Gondal development Flashcards
Where is the gonad located in the developing fetus at ~5 weeks?
Around the medial border of the mesonephros
Where is the urogenital ridge?
The intermediate mesoderm
The mesonephros and the gonad compose the urogenital ridge
When does the urogenital ridge begin to develop?
~4.5 weeks
What cells populate the gonadal ridge?
Primordial germ cells that situate themselves on the posterior wall of the yolk sack until week six. At week six, the promordial germ cells migrate across the dorsal mesentery into gonadal tissue.
These cells stimulate the ridge to become either an ovary or a teste
What can give rise to sacrococcygeal teratomas?
When the primordial germ cells fail to migrate into the gonadal tissue, residing in the posterior yolk sac.
After the primordial germ cells migrate into the gonadal tissue, the intermediate mesoderm begins to proliferate surrounding each primordial germ cell with ______ ?
Epithelial tissue
These cells nourish the primordial germ cells as they differentiate
Tunica albuginea
Fibrous tissue
What cell line do sertoli cells arise from?
The epithelium of the gland
Sertoli cells: derived from epithelium: nurse cells for sperm + produce antimullerian hormone (AMH; also called mullerian inhibiting substance, MIS)
Leydig cells
Interstitial cells (of Leydig): derived from mesenchyme of genital ridge: testosterone (mesonephric ducts, tubules, etc; dihydrotestosterone, external genitalia
Leydig cells act on mesonephric tubules to form a structure that conducts the sperm at pubert
What does the main mesonephric duct form into?
The ductus deferens and epididymis
What are the mesodermal cells that surround the primary oocyte?
Follicular cells, nourish the oocyte
They oocyte surrounded by folicular cells is called a primordial follicle
Why is the mesonephric system not maintained in the female?
Without interstitial Leydig cells, testosterone is not produced. The paramesonephric duct remains because there are not sertoli cells secreting Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS).
What do the paramesonephric ducts form?
The uterine tubes and the uterus and the upper portion of the vagina
The lower end of the paramesonephric ducts from the uterus
What connects the two paramesonephric tubules?
The broad ligament of the uterus
Where does the lower portion of the vagina arise?
An out-pocketing of the urogenital sinus
Therefore, lower end comes from endoderm and upper portion (along with uterus and fallopian tubes) are derived from intermediate mesoderm
Uterine abnormalities
Difference between male and female genetic signaling
Difference between male and female gonadal development
What hormone regulates the development of male external genetalia?
The conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone
Signals for sexual differentiation
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS):
Males that lack androgen receptors or fail to respond to receptor-dihydrotestosterone complexes: Genitalia fail to develop as male and a vagina may be present, but poorly developed
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH):
Most common cause of ambiguous genitalia: Females may have an enlarged clitoris and partial fusion of the labia majora.
What pulls the testes down into the scrotal region?
The gubernaculum
Stimulated by the presence of dihydrotestosterone