Grammar Flashcards
Essentially, what is grammar?
It is the nuts and bolts of language.
What is ‘syntax’?
It is how sentences are structured - the arrangement of words in a sentence.
What is ‘morphology’?
They are sounds that make words.
What are ‘word classes’?
They are a group of words that fulfil the same kind of role and function in speech and writing.
What are ‘open word classes’?
They are a word class that is generally open to a new (different/variation) word class.
What are ‘closed word classes’?
They are a word class that isn’t flexible and cannot admit most word members amongst their word class.
What are ‘nouns’?
Subject(s) of a sentence.
What are ‘adjectives’?
Describes a noun.
What are ‘verbs’?
A process or doing word (action).
What are ‘adverbs’?
Describes a verb.
What are ‘conjunctions’?
They are connecting words.
What are ‘similes’?
They are linking words.
What is ‘preposition’?
Words that define time, space (proximity), direction.
What are ‘pronouns’?
Essentially, they replace noun for a more general term.
What are ‘determiners’?
They give specific information towards a noun (for either their quality or possession).
What are ‘abstract nouns’?
They are nouns (concepts) that physically cannot be touched.
What are ‘collective nouns’?
A group of things.
eg. Family.
What are ‘concrete nouns’?
Objects (concepts) that you can physically touch.
What are ‘proper nouns’?
Names: Places, Brands, People, etc.
What are ‘countable nouns’?
Nouns that can become plural (countable).
What are ‘uncountable nouns’?
Nouns that cannot be counted (have no plurals).
What are ‘premodifiers’?
A word class (verb, adj) that comes before the noun, in a sentence.
What are ‘post-modifiers’?
A word class that comes after the noun, in a sentence.
What is a ‘noun phrase’?
It is a phrase/sentence made up of (either) determiner, pre/post-modifiers, head word (subject - main noun).