Goljan 3 - Sheet1 Flashcards
failure of LES relaxation (no VIP); absent ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus
aperistalsis/dilation of esophagus; regurgitation of undigested food at night
X-ray achalasia
birdÕs beak appearance
Acquired achalasia
ChagasÕ disease; leishmania destroy ganglion cells
Distal adenocarcinoma esophagus
MC primary cancer; due to BarrettÕs esophagus
Squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus
smoking MCC; alcohol also causes
sign of upper GI bleed; acid changes Hb to hematin; peptic ulcer disease MCC
vomiting blood; peptic ulcers MCC
Congenital pyloric stenosis
hypertrophy pyloric muscle; vomiting non-bile stained fluid in 2-4 weeks
Acute hemorrhagic (erosive) gastritis
Mucous barrier stomach
maintained by PGE; misoprostol PGE analog
Type A chronic gastritis
due to PA; achlorhydria with ? serum gastrin
Type B chronic gastritis
due to H. pylori; involves pylorus and antrum
H. pylori
curved rod; urease producer; MCC PUD, adenocarcinoma, gastric lymphoma
Gastric ulcer
lesser curvature pylorus and antrum; poor defense against acid; food aggravates pain
Duodenal ulcer
never malignant; ? acid production; food relieves pain
Perforated peptic ulcer
air under diaphragm causes pain in left shoulder
MenetrierÕs disease
giant rugal hyperplasia; protein loss from increased mucus
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
malignant islet cell tumor secreting gastrin; part of MEN I syndrome
PUD in usual locations; sometimes multiple ulcers
ZE, achlorhydria, gastric distention, H2 or proton blockers; renal failure
MC benign tumor of stomach
Intestinal type adenocarcinoma
H pylori related; ? incidence; lesser curvature pylorus/antrum
Diffuse type adenocarcinoma
linitis plastica; signet ring cells; Krukenberg tumors ovaries
Gastric lymphoma
stomach MC site for extranodal lymphomas; H. pylori associated
steatorrhea; chronic pancreatitis, bile salt deficiency, small bowel disease
Causes bile salt deficiency
liver disease, bile salt resins, cholestasis, bacterial overgrowth, CrohnÕs
D-xylose screen
failure to reabsorb xylose indicates small bowel disease
Calcification of pancreas
chronic pancreatitis cause of malabsorption
Celiac disease
autoimmune disease; antibodies against gliadin in gluten; flat villi
Celiac disease
association with dermatitis herpetiformis
WhippleÕs disease
systemic infection; foamy macrophages with bacteria (PAS+ inclusions) in small bowel submucosa
fever, polyarthritis, skin pigmentation
Invasive diarrhea
Campylobacter jejuni MCC; positive fecal smear for leukocytes
Secretory diarrhea
loss isotonic fluid; enterotoxins from E. coli and V. cholerae
Osmotic diarrhea
hypotonic loss fluid; laxatives, lactase deficiency
MCC diarrhea in children
Norwalk virus
MCC diarrhea in adults
common cause diarrhea in AIDS; MCC cholecystitis and pancreatitis in AIDS
Staphylococcus aureus
preformed toxin causes food poisoning; culture food
Bacillus cereus
preformed toxin in fried rice and tacos; gram positive rods in stool
Clostridium botulinum (adult)
preformed neurotoxin (blocks acetylcholine release); paralysis and mydriasis
Clostridium botulinum (child)
colonization of bowel with release of neurotoxin; eating honey
Clostridium difficile
pseudomembranous colitis; post-antibiotics; toxin assay stool; Rx metronidazole
Shigella sonnei
produces dysentery (bloody diarrhea); associated with HUS
Salmonella enteritidis
gastroenteritis; animal reservoirs - poultry, turtles
Salmonella paratyphi
sepsis; osteomyelitis in HbSS
Salmonella typhi
typhoid fever; human transmission; bradycardia, neutropenia, splenomegaly
Carrier state site
M. tuberculosis
MCC intestinal TB in United States (swallow TB); PeyerÕs patch site of infection
