Goljan 2 - Sheet1 Flashcards
B cell neoplasm; ? ?-globulins; MCC generalized lymphadenopathy patients> 60-yrs-old
Adult T cell leukemia
HTLV-1; CD4 T cells; skin infiltration; lytic bone lesions with hypercalcemia
Hairy cell leukemia
positive TRAP stain; splenomegaly; Rx with purine nucleosides
Nodal sites
germinal follicles, B cells; paracortex, T cells; sinuses, histiocytes
Testicular cancer
metastasizes to para-aortic nodes
Stomach cancer
metastasizes to left supraclavicular nodes (Virchow node)
atypical lymphocytosis
Cat scratch disease
Bartonella henselae; granulomatous microabscesses
Follicular B-cell lymphoma
t(14;18); overexpression of BCL-2 anti-apoptosis gene
Burkitt lymphoma
t(8;14); EBV association; common childhood NHL; Òstarry skyÓ appearance
Extra nodal lymphomas
risk factors H. pylori (stomach); SjogrenÕs syndrome
Mycosis fungoides
CD4 T cell neoplasm; skin lesions with PautrierÕs microabscesses
Sezary syndrome
leukemic phase of mycosis fungoides
Polyclonal gammopathy
sign of chronic inflammation
Monoclonal gammopathy
M component (spike); sign of plasma cell disorder
Confirmatory tests
serum and urine immunoelectrophoresis; bone marrow aspirate
Bence Jones protein
light chains in urine; predictive of a malignant plasma cell disorder
Multiple myeloma
M spike; lytic bone lesions; pathologic fractures; hypercalcemia; renal failure
MC monoclonal gammopathy; may progress to myeloma
Findings in MGUS
elderly patient; no BJ protein; no malignant plasma cells
WaldenstromÕs macroglobulinemia
lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma; IgM M spike; hyperviscosity
HodgkinÕs lymphoma
neoplastic component, Reed Stemberg (RS) cell; CD15 CD30 positive
Lymphocyte predominant HodgkinÕs
infrequent classic RS cells
Nodular sclerosing HodgkinÕs
female dominant; supraclavicular nodes + anterior mediastinal nodes
Mixed cellularity HodgkinÕs
male dominant; numerous RS cells; EBV association
HodgkinÕs prognosis
stage of disease and type of HodgkinÕs most important factors
Alkylating agents in Rx of Hodgkins
? risk for second malignancies (leukemia; NHL)
LangerhanÕs histiocytes
CD1 positive; Birbeck granules
Letterer-Siwe disease
malignant histiocytosis <2 yrs old; diffuse eczematous rash; organ involvement
Hand-Christian-Christian disease
malignant; lytic skull lesions, diabetes insipidus, exophthalmos
Eosinophilic granuloma
benign histiocytosis; lytic bone lesions with pathologic fractures
Mast cells
release histamine (pruritus; swelling); metachromatic granules positive with toluidine blue
Urticaria pigmentosum
localized mastocytosis; skin lesions swell and itch with scratching
twisted ?-sheet; apple green birefringence with Congo red
Primary amyloidosis
AL amyloid derived from light chains; plasma cell disorders
Secondary amyloidosis
AA amyloid derived from serum-associated amyloid; chronic infections
AlzheimerÕs disease
amyloid precursor protein gene product chromosome 21; amyloid-?
GaucherÕs disease
macrophages have fibrillary appearance; deficiency glucocerebrosidase
Niemann PickÕs disease
macrophages have soap bubble appearance; deficiency sphingomyelinase
splenomegaly; peripheral blood cytopenias; portal hypertension MCC
Splenic dysfunction
Howell Jolly bodies; susceptible to Streptococcus pneumoniae sepsis
tissue plasminogen activator, heparin, PGI2 ATIII, protein C/S
enhances ATIII activity (neutralizes all factors except V, VIII, fibrinogen)
Protein C/S
neutralize V and VIII
coagulation factors, thromboxane A2 (platelet aggregation, vasoconstrictor)
Protein C and S
inactivate factors V and VIII; enhance fibrinolysis
von Willebrand factor
complexes with factor VIII to enhance VIII:C activity; platelet adhesion
receptors for von Willebrand factor and fibrinogen; synthesize thromboxane A2
platelet receptor for von Willebrand factor
platelet receptor for fibrinogen
Extrinsic system factor
Intrinsic system factors
Final common pathway factors
X, V, prothrombin (II), fibrinogen (I)
Factor XIII
cross-links insoluble fibrin; strengthens fibrin clots
Vitamin K-dependent factors
prothrombin, VII, IX, X, protein C and S
Factors consumed in a clot
fibrinogen, prothrombin, V, VIII; fluid is called serum
cleaves fibrinogen and insoluble fibrin into degradation products
Bleeding time
evaluates platelet function (adhesion, release reaction, aggregation)
MCC of a prolonged bleeding time
Tests for vWF
ristocetin cofactor assay; vWF antigen assay; agar electrophoresis
evaluates extrinsic pathway to fibrin clot
evaluates intrinsic pathway to stable fibrin clot
Fibrinolysis tests
fibrin(ogen) degradation products; D-dimers (cross-linked insoluble fibrin)
S/S platelet dysfunction
