G.O 1.04 Command And Direction Flashcards
A leader’s effectiveness is often determined by?
His ability to delegate tasks
An individual supervisors’ span of control won’t exceed what?
10 employees
How often should CompStat meetings take place?
At least once a month
What is a written directive?
Any written document used to guide or affect the performance or conduct of Department employees. The Administrative and Operational General Order Manuals contain written directives
What is a policy?
A written directive that is a broad statement of Department principles. Policies provide a framework for Department procedures and rules
What is a procedure?
A written directive that is a guideline for carrying out Department directives
What is a rule?
A specific guideline to which all employees must adhere
What is a personnel order?
A written order signed and issued by the Chief of Police relating to one of the following personnel actions:
Promotion Demotion Infra-departmental transfer Training Classification change Personnel assignment
What is a divisional/bureau/precinct/office/unit order?
A written order issued by the commanding officer of a division, bureau, precinct, office, or unit to the entire command or a specific section under his command. These types of orders must be signed by the commanding officer in order to be valid.
What is a memorandum?
Provides a mechanism usb for the dissemination of information, which would not be properly addressed by another type of written order. All supervisors may use a memo to issue written orders; and it may be utilized to communicate by all personnel both up and down the chain of command and laterally when appropriate. The issuing person shall initial all memos
What is a field guide?
A guide that provides training and procedural information on a specific topic that serves as a guide or plan for actions by personnel.
What is a training bulletin?
A document providing guidelines about matters requiring special explanation or guidance and training information on handling particular incidents. A training bulletin is distributed to all sworn personnel. Primarily initiated by the Office of Professional Development and Training; however, any member of the department may submit proposed material to the Office of Professional Development and Traininf for approval or denial for publication and dissemination.
General Orders will include what?
A purpose, policy, and when appropriate, a procedure or rule.
Field guides are considered what?
Written directives
Lesson plans are considered what?
Written directives
How often shall lesson plans be reviewed and approved?
Who can submit a training bulletin?
Any member of the department
Once issued by PD&T, the training bulletin is considered what?
A written directive
Memos may be used for what?
Inter office communications and foreign the issuance of orders by supervisory personnel