Enterotoxigenic E. coli
secretory diarrhea (travelerÕs diarrhea); toxin stimulates guanylate cyclase
Vibrio cholerae
secretory diarrhea; toxin stimulates adenylate cyclase to produce cAMP
Oral Rx cholera
solution must contain glucose to reabsorb Na+ (co-transport)
Yersinia enterocolitica
mesenteric lymphadenitis; sepsis in iron overload states
Entamoeba histolytica
dysentery; trophozoites phagocytose RBCs; liver abscess; Rx metronidazole
Cryptosporidium parvum
MCC diarrhea in AIDS; acid-fast oocysts
Giardia lamblia
MC protozoal cause of diarrhea; cause of malabsorption; Rx metronidazole
Trichuris trichiura
rectal prolapse in children
Enterobius vermicularis
anal pruritus; urethritis in girls; no eosinophilia
Ascaris lumbricoides
intestinal obstruction due to adult worms; no eosinophilia
Necator americanus
hookworm; iron deficiency anemia
Strongyloides stercoralis
rhabditiform larvae in stool not eggs
Diphyllobothrium latum
fish tapeworm; vitamin B12 deficiency
Signs of small bowel obstruction
colicky pain; constipation and obstipation
Radiograph small bowel obstruction
air-fluid levels on x-ray
MCC small bowel obstruction
adhesions from previous surgery
Duodenal atresia
vomiting bile-stained fluid at birth; double bubble sign; Down syndrome
Hirschsprung disease
absent ganglion cells in submucosal/myenteric plexus rectosigmoid
proximal bowel dilated but peristalses; no stool in rectal vault
Hirschsprung association
Down syndrome; Chagas disease
terminal ileum telescopes into cecum; obstruction plus bloody diarrhea
Meconium ileus
complication of cystic fibrosis
Indirect inguinal hernia
second MCC of small bowel obstruction; common in weight lifting
Gallstone ileus
obstruction of small bowel with gallstone + air in biliary tree
MC due to sigmoid colon twisting around mesentery
Direct inguinal hernia
protrudes through center of triangle of Hesselbach; no obstruction
Umbilical hernia
common in black children; may entrap bowel in adults
Sigmoid colon
MC site for polyps, cancer, diverticula
Small bowel infarction
diffuse abdominal pain with bloody diarrhea
Causes small bowel infarction
embolism (atrial fibrillation), thrombosis SMA or SMV
Ischemic colitis
splenic flexure pain with bloody diarrhea
Mesenteric angina
pain in splenic flexure 30 minutes after eating
submucosal dilation of venules in cecum; cause of hematochezia
massive loss of blood per rectum; diverticulosis MCC
MeckelÕs diverticulum
persistence omphalomesenteric duct
bleeding MC (iron deficiency in children), diverticulitis
MeckelÕs diverticulitis
mimics acute appendicitis; cannot differentiate without radionuclide scan
Sigmoid diverticulum
diverticulitis MC complication; MCC hematochezia and fistula formation
Òleft-sided acute appendicitisÓ
Ulcerative colitis
mucosal/submucosal ulceration; starts in rectum; crypt abscess; ? risk adenocarcinoma
left lower quadrant crampy pain with bloody diarrhea
UC associations
primary sclerosing cholangitis, seronegative HLA B27 + spondyloarthropathy
CrohnÕs disease
transmural inflammation; terminal ileum involved 80%; granulomas; skip lesions
colicky pain and diarrhea; fistulas (anal, bowl to bowel)
Carcinoid tumor
appendix MC site; terminal ileum MC site for carcinoid syndrome
Carcinoid syndrome
liver metastasis; flushing/diarrhea due to serotonin; increased urine 5-HIAA
Tubular adenomas
precursor lesion colon cancer; size and number determine risk of malignancy
Villous adenoma
greatest risk for colon cancer (30%); secrete mucus rich in protein and potassium
Familial polyposis
AD with 100% penetrance for developing colon cancer
GardnerÕs syndrome
AD, polyposis plus osteomas and desmoid tumors
TurcotÕs syndrome
AD, polyposis plus brain tumors
Colorectal cancer
