G. O 11.04 Missing Persons Flashcards
What is a missing child?
Any person who is under 21 years old, whose temporary or permanent residence is in Virginia , or is believed to be in Virginia, whose whereabouts are unknown to any parent or guardian and who has been reported as missing to a law enforcement agency with the commonwealth
What is an unidentified child?
Any person under the age of 18 that is located and is unable or unwilling to provide their address or contact information for their parents
What is a runaway?
A juvenile whose absence by the totality of the circumstances can be determined to be voluntary
What is an abandoned child?
A juvenile, whose whereabouts are either known or unknown, believed to be endangered or in need of assistance to ensure his safety. Additionally, the parents are not attempting to help the juvenile or refusing to take parental responsibility
What is an abducted child?
A juvenile, who is believed to have been taken unwillingly from their environment without permission from a child’s parent or legal guardian by either a stranger or a family member
What is an absconder?
Juvenile offender under the court-ordered probation or parole supervision and have, without permission, left the supervision of their parents or legal guardians for more than 24 consecutive hours and their whereabouts are unknown or for juvenile offenders 18 years of age or older and whose whereabouts are no longer known to the supervising officer after reasonable efforts to locate
What is AWOL (absent without leave)?
Juvenile offenders under the court ordered probation or parole supervision and have, without permission, left or failed to return from an authorized absence (home visit, school, work) to a DJJ funded and/or court ordered non-secure or pavement within the time frames established within the facility’s procedures.
Juvenile offenders who are AWOL are classified as what?
What are escapees?
Juvenile offenders who have, without permission, and (i) with or without force, left a secure placement or (ii) failed to return from an authorized absence from a secure placement
What is an at risk/missing endangered person?
Any person whose whereabouts are unknown and whose continued absence poses a significant health or safety concern for that person or others.
What is a ‘critically missing adult’?
An adult (i) whose whereabouts are unknown, (ii) who is believed to have been abducted, and (iii) whose disappearance poses a credible threat as determined by a law enforcement agency to the Heath and safety of the adult and under such other circumstances as deemed appropriate by the Virginia state police
What is a ‘critically missing adult alert’?
The notice of critically missing adult provided to the public by the media or other methods under a critically missing adult alert agreement
What is a ‘critically missing adult alert agreement’?
A voluntary agreement between law enforcement officials and members of the media whereby an adult will be declared missing, and the public will be notified by media outlets, and includes all other incidental conditions of the partnership as found appropriate by the Virginia state police
What is a ‘critically missing adult alert program’?
The procedures and critically missing adult alert agreements to aid in the identification of a critically missing adult
What must be done if a citizen reports a missing juvenile, even if the juvenile has returned home?
IBR and contact a supervisor to determine the extent of immediate action to be taken
If the missing child is under 12, or is at risk, the supervisor shall what?
Contact the runaway unit supervisor and jointly reach a decision on the appropriate action to be taken to ensure that a maximum effort is made to locate the child
What steps shall be taken for a patrol officer to take a runaway report?
Shall conduct an initial investigation,
Broadcast a BOL, and submit proper reports
Is there a required amount of time that must elapse prior to reporting someone missing or a runaway?
State code requires that the missing persons report be received by the Virginia state police within how long of receiving the initial call for service?
2 hours
If a missing person is reported to state police, what paperwork shall be completed and forwarded to the missing person unit?
Fax the SP-67/SP-183 to state PD.
Attach a copy of the fax recipe to the report and forward to missing persons unit
What must be done if a missing adult does not meet the NCIC entry criteria?
Complete an IBR but DO NOT COMPLETE AN SP-67
Is parental consent required to enter a missing person/runaway into NCIC who is 21 years of age?
Can you add other offenses to a missing person/runaway report?
No. It will be the only offense listed
If multiple persons are reported as runaways from the same location, can you put them all on the same report?
No. A separate report must be done for each person
If the absconder is under the age of 18, the parent shall be instructed to file what?
A runaway report
How long does the designated court services unit staff have to verify with the law enforcement agency that the detention order has been entered into NCIC/VCIN?
After 3 days of of the detention order being provided to the law enforcement agency but not to exceed 5 working days
What is the Virginia Critically Missing Adult Alert Program also known as?
Ashanti alert
Who makes the initial decision. To make a local critically missing adult alert?
The local law enforcement official. Prior to making the alert, the officer shall confer with state PD and provide info regarding the critically missing adult to state PD.
Who makes the final decision to make a regional critically missing adult alert?
Virginia state police
Who may issue an amber alert?
Only the investigative division supervisor with written protocol
What is the age requirement for an amber alert?
17 years or younger and there is belief that the child has been abducted
What is required for an amber alert?
Belief that the missing child is in imminent danger of serious bodily harm or death
How soon must the missing child be entered into NCIC/VCIN?
As soon as possible
Will the amber alert be activated for runaways or parental abductions?
No, unless there is a threat of serious bodily injury or death
What is the seton house?
Referral service for youth and families who have experienced a runaway episode or at risk youths
Priority for emergency shelter at the seton house will be given to youth between what ages?