cannot form temporary plug; epistaxis; petechiae; bleeding from scratches
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
children; antibodies against GpIIb:IIIa; no splenomegaly
Chronic autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura
SLE; antibodies against GpIIb:IIIa receptors
thrombocytopenia due to IgG antibody against heparin attached to PF4 on platelets
heparin neutralizing factor
thrombocytopenia MC hematologic abnormality; similar to ITP
platelet thrombi develop in areas of endothelial damage in small vessels; consumption of platelets
fever, thrombocytopenia, renal failure, hemolytic anemia with schistocytes, CNS deficits
Lab findings TTP
thrombocytopenia, prolonged bleeding time, normal PT and PTT
similar to TTP; endothelial injury from Shiga-like toxin of 0157:H7 E. coli in undercooked beef
S/S factor deficiency
no stable fibrin clot-late rebleeding; menorrhagia; GI bleeding; hemarthroses
Hemophilia A
XR; hemarthroses; prolonged PTT, ? factor VIII activity, normal VIII antigen
von WillebrandÕs disease
AD; platelet adhesion defect + factor VIII deficiency
Lab findings in VWD
? vWF, VIII antigen, and VIII:C; prolonged bleeding time
Desmopressin acetate
Rx of choice for mild von WillebrandÕs disease and hemophilia A
Circulating anticoagulants
antibodies destroy coagulation factors
Lab finding in circulating anticoagulant
prolonged PT and/or PTT corrected with mixing studies
Vitamin K deficiency
? epoxide reductase activity (? function vitamin K); hemorrhagic diathesis; ? PT
Causes vitamin K deficiency
antibiotics MC, newborn, malabsorption, warfarin
activation coagulation system from release of tissue thromboplastin and/or endothelial cell damage
consumption coagulation factors by fibrin clots; patient also anticoagulated
septic shock MCC, rattlesnake bite, massive trauma, amniotic fluid
bleeding from all scratches, holes, needle sites
Lab findings DIC
thrombocytopenia, ? PT and PTT, D-dimers (best test), anemia
Antiphospholipid antibodies
lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibodies; vessel thrombosis
inhibits epoxide reductase; PT best test but PTT also prolonged
full anticoagulation in 3 days when -carboxylated prothrombin disappears
ingredient in rat poison; danger to children in households with grandparents on warfarin
Rx warfarin over anticoagulation
intramuscular vitamin K (6-8 hrs), fresh frozen plasma (immediate)
enhances ATIII; PTT best test but PT also prolonged
estrogen ? coagulation factor synthesis and ATIII; predisposes to thrombosis
Factor V Leiden
MC hereditary thrombosis; resistant to degradation by protein C/S
ATIII deficiency
no prolongation of PTT with administration of heparin
Hemorrhagic skin necrosis
post-warfarin therapy in patient with heterozygote protein C deficiency
M cells
specialized cells that transfer foreign antigens to lymphocytes in PeyerÕs patches
Blood group O
some patients have anti-AB-IgG antibodies; increased incidence duodenal ulcers
Blood group A
increased incidence of gastric carcinoma
do not have natural blood group antibodies at birth (e.g., anti-A-lgM)
may lose natural blood group antibodies; no hemolytic reaction to mismatched blood
Rh antigens
inherited in autosomal codominant fashion; Rh antigens include D, C, c, E, e
Atypical antibodies
antibodies against Rh or non-Rh blood group antigens (e.g., anti-D)
Duffy antigen
receptor for Plasmodium vivax; blacks often lack Duffy antigen
Antibody screen
indirect CoombÕs test; detects atypical antibodies in serum
MC infection transmitted by blood transfusion; MC antibody
Hepatitis C
MCC of post-transfusion hepatitis
Major crossmatch
patient serum reacted against donor RBCs; does not guarantee RBC survival
Universal donor
blood group O; no antigens on the surface of RBCs
Universal recipient
blood group AB; no natural blood group antibodies in serum
Packed RBC transfusion
raises Hb by 1 gm/dL and Hct by 3%
fibrinogen and factor VIII
Fresh frozen plasma
replacement for multiple factor deficiencies (e.g., cirrhosis, DIC)
Allergic transfusion reaction
type I IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reaction
Febrile transfusion reaction
recipient anti-HLA antibodies react against donor leukocytes
Intravascular HTR
transfusion of ABO incompatible blood (e.g., A person receives B blood)
Extravascular HTR
antibody attaches to donor RBCs; macrophage phagocytosis and hemolysis
Positive direct CoombÕs test
present in both types of hemolytic transfusion reactions
jaundice, no increase in Hb, hemoglobinuria
mother O and baby A or B; transplacental passage of maternal anti-AB-IgG
