grammar Flashcards
A word used in place of one or more nouns or pronouns (they, it he)
Names, a person, place, thing, or idea
Modifies a noun or pronoun (what kind, which one, how many, how much)
Expresses action or a state of being
Shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun called the objective of the preposition, to another word
Joins words or groups
Expresses emotion and has no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence
Personal pronoun
Refers to one speaking, the one spoken to or the one spoken about (I, me, my, you, your, yours, him, he, she, her)
Reflexive pronoun
Refers to the subject of a sentence and functions a complement or as an object of a preposition (not needed)
Intensive pronoun
Emphasizes its antecedent (needed)
Demonstrative pronoun
Points out a specific person, place, thing, or idea. (Example. This, that, these, those)
Interrogative pronoun
Introduces a question (example. who, whom, whose, which, what)
Relative pronoun
Introduces a subordinate clause
That, which, who, whom, whose) (example the women WHO
Indefinite pronoun
Noun that may not be specifically named (all, another, nobody, such)
Proper noun
names and particular person, place, thing, or idea