 cube tower
- 3-4 cube tower
- 6-7 cube towers
24mo (2+4 = 6 cubes)
- 8 cube tower
- Imitates train with chimney
- 9-10 cube tower
- Imitates bridge with 3 cubes
3 years
- Imitates gate
4 years
- Imitates steps
5-6 years
- Scribbles spontaneously
- Imitates a stroke
- Imitates vertical and circular strokes
- Imitates horizontal strokes
- Copies circle
3 years
- Copies cross
4 years
- Copies square
4.5 years
- Copies triangle
- Prints a few letters
5 years
- Copies diamond
6 years
- Takes off gloves, socks, shoe
- Can put on some clothes
- Dresses with supervision
- Unbutton
- Dresses without supervision
- Buttons
4 years
- Can tie shoelaces
5 years
- Uses covered cup with little spilling
- Handles spoon well for solids
- Uses spoon well for semi-solids
- Eats neatly with spoon and fork
3 years
- Spreads with a knife
5-6 years
- Starting to cut food with the knife
7 years
- 2-3 words
- Immature jargoning
12-13mo (1+2=3)
- 4-6 words
15mo (1+5=6)
- 7-20 words
- Mature jargoning
16-17mo (1+7=8)
- 50+ words
- 2 word sentences
- Pronouns (appropriately used)
- Telegraphic speech
- 250+ words
- 3-4 word sentences
- Plurals
- Present tense
3 years
- 4-6 word sentences
- Past tense
4 years
- Follows 1 step command without gestures
- Finds one body part
- Knows 5+ body parts
- Names pictures or common objects
- Follows 2 step command
- Knows sex, first and last name
- Understands 2 prepositions
- Names 3-4 colors
- Counts 5-10
- Understands 4 prepositions
- Understands opposites
4 years
50% Intelligibility
2 years (2/4 = 50%)
75% intelligibility
3 years (3/4 = 75%)
100% intelligibility
4 years (4/4 = 100%)
What milestones are most predictive of developmental problems?
Language milestones
Parental concerns about development identify __ % of children who fail screening tests.
Physician’s judgement alone identifies < __ % of children with significant developmental delays.
AAP recommends developmental screening at these well visits
9mo, 18mo, 30mo (or 24mo)
What is developmental quotient
Developmenatal age/chronological age X 100
Does not coorelate with IQ
Language Delay differential diagnosis
- Hearing loss
- Mental retardation
- Developmental language delay
- Autistic-spectrum disorders
- Dysarthria (due to CP etc)
- Psychosocial deprivation
- Stuttering
- Selective mutism (situational, due to anxiety)
- 9mo, no response to name
- 10-12mo, not babbling
- 15mo, does not respond to “no” or “bye bye”
- 18mo, no words other than mama, dada; does not point to wants
- 24mo, no 2 word phrases or 2 syllable words; does not understand simple commands
Warning signs for language delay
- 36mo; speech not fully intelligible to family; not using pronouns and verbs; no simple sentences; echolalia still present
- 4 years; speech not fully intelligible to strangers
- 5 years; persistent stuttering, frequent letter substitution
- 6 years; speech errors other than s, ch, sh, z, j, v, th, zh
- 8 years; any speech errors
Warning signs for language delay
Percentage of SNHL that has a genetic etiology
50% - most common mutation in Connexin 26 gene on chromosome 13
- 80% AR, 18% AD, 2% X-linked
- 2/3 without other abnormalities
Most common cause of conductive hearing loss
mild hearing loss
- difficulty with whispers, misses up to 50% speech
moderate hearing loss
- misses 50-100% of speech
- often poor voice and speech quality
- hearing device required
moderate-severe hearing loss
- loud shout heard as whisper
- needs hearing aids, educational interventions
severe hearing loss
- may have difficulty with hearing aids
> 90dB
profound hearing loss
- feels vibrations only, does not hear
- relies on vision for communication
IQ 55-69 (2SD < mean; mean 100, SD 15)
mild MR
IQ 40-54 (3SD < mean)
moderate MR
IQ 25-39 (4SD < mean)
severe MR
IQ < 25 (5SD < mean)
profound MR
- Sudden deterioration in language (receptive, then expressive) at 3-7 years old
- EEG abnormalities (temporal lobe spikes, sharp waves)
- 80% with clinical seizures
- Rx: high-dose steroids, IVIG, anticonvulsants, surgery
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
In this syndrome verbal skills < cognitive function
Down’s Syndrome
These syndromes may present first with language delays
Klinefelter’s, Fragile X
This syndrome may have language delay noted early, but eventually verbal skills > cognitive function
William’s Syndrome
- Physiologically active (increased HR and HR)
- Generalized loss of activity in large muscles
- EEG: low voltage, fast, dysynchronous
- Low threshold to stimuli
- Dreams occur here
REM sleep
- This sleep had 4 stages
1. drowsiness, head nodding
2. sleep spindles, K complexes, HR, RR, eye movements slowed, easily awakened
3. 20-50% delta waves (high voltage, slow waves)
4. >50% delta waves, difficult to awaken
Non-REM Sleep
Phase of sleep where parasomnias occur
Non-REM (deep) sleep
Most of this phase of sleep happens in first 1/3 of night
Most of this phase of sleep happens in last 1/2 of night
Percentage of infants that sleep through the night by 9 months
Learned sleep associations
Sleep Onset Association Disorder
Treatment of sleep onset association disorder
- Putting infant to bed “drowsy but awake”
- Ignoring (“cold turkey”)
- Graduated extinction
- Scheduled awakenings
- Use of transitional objects
- Wean nighttime feedings (“learned hunger”)
**Often gets worse before it gets better
- Occur within 1-2 hours after sleep onset (partial awakenings from deep sleep)
- Present in 3% of 4-12 year olds
- Varies in severity from confusion (infant) to terror (older child)
- Precipitated by stress, illness, sleep deprivation
Night terrors
- First 1/3 of night
- Age 4-12yrs
- Stage IV sleep
- Confused, agitated
- Not consolable
- No recall
Night terrors
- Second 1/2 of night
- Peak 3y-6y (all ages)
- REM sleep
- Upset but awake
- Consolable
- May recall