positive direct CoombÕs test; spherocytes; MCC unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia first 24 hrs
mother Rh (D antigen) negative and fetus Rh (O antigen) positive
no hemolysis in first Rh incompatible pregnancy
maternal anti-D crosses placenta; potential for hydrops fetalis; high risk for kernicterus
Rh immune globulin
anti-D; coats D antigen site on fetal RBCs in maternal circulation
Rh HDN lab
positive direct CoombÕs; severe anemia and hyperbilirubinemia
protects mother from Rh sensitization (development of anti-D antibodies)
O Rh negative mother with A Rh positive baby
A+ cells destroyed by mothers anti A-lgM
Blue fluorescent light
converts unconjugated bilirubin in skin into harmless water soluble dipyrrole
MV auscultation
TV auscultation
left parasternal border
AV auscultation
right 2nd intercostal space
PV auscultation
left 2nd intercostal space
closure MV and TV
closure AV and PV
split in A2 and P2; due to increased blood in right side of heart
abnormal; due to blood entering volume overloaded ventricle in early diastole
Causes S3
valve regurgitation; congestive heart failure
abnormal; due to blood entering non-compliant ventricle with atrial contraction in late diastole
Causes S4
volume overloaded ventricle, hypertrophy
stretching valve ring or damage to valve
increases right sided abnormal heart sounds and murmurs
increases left sided abnormal heart sounds and murmurs
Stenosis murmurs
problem in opening valve
Regurgitation murmurs
problem in closing valve
Valves opening in systole
AV and PV
Valves opening in diastole
MV and TV
Valves closing in systole
MV and TV
Valves closing in diastole
AV and PV
primary vehicle for carrying cholesterol
primary vehicle for carrying liver-synthesized triglyceride
Familial hypercholesterolemia (type II)
AD; deficiency of LDL receptors; ? LDL
Type III hyperlipoproteinemia
deficiency apo E; ? remnants (chylomicron, intermediate density)
Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia
? VLDL; alcoholics
Apo B deficiency
deficiency apo B48 (chylomicrons) and B100 (VLDL); ? CH and TG
Clinical findings in apo B deficiency
malabsorption; hemolytic anemia
reaction to injury of endothelial cells
Risk factors
smoking, ? LDL, ? homocysteine, Chlamydia pneumoniae infection
Cells involved
platelets, macrophages, smooth muscle cells, T cells with cytokine release
Fibrous plaque
pathognomonic lesion of atherosclerosis
C-reactive protein
marker of an inflammatory atheromatous plaque
Inflammatory atheromatous plaque
predisposes to platelet thrombosis
Increased plasma homocysteine
? vessel thrombosis; folate (MC)/vitamin B12 deficiency
Hyaline arteriolosclerosis
small vessel disease of DM and hypertension; excess protein in vessel wall
Mechanisms hyaline arteriolosclerosis in DM
non-enzymatic glycosylation
Non-enzymatic glycosylation
glucose attaches to amino acids in BM; causes ? permeability to protein
Mechanisms hyaline arteriolosclerosis in hypertension
pressure pushes proteins into vessel wall
Abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture
due to atherosclerosis; flank pain, hypotension, pulsatile mass
Syphilitic aneurysm
vasculitis of vasa vasorum of aortic arch; aortic regurgitation
Aortic dissection
due to hypertension and collagen tissue disorders (e.g., Marfan)
Cystic medial degeneration
elastic tissue degeneration creates spaces filled with mucopolysaccharides
Intimal tear in aorta
due to wall stress from hypertension and structural weakness
Types of dissection
proximal (MC); distal or combination of both
S/S proximal aortic dissection
chest pain radiating to back, lack of pulse; cardiac tamponade MC COD
AD; fibrillin defect; aortic regurgitation/dissection; lens dislocation; MVP with sudden death
MC COD MarfanÕs and Ehlers Danlos
aortic dissection
stasis of blood flow; deep veins below knee MC site
Pulmonary thromboembolism
emboli originate from femoral veins
Superficial migratory thrombophlebitis
sign of carcinoma of head of pancreas
Thoracic outlet syndrome
absent radial pulse with positional change
TurnerÕs syndrome
lymphedema hands/feet in newborn; preductal coarctation
Spider telangiectasia
arteriovenous fistula; due to hyperestrinism (cirrhosis, pregnancy)
Capillary hemangioma in newborn
regress with age; do not surgically remove
KaposiÕs sarcoma
HHV-8; vascular malignancy; MC cancer in AIDS
Bacillary angiomatosis
Bartonella henselae; vascular infection in AIDS
Small vessel vasculitis
palpable purpura; e.g., Henoch Schonlein purpura
Muscular artery vasculitis
vessel thrombosis with infarction; e.g., classical polyarteritis nodosa
Elastic artery vasculitis
absent pulse, stroke
TakayasuÕs arteritis
pulseless disease; young Asian woman
Giant cell arteritis
