Great Turn - 5YPs and agricultural Flashcards
What was the Kolkhoz
A type of collective farm made up of 50-100 households
When was the Ural-Siberian method implemented
What was the Ural-Siberian method
Forced collectivisation
Destruction of the Kulaks
How many industrial workers were sent to break up the Kulaks
In Jan/Feb 1930 how many peasants were forced into collective farms
50% ~ 60 million
Between March and Jun 1930 how did the number of peasants in collective farms change
Down from 58% - 24%
What percentage of peasant households were in collective farms
In 1930/31 how many peasants were deported to Siberia & Kazakhstan
1.8 million
In 1930/31 how many peasants were arrested (and of those killed)
390,000 (21,000)
How many outbreaks of peasant unrest occurred in 1930
Who revolted in February 1930
Women in the North Cascasus
When was the Mir abolished
Between 1928 and 1941 how many peasants left for the towns/industrial areas
20 million
When was the holodomor
How many died in the holodomor
5.7~7 million
What was the law of five ears of corn
Anyone caught taking any produce from a collective field could be shot or imprisoned for stealing socialist property
What were peasant households allowed to own
One acre of land, one cow, one pig, four sheep (plus offspring) and any number of rabbits and poultry
What percentage of meat and veg were provided by private (Kolkhoz) plots
52% - veg
70% - meat
What were the grain exports in the 1931 & 1934 (in millions of tons)
5 - 1931
0.77 - 1935
What were the reasons for the great turn
‘Soviet America’
Self sufficiency
Establish Stalin’s credentials
Grain supplies
What were the reasons for the 5 Year Plans
Turn away from NEP
Prepare for potential invasion
How many years was Russian industry estimated to be behind the west
Over 50 Years
What were the Gigantomania projects
Magnitogorsk (31)
Dnieprostroi Dam (32)
Moscow Metro (35)
Volga Canal (37)
When were the five year plans
1st - 28-32
2nd - 33-37
3rd - 38-41
What was the quicksand economy
Instability due to constant worker movement
During the 1st 5yp what was the target and output for Electricity
T - 6x
O - 3x
During the 1st 5yp what was the target and output for Iron
T - 3x
O - 2x
How much did Steel production increase during the 1st 5yp
What were the consistent problems across all three five years plans
Decline in consumer goods
Organisations lying about their output
Quality neglected over quantity
What was the three good years 1934-36
Self sufficiency
Good harvest
International trade
How much did steel and coal production increase during the 2nd 5yp
Steel x3
Coal x2
How much did spending on rearmament increase during the 2nd 5yp as a percentage of GDP
4% - 17%
What was the 1940 decree on labour
8 hour work day
Can’t change jobs
Why was the 3rd 5yp derailed
Rearmament spending doubled
What was the increase in the population of Moscow 1929-39
+1.9 million
When was rationing implemented
At magnitogorsk what percentage of people lived in mud huts
How much did meat consumption in Moscow fall
Between 1928 and 1940 what was the increase in the number of women working in industry
10 million increase
What were the negatives of women in the work force
Paid Less
Domination of medical jobs
In 1935 what percentage of workers in Leningrad were women
Who was Alexei Stakhanov
Russian miner who did a voluntary 5 hour shift producing 102 tons of coal, 14x his quota
Soviet Hercules
What examples are there of propaganda during the 5yps
Five year plan in four
How deep was the White Sea Canal
12 feet (making it useless)
Who was Sergei Ordzhinikidze
Commissariat of heavy industry
What was the Shakty trial (March 1928)
Accusation that some managerial staff at the Shakty coal mine were counter-revolutionaries. 5 were executed
How did peasants resist collectivisation
Destruction of houses, tools and crops and culling of lifestock
How much did the number of horses in Russia decrease 1928-1933
50% less