Great Reform Act Flashcards
When was the Great Reform Act passed?
June 1832
What happened the first time the bill was pushed?
Passed its second reading by one vote, was defeated by comitee vote.
What happened the second time the bill was pushed?
Grey dissolved parliament, Whigs won election with majority and it passed through all stages in the communities.
In Oct 1831, presented House of Lords and was defeated.
What happened third time the bill was pushed?
Pro-reform riots led to Dec 1831 passed through reading and reached Lords by March failed.
What happened after the third time the bill failed?
Lords tried to delay and admend bill to prevent it passed, Grey asked King to create 50 Whigs lords, king refused.
Resigned due to not working.
What were the ‘days of may’?
- Radicals organized tax strikes and run on banks
- Political unions enrolled 12,000 new members
- Huge riots.
What happened as a result of ‘days of may’?
Wellington instructs Tory Lords to allow reform bill, and told the king to give Grey the new lords.
The Bill was passed June 1832.
What changed as a result of the Reform Act?
- 1 in 7 Male had vote after the act
- 56 rotten boroughs removed.
- 30 less rotten boroughs lost one MP
- £10 a year was qualification
- Electorate increased by about 250,000 votes most m/c.