temporal artery granulomatous vasculitis; ipsilateral blindness (ophthalmic artery)
Classical polyarteritis nodosa
muscular artery vasculitis with vessel thrombosis infarction
Path findings
vessel inflammation at different stages; aneurysms from vessel weakness
infarctions in kidneys, skin, GI tract, heart; HBsAg in 30%
angiography identifies aneurysms and thrombosis
KawasakiÕs disease
coronary artery vasculitis/thrombosis/aneurysms in children
chest pain; desquamating rash; swelling hands/feet; cervical lymphadenopathy
IV ?-globulin
BuergerÕs disease (thromboangiitis obliterans)
smokerÕs digital vasculitis; digital infarction
RaynaudÕs syndrome
digital vasculitis in PSS and CREST syndrome
digital pain; white-blue-red color changes
protein gels in cold temperature; RaynaudÕs syndrome; HCV association
acral cyanosis relieved by coming indoors
WegenerÕs granulomatosis
association with c-ANCA; sinusitis, lung infarction, crescentic GN
Microscopic polyangiitis
palpable purpura; crescentic GN; association with p-ANCA
Henoch-Schnlein purpura
IgA-anti-IgA ICs; palpable purpura buttocks/legs; arthritis; IgA GN
Serum sickness vasculitis
e.g., horse antivenin in Rx of rattlesnake envenomation
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
tick borne
sepsis causes petechia/ecchymoses; potential for Waterhouse Friderichsen syndrome
Essential HTN blacks
defect in renal excretion of sodium; ? plasma volume, ? PRA
Renovascular HTN
atherosclerosis renal artery in men; fibromuscular hyperplasia renal artery women
epigastric bruit; ? PRA affected kidney, ? PRA unaffected kidney
Endocrine HTN
1¼ HPTH, Graves/hypothyroidism, CushingÕs, 1¼ aldosteronism, phaeochromocytoma
LVH MC complication; AMI MC COD followed by stroke and renal failure
resistance ventricles contract against
volume ventricles must eject
Concentric LVH
increased afterload; e.g., essential HTN, aortic stenosis
LVH with dilation/hypertrophy
increased preload; e.g., valve regurgitation; left to right shunts
forward failure; pulmonary edema, pillow orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
Systolic dysfunction
LHF due to decreased ventricular contractility (ischemia)
Diastolic dysfunction
LHF due to decreased ventricular compliance (hypertrophy)
backward failure; ? venous hydrostatic pressure; neck vein distention, hepatomegaly, edema
ACE inhibitors
decrease afterload and preload in heart failure
Diuretics in CHF
reduce preload
Non-pharmacologic Rx in CHF
restrict salt and water
MC COD in United States; left anterior descending coronary artery thrombosis MCC
Exertional angina
coronary artery atherosclerosis; subendocardial ischemia; ST depression
PrinzmetalÕs angina
coronary artery vasospasm; transmural ischemia; ST elevation
Sudden cardiac death
death within 1 hr of symptoms
Path findings
severe coronary artery atherosclerosis; absence of occlusive thrombosis
LAD coronary artery
anterior portion left ventricle, anterior 2/3rds IVS
posterior portion left ventricle and papillary muscle, inferior 1/3rd IVS, right ventricle
rupture of inflammatory plaque produces platelet thrombus
Ventricular fibrillation
no gross changes until 24 hrs
retrosternal pain radiating down arms, diaphoresis
AMI ruptures
3rd-7th day
Anterior wall rupture
MC type; LAD thrombosis; cardiac tamponade
Posteromedial papillary muscle rupture
RCA thrombosis; mitral regurgitation with LHF
IVS rupture
LAD thrombosis; left to right shunt; RHF
Mural thrombus
anterior AMI; danger embolization
first week in transmural AMI; 6 wks later autoimmune
friction rub; leaning forward relieves pain
Ventricular aneurysms
late manifestation of AMI; precordial systolic bulge; CHF MC COD
Right ventricular infarction
RCA thrombosis; hypotension, RHF, preserved left ventricular function
Diagnosis of AMI
CK-MB and troponins; CK-MB absent by 3 days; troponins last 7-10 days
LDH isoenzymes
no longer used; LDH 1/2 flip indicates AMI
reappearance CK-MB after 3 days
ECG findings in AMI
inverted T waves; ST elevation; Q waves
Ejection fraction
EF = stroke volume/left ventricular end-diastolic volume; 80/120 = 0.66
By-pass surgery
use internal mammary artery and saphenous veins (ÒarterializeÓ after 10 yrs)
Angioplasty complication
localized dissection with thrombosis
Umbilical vein
highest O2 saturation
Ductus arteriosis in fetus
shunts blood from pulmonary artery to aorta; PGE keeps it open
Ductus arteriosus in newborn
closes and becomes ligamentum arteriosum
EisenmengerÕs syndrome
cyanosis due to reversal of left to right shunt
MC congenital heart disease; ? SaO2 right ventricle (RV), pulmonary artery (PA)
patent foramen ovale; ? SaO2 right atrium (RA), RV, PA; MC adult congenital heart disease