second MC cancer and cancer killer in adults
Left-sided colorectal cancer
obstruct; MC location rectosigmoid
Right-sided colorectal cancer
Acute appendicitis
due to lymphoid hyperplasia in children and obstruction by fecalith in adults
External hemorrhoids
Internal hemorrhoids
bleed; prolapse out of rectum
Urobilinogen (UBG)
breakdown product CB in bowel (color of stool)
enterohepatic circulation to liver and kidney (color of urine)
Alcoholic liver disease
serum AST>ALT; ? serum GGT
Viral hepatitis
serum ALT>AST
Cholestasis markers
serum AP and GGT
Unconjugated bilirubin
macrophage degradation of heme; lipid soluble; never in urine
Conjugated bilirubin (CB)
water soluble; never normal in urine
% CB <20% (unconjugated)
Gilberts, spherocytosis, physiologic jaundice newborn, ABO/Rh HDN
GilbertÕs disease
AD; ? uptake and conjugation; bilirubin increases with fasting
Physiologic jaundice newborn
unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia; begins on day three
% CB 20-50%
viral/alcoholic hepatitis
% CB >50%
bile duct obstruction (intra or extrahepatic); carcinoma head of pancreas
Negative urine bilirubin + trace urobilinogen
normal urine
Positive urine bilirubin, absent urobilinogen
obstructive jaundice
Positive urine bilirubin + increased urobilinogen
Negative urine bilirubin + increased urobilinogen
extravascular hemolytic anemia
Markers of severity of liver disease
albumin, PT
Hepatitis A
protective antibodies; day care centers, jails, homosexuals, traveling; not chronic
Hepatitis B
protective antibodies; accidental needle stick, IVDA; hepatocellular carcinoma
Hepatitis C
no protective antibodies; post-transfusion hepatitis; chronic state; hepatocellular carcinoma
Hepatitis D
no protective antibodies; requires HBsAg to replicate
Anti-HBs alone
Anti-HBs + anti-HBc-IgG
recovered from HBV
HBsAg + HBeAg + HBVDNA + anti-HBc-IgM
acute HBV/chronic HBV infective carrier if >6 months
Anti HBc-IgM alone
serologic gap; not infective
HBsAg + anti-HBc-IgM
chronic HBV healthy carrier
Fulminant hepatic failure
viral hepatitis and acetaminophen MCCs
Spontaneous peritonitis
E. coli in adults; S. pneumoniae in children; complication of ascites
Granulomatous hepatitis
TB MC bacteria
Entamoeba histolytica; flash shaped ulcers in cecum; liver abscess; Rx
Echinococcus granulosis; sheep dog definitive host; man intermediate host
Schistosoma mansoni; adult worms in portal vein; Òpipe stem cirrhosisÓ
Clonorchis sinensis; ingesting encysted larvae in fish; cholangiocarcinoma
Congestive hepatomegaly (centrilobular necrosis)
ÒnutmegÓ liver; RHF MCC
Hepatic vein thrombosis
Budd-Chiari syndrome; painful hepatomegaly; ascites; portal hypertension
Portal vein thrombosis
ascites, portal hypertension, no hepatomegaly
Alcohol related disorders
fatty change; alcoholic hepatitis; cirrhosis
Hypertriglyceridemia in alcoholics
? synthesis of glycerol 3P (substrate for TG synthesis)
Hypoglycemia in alcoholics
? gluconeogenesis (? NADH causes pyruvate to convert to lactate)
Ketoacidosis in alcoholics
? lactate, ? §OHB (acetyl CoA converted to AcAc and then §OHB)
Primary biliary cirrhosis
granulomatous destruction triad bile ducts; anti-mitochondrial antibody
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
association with ulcerative colitis; MCC of cholangiocarcinoma
Extrahepatic biliary atresia
neonatal cholestasis
Drugs causing hepatitis
acetaminophen, isoniazid, halothane
Anabolic steroids
intrahepatic cholestasis
Estrogen/oral contraceptives
intrahepatic cholestasis; hepatic adenoma (intraperitoneal hemorrhage)
liver fibrosis, fatty change
Liver angiosarcoma
vinyl chloride
AR; increased iron reabsorption; liver target organ
cirrhosis; Òbronze diabetesÓ - skin pigmentation + destruction of islet cells; malabsorption
