Great Terror Flashcards
Who was Nadezda Allilueva
Stalin’s wife who shot herself November 1932
What was the name of the 200 page hit-piece that called for Stalin’s removal
Ryutin Platform
Why couldn’t Stalin have Ryutin shot
He only had the support of two other politburo members (Molotov & Kaganovich)
When was Ryutin and his family eventually killed
When was the Congress of Victors (or victims as it was later known)
1934 - 17th party congress
Who did Stalin lose a leadership vote to (and covered up to result)
When was Kirov assasinated
1st December 1934
Who was blamed for the murder of Kirov
Zinoviev & Kamenev
How many were expelled from the party
When was the first show trial and who was it aimed at
August 1936
Zinoviev, Kamenev and 14 others
When was the second show trial and who was it aimed at
January 1937
Karl Radek (Trotskyite) and Pyatakov (deputy commissar for heavy industry)
When was the third show trial and who was it aimed at
March 1938
Bukharin, Rykov and 20 others
When was the third show trial and who was it aimed at
March 1938
Bukharin, Rykov and 20 others
What was significant about Tukhachevsky’s confession
It had his blood on it
When was Tukhachevsky arrested
June 1937
What was the Officer Corps
A mass culling of the Russia’s most senior military commanders
How many of the 767 members of the Russian high command were shot
In the army and navy how many officers were arrested and dismissed
10,000 arrested
23,000 dismissed
When did the denunciation of loyal Stalinists begin
Summer 1937
By 1939 what percentage of party members had been in the party since before 1920
What was party membership in 1939
Of the 1996 delegates of the 17th party congress, how many were arrested and killed
1108 arrested of which 848 killed
How many of the Central Committee were shot
When was NKVD order 00447
30 July 1937
What was NKVD Order 00447
An order sent by Stalin to Yezhov to destroy all anti-soviet elements
Under 00447 what were the two types of anti-soviets and how were they punished
Active threats - immediate arrest and trial over execution
Less active threats - arrested and sentenced to camps for 8-10 years
How many of the 35,000 arrested in Moscow were killed
How many are estimated to have been killed under 00447
In August 1937 what did local leaders begin requesting from the central government
Increases to quotas
Who was the ‘Bloodthirsty dwarf’
Yezhov - leader of the NKVD
When did National Sweeps begin
August 1937
How many were arrested in the Polish operation of which how many were killed
140,000 - 80% killed
How many died in the National Sweeps
What are the NKVD figures for 1937-38
1.5 million arrested
1.3 million sentenced
681,692 shot
What is the actual death toll of the terror estimated at
950,000 - 1,200,000 deaths
When did the Terror end
November 1938
Who replaced Yezhov as head of the NKVD
What are the reasons for the terror
Death of Stalin’s wife
Ryutin platform
Kirov - 17th party congress
Rise of Fascism