Down syndrome
endocardial cushion defect (combined ASD and VSD)
machinery murmur; close with indomethacin; ? SaO2 PA
Tetralogy of Fallot
degree of pulmonic stenosis determines if cyanosis is present
Tetralogy of Fallot
? left ventricle, aorta
Tetralogy of Fallot
ASD and PDA are cardioprotective
Complete transposition
cyanosis; aorta empties RV; PA empties left ventricle
Complications cyanotic heart disease
2¡ polycythemia; infective endocarditis; metastatic abscesses
Pre-ductal coarctation
TurnerÕs syndrome
Post-ductal coarctation
constriction distal to ligamentum arteriosum
upper extremity HTN; claudication; rib-notching; activation RAA also causes HTN
Acute rheumatic fever
type II hypersensitivity; group A streptococcus pharyngeal infection
Acute rheumatic fever
sterile vegetations mitral valve (regurgitation); myocarditis with Aschoff nodule
polyarthritis (MC), carditis, erythema marginatum, rheumatoid nodules, chorea
Mitral stenosis
chronic rheumatic fever; opening snap followed by mid-diastolic rumble
Mitral stenosis
left atrial dilation hypertrophy - atrial fibrillation, thrombus, pulmonary edema, RHF
myxomatous degeneration of mitral valve; common in Marfan syndrome, Ehlers Danlos
mid-systolic click followed by a murmur; palpitations, chest pain, rupture of chordae
MVP click/murmur close to S1
decrease preload (stand, Valsalva, anxiety)
MVP click/murmur close to S2
increase preload (supine, squat, clench fist)
Mitral regurgitation
pansystolic murmur; S3 and S4 common
LHF, infective endocarditis, acute rheumatic fever
Aortic stenosis
systolic ejection murmur; syncope and angina with exercise; hemolytic anemia
Aortic stenosis murmur increased preload
worsens obstruction and increases murmur intensity
Aortic stenosis murmur decreased preload
decreases obstruction and decreases murmur intensity
bicuspid aortic valve; age-related sclerosis
Aortic regurgitation
bounding pulses; early diastolic blowing murmur
Austin Flint murmur
diastolic murmur; regurgitant flow on anterior leaflet mitral valve
Significance Austin Flint murmur
sign for AV replacement
Causes aortic regurgitation
essential HTN, infective endocarditis, acute rheumatic fever, dissection
Tricuspid regurgitation
pansystolic murmur ? intensity with inspiration
endocarditis IV drug abuse; RHF; carcinoid heart disease
Carcinoid heart disease
tricuspid regurgitation, pulmonic stenosis
Infective endocarditis (IE)
Streptococcus viridans MCC; Staphylococcus aureus MCC IVDA
IE prosthetic heart valve
Staphylococcus epidermidis (coagulase negative)
IE ulcerative bowel disease
Streptococcus bovis
IC vasculitis-Roth spot, splinter hemorrhages; regurgitant murmurs; metas1atic abscesses
Lab findings
positive blood culture Libman Sacks endocarditis
MCC of myocarditis (lymphocyte infiltrate in myocardium) and pericarditis
Parasitic cause myocarditis
leishmania in Chagas disease
Pericardial effusion
all chamber pressures are uniformally increased
muffled heart sounds, pulsus paradoxus, inspiratory neck vein distention
Dx and Rx
echocardiogram, pericardiocentesis, respectively
Pulsus paradoxus
drop in blood pressure >10 mmHg with inspiration
Constrictive pericarditis
TB MCC worldwide; pericardial knock
Congestive cardiomyopathy
generalized chamber enlargement; low ejection fraction
postpartum, cardiotoxic drugs, hypothyroidism, alcohol
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
MCC of sudden death in young person (due to conduction defects)
Site of obstruction
anterior leaflet mitral valve drawn against asymmetric thickened IVS
Effect decreased preload on systolic murmur
worsens obstruction and increases murmur intensity
Effect increased preload on systolic murmur
reduces obstruction and decreases murmur intensity
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
decreased compliance
iron, amyloid, glycogen; sarcoidosis; tropical endocardial fibrosis
Cardiac myxoma
benign tumor left atrium; embolization; syncope
Cardiac rhabdomyoma
childhood tumor; association with tuberous sclerosis
U wave
hypokalemia; MCC diuretic therapy (e.g., thiazides; loop diuretics)
Peaked T wave
hyperkalemia; MCC renal failure
ST depression
subendocardial ischemia (e.g., classical angina pectoris)
ST elevation
transmural ischemia (e.g., AMI), pericarditis, ventricular aneurysm
Atrial fibrillation
MC chronic arrhythmia; absent P waves; danger for embolization
Ventricular premature beats
wide QRS complexes; MC arrhythmia in coronary care unit
Ventricular fibrillation
MCC of death in an AMI
Anterior AMI
Q waves in I and V1-V4
Inferior AMI
Q waves in II, III, and aVF; right coronary artery thrombosis.