? serum ferritin, iron, % saturation; ? TIBC
WilsonÕs disease
AR disease; defect in copper excretion in bile and synthesis of ceruloplasmin
cirrhosis, movement disorder (necrosis in putamen), Kayser Fleisher ring (DescemetÕs membrane)
? ceruloplasmin (causes ? total copper); ? serum/urine free copper
HELLP syndrome
pre-eclampsia; Hemolytic anemia, ELevated transaminases, Low Platelets
AAT deficiency in child
AR, cannot secrete AAT from liver cell; cirrhosis; hepatocellular carcinoma
Reye syndrome
coma and microvesicular fatty change post viral infection; increased ammonia
irreversible fibrosis; regenerative nodules; portal hypertension
Causes cirrhosis
alcohol (MC), HBV/HCV, hemochromatosis, WilsonÕs, AAT deficiency, 1¡ biliary
Hepatic encephalopathy
mental status changes; ? serum ammonia
Portal hypertension
ascites; varices; splenomegaly; hemorrhoids; caput medusae
Cause of ascites
portal hypertension; hypoalbuminemia; secondary aldosteronism
use aldosterone blocker (acidosis increases loss ammonium in stool)
Hyperestrinism in men
gynecomastia; spider angiomas; female hair distribution
Lab findings cirrhosis
? BUN, glucose, sodium, potassium, calcium (? vitamin D); ? PT
Liver cell adenoma
estrogen related (steroids, oral contraceptives); intraperitoneal hemorrhage
Liver cancer
metastasis MC cancer; lung cancer MC primary site
Hepatocellular carcinoma
chronic HBV and HCV MCC; ? AFP; hepatic/portal vein invasion
primary sclerosing cholangitis MCC, C.C sinensis
Pathogenesis of cholesterol stones
bile with too much cholesterol and too little bile salts
Black pigment stones
sign of extravascular hemolytic anemia (spherocytosis, HbSS)
Acute cholecystitis
stone impacted in cystic duct; right upper quadrant colicky pain with radiation to shoulder
Chronic cholecystitis
chemical inflammation
Gallbladder cancer
risk factors - cholelithiasis and porcelain gallbladder
Acute pancreatitis
causes - alcohol and gallstones; ? amylase and lipase (more specific)
epigastric pain with radiation into back
Sentinel loop
localized ileus of duodenum due to acute pancreatitis
Pancreatic pseudocyst
abdominal mass; persistence of ? serum amylase >1 week
Chronic pancreatitis
alcohol abuse, CF; malabsorption, pain, type I diabetes
Pancreatic cancer
smoking MCC
jaundice/acholic (gray/pale) stools; palpable gallbladder; superficial migratory thrombophlebitis (Trousseau’s sign); ? CA 19-9
First sign tubule cell dysfunction
inability to concentrate urine
Fixed specific gravity
chronic renal failure; cannot concentrate or dilute urine
Negative urine bilirubin + trace urobilinogen
normal urine
Positive urine bilirubin, absent urobilinogen
obstructive jaundice
Positive urine bilirubin + increased urobilinogen
Negative urine bilirubin + increased urobilinogen
extravascular hemolytic anemia
Positive urine nitrite + positive urine leukocyte esterase
urinary tract infection
Sterile pyuria
positive urine leukocyte esterase but negative standard culture; TB, C. trachomatis
Prerenal azotemia
? BUN and creatinine; ? renal blood flow (e.g. heart failure, hypovolemia)
Renal azotemia
? BUN and creatinine due to intrinsic renal disease (acute tubular necrosis)
Postrenal azotemia
? BUN and creatinine due to obstruction to urine flow
Serum BUN:creatinine ratio
15:1 (prerenal or postrenal azotemia)
BUN 80 mg/dL:creatinine 8 mg/dL
ratio 10/1 - renal failure
BUN 80 mg/dL:creatinine 2 mg/dL
ratio 40/1 - prerenal azotemia or postrenal azotemia
Creatinine clearance
measures GFR
important sign of renal dysfunction
RBC casts
nephritic type of glomerulonephritis
WBC casts
acute pyelonephritis, acute tubulointerstitial nephritis
Fatty casts with Maltese crosses
nephrotic syndrome
Hyaline casts
normal unless associated with proteinuria
