Gross (02.18) Lower Abdomen Flashcards
entrance to the stomach from the esophagus
cardiac orifice
exit of the stomach to the duodenum
pyloric sphincter
the stomach is lined with temporary folds called _____ that are responsible for the enzymatic digestion of food and creates _____
- rugae
- chyme
the part of the small intestine that is fixed and relatively immobile
both other parts are tethered but very mobile
permanent folds within the intestine that become more diffuse distally and are important with absorption
plicae circularis
the duodenum is anterior to what?
portal triad
which part of the duodenum curves around the head of the pancreas?
descending part
the _____ part of the duodenum crosses the midline at _____
- inferior
- L3
as you go further into the small intestine, the diameter _____
_____ ______ is the remnant of the embryonic yolk sac that appears as a finger-like pouch. it is located approx 1m proximal to _______ valvle and may become ______ and mimic appendicitis.
- meckel’s (ileal) diverticulum
- ileocecal
- inflamed
from proximal to distal, what are the 5 segments and two flexures of the large intestine?
- cecum
- ascending colon
- hepatic (right) colic flexure
- transverse colon
- splenic (left) colic flexure
- descending colon
- sigmoid colon
triangular mesentary dealing with the appendix
opens into cecum inferior to ileocecal oriface
veriform appendix
the appendix is commonly ____ but can very considerably
during appendicitis, vague pain begins in the _______ region and severe pain later from the ____ ____ ____
- periumbilical
- right lower quadrant
during appendicitis, the pain is most severe of the __________ point between _____ and ______
- spinoumbilical point
- umbilicus
three smooth m bands paralleling the length of the colon
teniae coli
outpouchings of the colon produced by teniae coli
haustra coli
fat tags found along the colon
epiploic appendages
the superior mesenteric a is the _____ major branch of the abdominal aorta (roughly ____ inferior to celiac a) and supplies up to _______ ______ of the ______ _____ via what three smaller arteries?
- 2nd
- ~1cm
- proximal 2/3
- transverse colon
- –ileocolic
- –R colic
- –middle colic
the inferior mesenteria a is the ______ major branch of the abdominal aorta (roughly _____ superior to aortic bifurcation) and supplies the _____ ____ of the _____ ____ via what three smaller arteries?
- 3rd
- ~5cm
- distal 1/3
- transverse colon
- –L colic
- –sigmoid (4)
- –superior rectal
marginal arteries are involved with ______ around the _____
- anastomoses
- colon
what two arteries anastomose to supply the head of pancrease and duodenum?
- superior pancreaticoduodenal a
- inferior pancreaticoduodenal a
*splenic artery supplies the rest of the pancreas
the renal arteries enter the _____ of each kidney to supply it and sends off additional branches to _____ ____ and _____
- hilum
- adrenal glands
- ureters