short PR interval with normal P wave; delta wave on upstroke of R wave
Alveolar O2 calculation
% O2 breathing (713) - PCO2/0.8
Increased A-a gradient
primary lung disease; left to right shunts in heart
Forced vital capacity
total amount of air expelled after a maximal inspiration
Forced expiratory volume/1 second (FEV1)
amount of air expelled in I second after maximal inspiration
Choanal atresia
cyanotic when breast feeding; turns pink when crying
Nasal polyps
allergic (MC; adults only), aspirin, cystic fibrosis
Nasal polyp in a child
requires sweat test to exclude cystic fibrosis
Triad asthma
patient on aspirin (pain syndrome) with nasal polyps, asthma
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
snoring with intervals of apnea (respiratory acidosis with hypoxemia)
danger cor pulmonale; requires sleep test; Rx. O2 with continuous positive airway pressure
maxillary sinusitis MC in adults; ethmoiditis MC in children; S. pneumoniae MC
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
association with EBV; metastasize to cervical nodes
Laryngeal carcinoma
smoking MCC; hoarseness; squamous cell carcinoma
Resorption atelectasis
MCC of fever 24-36 hours after surgery
? percussion; absent fremitus, breath sounds; inspiratory lag; elevated diaphragm
decreased production surfactant; airway collapse; hyaline membranes
Type II pneumocytes
synthesize surfactant (lecithin, phosphatidylcholine); stored in lamellar bodies
reduces surface tension in airways; ? synthesis cortisol, thyroxine; ? synthesis insulin
Causes RDS
prematurity, maternal diabetes, C-section
Maternal diabetes
maternal hyperglycemia ? fetal hyperglycemia ? fetal insulin which ? surfactant
Complications RDS
O2 FR injury (blindness, bronchopulmonary dysplasia); necrotizing enterocolitis
Typical community acquired pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae MCC
Typical pneumonia
bronchopneumonia, lobar pneumonia
productive cough; consolidation - ? percussion, ? tactile fremitus
Atypical community acquired pneumonia
interstitial pneumonia; Mycoplasma pneumoniae MCC
low grade fever, non-productive cough, no signs consolidation
Nosocomial pneumonia
Pseudomonas, aeruginosa MCC (respirators); others - S. aureus, E. coli
MCC common cold; hand to mouth transmission
Respiratory syncytial virus
MCC pneumonia and bronchiolitis in child
Parainfluenza virus
MCC croup in child; trachea area of obstruction
basophilic intranuclear inclusion surrounded by halo
superimposed pneumonia with S. aureus increases mortality
Warthin-Finkeldey multinucleated giant cells
Chlamydia pneumoniae
atypical pneumonia; association with coronary artery disease
Chlamydia trachomatis
pneumonia in newborns; staccato cough; wheezing
Coxiella burnetii
only rickettsia without a vector
Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia
crowded condition; cold agglutinins; azithromycin
Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia
gram positive diplococcus; azithromycin
Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia
tension pneumatocysts in children with cystic fibrosis
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
toxin produces ADP ribosylation of elongation factor 2
Haemophilus influenzae
exacerbation chronic bronchitis; acute epiglottis in children
Inspiratory stridor child
croup, epiglottitis
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
MCC of pneumonia and death in cystic fibrosis; green sputum
Klebsiella pneumoniae
mucoid sputum in alcoholic
Legionella pneumophila
silver stain; water coolers/mist (grocery produce, restaurants, zoo rain forest)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
strict aerobe; MC COD due to infectious disease worldwide
Candida albicans
vessel invader; yeasts and pseudohyphae
Cryptococcus immitis
pigeon excreta; narrow-based bud
Aspergillus fumigatus
septate hyphae with fruiting body; fungus ball, extrinsic asthma, vessel invader
Mucor species
non-septate; vessel invader; frontal lobe abscess in diabetic ketoacidosis
Coccidioides immitis
Southwest deserts; inhale arthrospores in dust; spherule with endospores
erythema nodosum (painful nodules lower legs)
Histoplasma capsulatum
Ohio/central Mississippi river valley; excreta bats (spelunker), chickens
H. capsulatum
simulates TB; yeasts phagocytosed by macrophages
Blastomyces dermatitidis
overlaps histoplasmosis; broad-based buds; skin lesion simulates cancer
Pneumocystis carinii
cysts and trophozoites; pneumonia in HIV; Rx. trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