Renal tubular cell casts
acute tubular necrosis
Waxy or broad casts
chronic renal failure
hexagonal crystals
Horseshoe kidney
TurnerÕs syndrome; lower poles fused
Renal dysplasia
MC childhood cystic disease; abnormal development; flank mass
Maternal oligohydramnios
fetal juvenile polycystic kidney disease; PotterÕs facies in newborn
Adult polycystic kidney disease
AD; hypertension MC sign; cerebral berry aneurysms
Visceral epithelial cells
synthesize basement membrane
Glomerular BM
negative charge due to heparan sulfate
Nephritic syndrome
oliguria; RBC casts; hypertension; mild to moderate proteinuria
Nephrotic syndrome
proteinuria >3.5 g/day; ascites and pitting edema; fatty casts; fusion of podocytes
linear (anti-glomerular BM antibodies); granular (IC deposition)
MC GN; usually nephritic; episodic hematuria; mesangial IC (lgA-anti-IgA) deposits
Post-streptococcal GN
nephritic; subepithelial deposits; skin/pharyngeal infections; anti-DNAase B
SLE type IV GN
nephritic; subendothelial deposits; anti-DNA antibodies
Crescentic GN
crescents from parietal cell proliferation; worst GN; GoodpastureÕs, WegenerÕs
nephritic; anti-BM antibodies (glomerular + pulmonary capillary); crescentic GN
young male with hemoptysis progressing to renal failure
Minimal change disease (lipoid nephrosis)
MCC childhood nephrotic syndrome
Lipoid nephrosis
podocyte fusion; loss of negative charge in glomerular BM
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
nephrotic syndrome; AIDS and IV heroin abuse
Membranous GN
MCC adult nephrotic syndrome; subepithelial deposits; epimembranous spikes
Causes membranous GN
HBV, ACE inhibitors, cancer
nephrotic; subepithelial deposits; HCV association; tram tracks
nephrotic; C3 nephritic factor; intramembranous ICs (dense deposit disease)
DM nodular glomerulosclerosis
microalbuminuria first sign
DM glomerulosclerosis
nodules with collagen in mesangium; hyaline arteriolosclerosis of arterioles
ACE inhibitors
inhibit angiotensin II vasoconstriction of efferent arterioles
AlportÕs syndrome
XD hereditary nephritis with sensorineural hearing loss
Ischemic ATN
prerenal azotemia MCC; renal tubular cell casts; BUN:creatinine ratio <15:1
Ischemic ATN
disruption of BM in proximal tubule and thick ascending limb
Nephrotoxic ATN
aminoglycosides, IVP dye, Pb/mercury poisoning
Nephrotoxic ATN
proximal tubule dysfunction; intact BM
prerenal azotemia, ATN, glomerulonephritis, postrenal azotemia
Acute pyelonephritis
vesicoureteral reflux with ascending infection; WBC casts, fever, flank pain
Chronic pyelonephritis
U-shaped scars overlying blunt calyces
Drug-induced tubulointerstitial nephritis
type I/IV reaction; e.g., penicillin
ARF, fever, rash, eosinophilia, eosinophiluria, WBC casts
Analgesic nephropathy
aspirin plus acetaminophen; renal papillary necrosis; IVP with ring defect
Myeloma kidney
BJ protein produces foreign body reaction in tubules
Urate nephropathy
prevent by giving allopurinol prior to chemotherapy
fixed specific gravity; BUN:creatinine <15:1; waxy and broad casts
Renal osteodystrophy CRF
hypovitaminosis D (no 1-?-hydroxylase); produces osteomalacia
Renal osteodystrophy CRF
osteoporosis from metabolic acidosis
Renal osteodystrophy CRF
secondary HPTH with increased osteoclastic activity
pericarditis, prolonged bleeding time, normocytic anemia, pathologic fractures
Benign nephrosclerosis
kidney of hypertension; shrunken kidneys due to hyaline arteriolosclerosis
Malignant hypertension
renal failure; encephalopathy; BP >210/120 mm Hg; IV nitroprusside
Renal findings
necrotizing arteriolitis; Òflea bittenÓ kidney; hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
Renal infarction
pale infarcts; hematuria; common in polyarteritis nodosa