Primary TB
upper portion lower lobe, lower portion upper lobe
Primary TB
Ghon focus (subpleural caseation); Ghon complex (spread to hilar nodes)
Reactivation TB
cavitating lesion in upper lobe; kidney MC extrapulmonary site
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare (MAI)
atypical TB; MC TB in AIDS
AR; 3 nucleotide deletion chromosome 7; defective CFTR (degraded in Golgi apparatus)
pneumonia, malabsorption, males sterile; + sweat test; P. aeruginosa pneumonia MC COD
Lung abscess
MCC aspiration oropharyngeal material (mixed aerobe/anaerobe); x-ray - air/fluid level
Aspiration sitting
posterobasal segment right lower lobe
Aspiration supine
superior segment right lower lobe
Aspiration right side
right middle lobe, posterior segment right upper lobe
Pulmonary thromboembolism
most derive from femoral vein
Bronchial artery
branch of aorta/intercostal artery; protects against developing pulmonary infarction
Saddle embolus
sudden death due to acute right heart strain
S/S pulmonary infarction
dyspnea and tachypnea; pleuritic chest pain; pleural effusion
ventilation/perfusion scan; respiratory alkalosis; hypoxemia
Pain on inspiration
pleuritic inflammation; pulmonary embolus, pneumonia, pneumothorax
Pathogenesis pulmonary hypertension (PH)
hypoxemia and respiratory acidosis
Hypoxemia + respiratory acidosis
vasoconstriction pulmonary vessels; vasodilation cerebral vessels
Causes PH
1¡ lung disease (COPD, restrictive), recurrent emboli, mitral stenosis, OSA, left-right shunts
Cor pulmonale
dyspnea; accentuated P2 (PH); parasternal heave (RVH)
Restrictive lung disease
? compliance, ? elasticity; interstitial fibrosis/edema
Restrictive lung disease (RLD)
? all volumes and capacities; ? FEV1sec/FVC ratio
RLD; non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema due to alveolar injury
neutrophil destruction of type I and II pneumocytes; hyaline membranes
septic shock (MC), aspiration gastric contents, severe trauma
inhalation mineral dust causing interstitial fibrosis; particles <0.5 ?m to reach alveoli
Caplan syndrome
pneumoconiosis + rheumatoid nodules in lungs
Coal workerÕs
Òblack lungÓ disease; progressive massive fibrosis; no increased incidence cancer or TB
quartz; nodular opacities; foundry workers; ? incidence cancer and TB
Sources asbestos
roofing material, old buildings (9/11), pipe-fitter shipyard
Ferruginous bodies
asbestos fiber coated by iron
benign pleural plaques (MC); bronchogenic carcinoma (MC cancer); mesothelioma
malignancy of serosa; no smoking association
RLD; MC non-infectious lung and liver granulomatous disease
dyspnea, hilar adenopathy (non-caseating granulomas), uveitis, nodular skin lesions
Lab findings
? ACE, hypercalcemia (macrophages synthesize 1-?-hydroxylase)
Kveim test
intradermal injection sarcoid antigens causes skin reaction
FarmerÕs lung
RLD; lung reaction against thermophilic bacteria in moldy hay
Silo fillerÕs disease
RLD; reaction against nitrogen dioxide in fermenting corn
RLD; reaction against cotton, linen, hemp products in textile industry
GoodpastureÕs syndrome
RLD; anti-BM antibodies; begins in lungs and ends in renal failure
Collagen vascular RLD
SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis
Drugs RLD
amiodarone, bleomycin, busulfan, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, nitrofurantoin
Obstructive lung disease
? compliance, ? elasticity
Obstructive lung disease
? RV, TLC; ? TV, VC; ? FEV1sec and FVC; ? FEV1sec/FVC ratio
Obstructive lung disease
asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis
extrinsic (type I hypersensitivity) and intrinsic types
expiratory wheezing (inflamed terminal bronchioles); LTC4,-D4,-E4 bronchoconstrictors
Charcot-Leyden crystals
derive from crystalline material in eosinophil granules
Lab findings
initial respiratory alkalosis; respiratory acidosis requires intubation
destruction elastic tissue respiratory unit; lung hyperinflation; smoking MCC; pink puffer
Respiratory unit
respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct, alveoli
Radiograph emphysema
? AP diameter; depressed diaphragms; vertical heart
? AAT, ? neutrophil destruction of elastic tissue
Centriacinar emphysema
destruction/distention respiratory bronchioles upper lobe in smokers; THINK
Panacinar emphysema
destruction/distention entire respiratory unit lower lobes; AAT deficiency
Paraseptal emphysema
upper lobe destruction/distention alveolar ducts, alveoli; pneumothorax
Lab findings
normal to decreased PCO2 (respiratory alkalosis)
Chronic bronchitis
productive cough 3 months/2 consecutive years; blue bloater (cyanosis)
Site of obstruction
terminal bronchioles (proximal to respiratory unit)
Lab findings
respiratory acidosis/hypoxemia
obstruction/infection key causes; dilated bronchioles extend to periphery
CF MCC, TB, immotile cilia syndrome
Immotile cilia syndrome
absent dynein arm in cilia; sinusitis, infertility, bronchiectasis, situs inversus
Central lung cancers
squamous cancer and small cell cancer; men > women
Peripheral lung cancers
adenocarcinoma; women > men
Squamous lung cancer
cavitate; secrete PTH-related protein
Small cell carcinoma
neuroendocrine tumor; secrete ACTH and ADH
Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
no smoking relationship; lung consolidation resembling pneumonia
Scar carcinoma
usually adenocarcinoma developing in old TB scar
Bronchial carcinoid
low grade malignant; hemoptysis; rare cause carcinoid syndrome
Metastatic lung cancer
more common than primary cancer; breast cancer MCC
Pancoast tumor
squamous carcinoma posterior mediastinum; destruction superior cervical ganglion
HornerÕs syndrome - lid lag, miosis, anhydrosis; lower brachial plexus injury
Solitary coin lesion
granuloma MCC
Superior vena caval syndrome
primary lung cancer obstructs vessel; venous congestion
Anterior mediastinal masses
thymoma; nodular sclerosing HodgkinÕs; teratomas
Posterior mediastinal masses
usually neurogenic tumors of ganglia
Myasthenia gravis
B cell hyperplasia of thymus MC abnormality; association with thymoma
association with hypogammaglobulinemia, autoimmune disease, pure RBC aplasia
Pleural effusions
transudates or exudates; CHF MCC
Spontaneous pneumothorax
rupture subpleural or intrapleural bleb; air/pleural cavity pressure same
pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, tracheal shift ipsilateral side, absent breath sounds
Tension pneumothorax
flap-like pleural tear; increased pleural cavity pressure; compression atelectasis
as above except tracheal shift to opposite side
Cleft lip/palate
failure of fusion of facial processes
Herpes labialis
multinucleated giant cell with acidophilic intranuclear inclusions on Tzanck prep
Hairy leukoplakia
EBV glossitis; pre-AIDS defining lesion; not precursor to cancer
bilateral parotitis; unilateral orchitis; ? amylase
pseudomembrane pharynx and trachea with cervical lymphadenopathy
Congenital syphilis
notched central incisors
anaerobic gram + filamentous bacteria; complication extracted dental abscess
draining sinuses with sulfur granules
Exudative tonsillitis
majority are viral; 20% group A streptococcus
Oral thrush
common in newborn; pre-AIDS defining lesion; yeasts and pseudohyphae
Dental caries
Streptococcus mutans
Peutz-JegherÕs syndrome
mucosal pigmentation; hamartomatous polyps
biopsy to rule out squamous dysplasia or cancer
Squamous cell carcinoma
smoking and alcohol association; lower lip MC site
Smokeless tobacco
verrucoid squamous cell carcinoma
Gum hyperplasia
phenytoin, pregnancy, scurvy
Pleomorphic adenoma
MC benign tumor of salivary glands; parotid MC site
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
MC malignant tumor major and minor salivary glands
Dysphagia for solids only
lesion obstructing esophagus; e.g., cancer, web
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
iron deficiency anemia causes esophageal web, glossitis, achlorhydria (? HCl in gastric acid)
Dysphagia for solids and liquids
motor abnormality; e.g., achalasia MCC, PSS or CREST syndrome
TE fistula
polyhydramnios; proximal esophagus ends blindly; distal esophagus derives from trachea
VATER syndrome
vertebral abnormalities, anal atresia, TE fistula, renal disease/radius abnormality
ZenkerÕs diverticulum
MC pulsion diverticulum of esophagus; halitosis (stinky breath, food gets stuck); near UES
relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter (LES) with acid reflux
MCC nocturnal cough and asthma
AIDS esophagitis
Candida MC, CMV, HSV
BarrettÕs esophagus
glandular metaplasia distal esophagus in GERD
Complications of BarrettÕs
precursor for adenocarcinoma, stricture
Esophageal varices
dilated left gastric vein; sign of portal hypertension due to cirrhosis
Mallory Weiss syndrome
tear of distal esophagus from retching in alcoholic or bulimic
BoerhaaveÕs syndrome
rupture of distal esophagus from retching; pneumomediastinum
HammanÕs mediastinal crunch
pneumomediastinum (air in subcutaneous tissue)
LES ganglion cells
contain VIP - relaxes LES