renal stone MCC; atrophy of cortex/medulla; postrenal azotemia
Renal stones
most contain calcium (calcium oxalate/phosphate); hypercalciuria MC risk factor
colicky pain radiating into groin, hematuria; x-ray usually shows stone
Staghorn calculus
due to urease producing organisms (Proteus); alkaline urine pH; ammonia smell
hamartoma; associated with tuberous sclerosis
Renal cell carcinoma
smoking MCC; invasion renal vein/vena cava; lung, bone mets; yellow colored
flank mass, hematuria; ectopic hormones (EPO, PTH related peptide), left-sided varicocele
Renal pelvis transitional cell carcinoma
smoking MCC, phenacetin, aniline dyes, cyclophosphamide
WilmÕs tumor
hypertension, unilateral abdominal mass in child; aniridia/hemihypertrophy in AD types
Urine draining from umbilicus
persistent urachus
Retroperitoneal fibrosis
produces hydronephrosis
Bladder extrophy
abdominal wall defect + epispadias
Bladder diverticula
most commonly due to prostatic hyperplasia with urethral obstruction
Acute cystitis
E. coli; females > males; no fever, flank pain, or WBC casts
Bladder transitional cell carcinoma
smoking MCC, aniline dyes, cyclophosphamide; papillary
hematuria; hydronephrosis
Bladder adenocarcinoma
risk factors persistent urachus, extrophy
Bladder squamous cell carcinoma
Schistosoma hematobium infection
ventral opening on penis due to failure closure of urethral folds
dorsal opening on penis due to defect in genital tubercle
PeyronieÕs disease
painful curvature penis due to fibromatosis
persistent/painful erection; HbSS
Squamous cell carcinoma penis
HPV and lack of circumcision most important risk factors
undescended testis; risk for seminoma applies to cryptorchid testis and normal testis
mumps usually unilateral (infertility uncommon)
35 - E. coli, P. aeruginosa
scrotal pain relieved by elevation of scrotum (PrehnÕs sign)
left-sided scrotal mass; spermatic vein drains into left renal vein; infertility common
may be due to invasion of left renal vein by renal cell carcinoma
persistent tunica vaginalis; scrotum transilluminates
Torsion of testicle
testicle high in canal; absent cremasteric reflex
Testicular cancer
unilateral painless mass that does not transilluminate
Risk factors
cryptorchid testis, KlinefelterÕs, testicular feminization
MC cancer; radiosensitive; large cells with lymphoid infiltrate; small percentage have ?hCG
Spermatocytic variant
> 65 yrs of age
Embryonal carcinoma
hemorrhage/necrosis; hematogenous spread before lymphatic; ?AFP, hCG
Yolk sac tumor
MC testicular cancer in boys; ?AFP
most aggressive testicle cancer; ?hCG
more often benign in children than adult
teratoma + embryonal carcinoma
Malignant lymphoma
MC type in elderly; metastasis not primary cancer
DHT derived stimulation embryo; periurethral area - hyperplasia; peripheral area - cancer
perineal pain, fever; WBCs at end of voiding
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
DHT/estrogen-mediated; glandular/smooth muscle hyperplasia
all men develop; urethral obstruction MC (hesitancy, dribbling, nocturia), hematuria, dysuria Rx
Prostate cancer
DHT-mediated; palpable with rectal exam; osteoblastic metastasis (? AP)
sensitive but not specific for prostate cancer; ? in hyperplasia
KallmannÕs syndrome
absent GnRH, anosmia, absence of taste
failure to sustain an erection; psychogenic in most cases (erections present at night)
parasympathetic response
sympathetic response
Leydig cell failure
? LH; ? testosterone, sperm count; normal FSH
Seminiferous tubule failure
? FSH (?inhibin); ? sperm count; normal LH and testosterone
Leydig and seminiferous tubule failure
? FSH and LH; ? testosterone and sperm count
Y chromosome
determines genetic sex
develops seminal vesicles, epididymis, vas deferens